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人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级上册单词与句子复习练习一、读下列单词,写出中文意思pen pencil pencilcase ruler eraserhead face nose mouth eyeear arm red yellow greenblue purple white cat dogduck pig panda rabbit pandacake bread hot dog hamburger chickentwo one seven six fivethree four boy girl teacherstudent my this crayon bookbag sharpener school hand fingerleg foot body black orangepink brown bird bear elephantCoke juice milk water teacoffee nine eight ten mousedoll boat ball kite ballooncar friend nice meet goodbyetoo plane squirrel mouse good morning good afternoon French fries 二、读下列句子,写出中文意思.1. Hello! _ Hi! _2. Hello! Im Wu Yifan. Im from China._3. Whats your name?_4. My names Chen Jie. _5. I have a pencil. _ Me too._6. Good morning._ Good afternoon._7. This is Miss White. _Nice to meet you. _8. Where are you from? _ Im from America._9. Lets go to school. _ OK.10. . How many cakes? _One cake._11. How are you? _Im fine, thank you._12. Lets paint. _ Great._13. I like green._ Me too. _14. I have a rabbit. _15. Cool! _ Super!_ Great!_ Wow!_16. May I have a look? _Sure. _17. Here you are. _Thank you. _Youre welcome. 18. I like hamburgers._ Me too. _19. Have some French fries. _20. Can I have some chicken? _Sure. _21. How old are you? _ Im nine. _
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