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九年级英语上册课文基础知识大演练Lesson1. 单词拼写 1. 胃; 腹部(n. ) _2. 惋惜; 遗憾(v. ) _3. 发烧(n. )_4. pale(adj. ) _ 5. examination(n. ) _ . 短语连线 1. 唤醒; 醒来_ 2. 穿衣服_3. 开车去医院_ 4. 带去_5. 发烧_ . 句型填词 1. 丹尼, 怎么啦? 我感觉不舒服。 _ _, Danny? I dont _ _. 2. 我现在后悔吃了这么多面包圈。I _ _ so many donuts now. 3. 你病了, 是吗? You are sick, _ _? 4. 我们需要立刻去那里吗? 是的, 我们必须(去)。_we go there right now? Yes, we_. 5. 我们可能需要拍一张X光片。We_ _ _ _an X-ray. 考点一:【学以致用】 他穿好衣服去吃早饭。 He_ _and had breakfast. 你应该戴上你的手套。 You should_ _your gloves. 穿红色连衣裙的女士是我的老师。 The woman who _ a red dress is my teacher. 考点:【学以致用】 布朗怎么了? 他嗓子疼。 _ _ _Brown? He has a sore throat. (2013南充中考)Mum, Im not feeling well. Oh, dear! _A. Whats wrong? B. Not at all. C. All right. 【学以致用】 Jim has a stomachache. (改为同义句)Jim_ _ _ _ his stomach. 吉姆脖子疼。 Jim has_ _ _in his neck. 从方框中选词填空fever, pale, regret, stomach, examination1. Today, Li Ming ate too much meat. His _ hurts now. 2. I spent too much money on these books, but I dont _at all. 3. Your face looks_. Whats wrong with you? Dont worry. I only feel too tired.4. Take your temperature, please. Maybe you have a_. 5. The doctor is looking over that girl carefully in the_room. . 单项选择1. The boy points to his stomach and says he has a pain _ there. A. in B. with C. / D. of2. Mr. Wang _ himself quickly and went out of his bedroom. A. wore B. dressed C. put on D. in3. Need I answer this question? Yes, you_. A. need B. neednt C. must D. mustnt4. The doctor came in and started _ the patients temperature. A. to take B. took C. to taking D. takes 5. Wang Ming is sick, _? A. is Wang Ming B. isnt Wang Ming C. is he D. isnt heLesson 2. 单词拼写1. 牙医(n. ) _2. 拒绝; 回绝(v. ) _3. 德国的(adj. ) _ 德国人, 德语(n. _4. headset(n. ) _ 5. tooth(n. ) _(n. )牙疼6. fortunate(adj. ) _(adv. )幸运地; 交好运7.ache(v. )_(adj. )疼痛的. 短语连线1. 害怕_2. 去看牙医_ 3. 立刻; 马上_ 4. 告诉某人不要做某事_ 5. 对微笑_ . 句型填词1. 我不知道为什么, 但是自从我很小的时候就有这种恐惧。I dont know why, _ _ this fear _ I was very young. 2. 除了和她一起去, 我别无选择。I_ _ _ _to go with her. 3. 想象一下我是多么害怕! Imagine_ _I was! 4. 你不需要害怕。You_ _afraid. 5. 在我意识到之前, 我的疼痛的牙就被修好了。Before I knew it, my aching tooth_ _.【学以致用】 我们邀请他来参加派对, 可是他拒绝了。 We invited him to come to the party, but he_.She refused _ us the truth. A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell She got up quietly. Because she was afraid of _ her husband. A. waking B. wake C. to wake D. woke(2013随州中考)Are you _ of the dark? Yes, so I always go to sleep with my bedroom lights_. A. worry; on B. worried; off C. afraid; on D. fear; off What a heavy rain! Will it last long?_. Were getting into the rainy season now. A. Of course not B. Im afraid so C. Thats impossible D. Im afraid notHe said that he would be back right away. (改为同义句)He said that he would be back_ _. Dont worry. I will do it_. A. right away B. just now C. just then D. at times . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. At the _ (dentist) office, I smell something strange. 2. I_ (think)I was the tallest girl in the class, but I was wrong. 3. The boys legs are_ (shake), because he is very scared. 4. The old man had a terrible _(tooth) and he couldnt eat anything. 5. A man smiled at me and asked me _ (help) him carry his big box. . 单项选择1. Some students are really afraid of _ to Mr. Wangs office. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going2. This morning, I _ with a terrible cough. A. wake up B. woke up C. get up D. got up【变式训练】Dont _ at 6: 00. I neednt go to school tomorrow. A. wake me up B. wake up me C. get me up D. get up me 3. Wang Mei had no choice but _ shopping by herself. A. go B. went C. to go D. going4. Li Me
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