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Chosen feelings 选择感觉情境不会塑造感觉,无论何种感觉都是在各自特定的状况下由你塑造。Why are some people happy and other people sad in the same circumstance? Because that is how they have chosen to be.在同样的环境,为何有的人欢乐而有的人哀痛?缘由是他们做了如此的选择。When you respond the same way often enough it becomes a habit that you follow without even thinking. In this way your feelings come to seem automatic, even though they never have to be.当你常常以同样的方式回应,它就会成为一种不加思考沿袭的习惯。这样,你的感觉象是来自无意识的,即使未必如此。The way you feel was at some point a conscious choice. And you can choose to change, or let go of, or expand what you feel, or to create an entirely new feeling.从某种意义上来说,你所感受的方式是一种有意识的选择。你可以选择去转变,或释放,或宣扬你所感受的,或塑造一种全新的感觉。The connection between the moment and the feeling is made by you. Always, you can feel the feelings that serve you best, the ones that pull you toward true and magnificent fulfillment.时间与感觉之间的联系取决于你。你总能感受到那种为之满足的感觉,那种引你走向真正华美的成就感。Your feelings profoundly influence the life you experience, and those feelings are yours to choose in any moment. Choose the ones that give real power to the purpose that lives within you.你的感觉深深地影响你的生活经受,它们在任何时刻都由你选择。去选择那些为你的生活目标带来真正力气的感觉吧。
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