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2022年考博英语-南开大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Green means healthy outside of hospitals, too. Office workers with nature views are more (1 )about their jobs, less frustrated, in better health and more satisfied with their (2 ) , according to one study. According to another, prison inmates whose cells looked out on farm fields needed far less health care than those whose cells faced a (3 ) internal courtyard. Psychologists have found that exposure (4 ) trees, streams and other natural features improves concentration, creativity and emotional functioning. In one study. Frances Kuo, PhD, a psychologist who (5 ) the Landscape and Human Health Laboratory at the University of Illinois, and her colleagues showed that 20-minute walks across leafy city parks eases ADHD (6 ) in kids. A few years ago, Kuo and her research partners tested children in a high-rise Chicago public-housing project to see if a view of nature from their apartments helped them psychologically. (7 ) with girls who looked out on brick and asphalt, girls who saw trees from their windows concentrated better, acted less (8 ) and were more able to delay gratification. That (9 ) better self-discipline, Kuo says, which could help girls better handle the (10 ) that come their way as they grow up in the projects. The Illinois researchers also showed that areas of the public-housing project with trees and grass had lower levels of crime, (11 ) violence, noise, litter and graffiti (涂鸦). “When you put all these things together, its a picture of a healthier neighborhood,” Kuo say. Greener neighborhoods may even improve the (12 ) physical health of their residents. Dutch scientists cross checked the self-reported health of 10, 000 people with the greenness of their neighborhoods. After (13 ) for their income, age and other factors that affect health, they found that people in greener neighborhoods were healthier. In another study, elderly Tokyo residents were significantly more likely to survive (14 ) another five years if their neighborhood (15 )walkable parks and tree-lined streets.问题1选项A.keenB.eagerC.zealousD.enthusiastic问题2选项A.livesB.aliveC.liveD.living问题3选项A.blightB.bleakC.bleachD.blemished问题4选项A.forB.toC.fromD.at问题5选项A.directsB.improvesC.helpsD.satisfies问题6选项A.frustrationB.featuresC.emotionsD.symptoms问题7选项A.ComparingB.CompareC.ComparedD.To compare问题8选项A.inpulsivelyB.dispulsivelyC.impulsivelyD.unpulsively问题9选项A.amount up toB.adds up toC.is up toD.lives up to问题10选项A.challengesB.careerC.professionsD.task问题11选项A.domesticB.forensicC.explicitD.metropolitan问题12选项A.totallyB.partialC.overallD.whole问题13选项A.accountB.accountingC.accountedD.having accounting问题14选项A.fromB.inC.upD.for问题15选项A.retainedB.attainedC.detainedD.contained【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A第6题:D第7题:C第8题:C第9题:D第10题:A第11题:A第12题:C第13题:B第14题:D第15题:D【解析】(1)固定搭配。be enthusiastic about为固定搭配,表示“热衷于, 对.充满热情”。keen后面一般接on;eager一般与to搭配;zealous一般与for搭配。所以选项D正确。(2)名词词义辨析。根据句意可知,这里指对他们的生活感到更满意。只有选项A表示生活;alive“活着的”;live“活的,直播的”;living表示“生计,生活方式,生存之道”。所以选项A正确。(3)形容词词义辨析。blight“枯萎,荒芜”;bleak“阴冷的, 荒凉的”;bleach“漂白”;blemished “有瑕疵的, 有污点的”。根据句意可知填空处应为形容词修饰花园。只有选项B符合原文。(4)固定搭配。Exposure通常与to搭配, 表示“暴露于”。原文指的是处于某种环境中,所以选项B正确。(5)动词词义辨析。根据原文可知,这里指管理实验室的心理学家,选项A符合原文语境。(6)名词词义辨析。根据句意:在树木繁茂的城市公园散步20分钟可以缓解儿童多动症的症状。选项D符合原文语境。(7)语法知识。考查comparing with和compared with的区别。当句子的主语是被比较的对象时, 用compared with;当句子的主语是比较动作的发出者时, 用comparing with。句中的主语为girls,为被比较的对象, 所以用compared。选项C正确。(8)形容词词义辨析。根据原文句意:看到树木的女孩们注意力更加集中, 行为不那么冲动。选项中只有impulsively表示 “易冲动的”。其他三个选项均拼写错误。所以选项C正确。(9)动词词组辨析。amount up to“至多”;add up to“总计达”;is up to“从事;忙于”;live up to“实现, 达到”。根据原文可知,本句是对上一句的递进说明,表示还会提高自律性。选项D正确。(10)名词词义辨析。根据句意:这可以帮助她们更好地处理成长过程中遇到的挑战。选项A符合原文语境。(11)固定搭配。domestic violence 为固定搭配,表示“家庭暴力”。(12)形容词词义辨析。根据原文可知,这里指提高居民整体的健康状况。totally完全地;partial局部地;overall全部的,强调全面综合的;whole完整的,强调事物完好无缺。所以选项C更恰当。(13)语法知识。此处考查动词account的各种形式。空格前面是介词after,所以后面只能接名词,代词或动名词,所以空格处应该是用动名词形式。选项B正确。(14)介词搭配。survive与for搭配使用, 表示“存活”, 后一般跟时间。选项D正确。(15)语法理解题。retained保留,保存; attained获得,达到;detained扣留;contained包含。根据句意:”如果东京的老年居民所在的社区有可步行的公园和绿树成荫的街道.”可知,选项D更符合语境。2. 单选题He was ( )when he heard the unexpected news, but I finally convinced him.问题1选项A.incredibleB.inevitableC.incredulousD.indifferent【答案】C【解析】形近词词义辨析。incredible“难以置信的, 惊人的”;inevitable“必然的, 不可避免的”;incredulous“怀疑的, 不轻信的”;indifferent“漠不关心的, 中立的”。句意:他听到这个意外的消息时很不相信, 但我最终还是让他相信了。选项C符合语境。3. 单选题Although Venus is the nearest planet of the Earth, little is known about it because it is ( ) covered by thick clouds.问题1选项A.closelyB.curiouslyC.regularlyD.co
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