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Book4 Module4 Great ScientistsThe Students Who Asked Questions Leaning Goals:1. To learn more about the great scientist -Yuan Longping.2. To learn to guess the meanings of the words according to the context.3. To remember the important words and phrases and can use them properly:bring in, by doing, the key to, experimentLeaning tasks:.Reading comprehention Task1:Look at the title and guess what the passage will tell us.Task2:Read the passage quickly and match the paragraphs with their main ideas.Para1. He discovered a new type of rice.Para2. The yield of the new hybrid rice is much greater than that of other types of rice grown in PaskistanPara3. Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice-growing world.Para4. As a boy,he was called “the students who asked questions”.Para5. As a young teacher,he began experiments in crop breedings.Para6. His discoveries have brought in great profit.Task3:Read the passage carefully and answer the following sentences in whole sentences.1. Where is rice grown in the world? _2. According to him, what was the key to feeding people? _3. What is the only way to do it?_4. What was the breakthrough in 1970?_5. Who supported his research?_6. What did his discoveries result in? _7. Whats the feature of the new hybrid rice? _Task4:Please finish Activity3 and Activity4 on p33 of the book.Language points.Task1:Listen to the tape and underline the useful phrases. What are they?_Task2:Please translate the following sentences,paying attention to the parts in bold and fill in the blanks.1. He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.The key to solving the promblem is to meet the customers needs.总结:_2. He thought that there is only one way to do this-by crossing different species of rice plant.The boy is becoming stronger and stronger by running every morning.You can improve your spoken English by practising as often as possible.总结:_3. as a young teacher ,he began experiments in crop breeding. First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice. Jhon carried out/did a series of simple experiments to test his theory. Some people think that it is not right to experiment on the animals.总结: experiment (n)_ experiment (v)_4. Reachers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system.Local residents were angry at not being brought in to discuss the new housing proposal.We need to bring in a lot more new business.The girl brought in a wage of 600 yuan a month.总结:bring in _ _ _ develop _5. As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5percent in the1990s.In nine years China increased life expectation by 13 year.The gorges narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two mile-high mountains. Exercises 1. Listen to the tape and fill in th blanks.The Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a _1_ figure in the rice-growing world. When he was educated in school he was given the _2_ , “the student who asks questions”. From an early age he was so interested in plants that he _3_agriculture in college. As a young teacher he began experimenting in crop breeding. First Yuan Longping _4_ with different types of rice. The results became known in China in 1966. Then he _5_ his search for a special type of rice plant. It had to be male. It had to be sterile. Finally, in 1970 a _6_sterile male rice plant was discovered. This was the breakthrough. As a _7 _of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s. There were other _8_, too. 50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to growing _9_and other cash crops. Following this, Yuan Longpings rice was exported to other _10_, such as Pakistan and the Philippines.2. Translate the following sentences in
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