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Unit 2 Healthy eatingCome and eat here (1) 知识点学案【学习目标】1知识与能力:To master some sentence patterns of the textFurther understand the passage2 过程与方法:Further understand the passage3 情感态度价值观:To master the main idea of the text【学习重点, 难点】分析长难句, 了解知识点的用法.【课型】ReadingWriting【学案使用说明】熟读课文后结合词典完成此学案。_【课前预习】Fill in the blanks to have a revision of the last passage:【自主 合作 探究】1(原句)Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. 这里的feeling 是动词的ing 形式做伴随状语。1) Nora stood at the bus stop, _娜拉站在公共汽车站旁看报纸。2) _, you can have a better view of the city. 站在山顶上, 你能更好地看到这个城市3)Olive came_奥丽夫跑步来到大楼前。4)“We cant go out in this weather, ” said Bob, _out of the window.Alooking Bto look Clooked Dhaving looked表示本应该做的事却没有做。You_ me earlier.你本应该早点告诉我。2(原句)“Nothing could have been better, ” he thought.=All his foods could have been the best.他想, “再没有比这些更好吃的了”。此句子用比较级形式表示最高级的意义。Nobody loved money better than he.I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling.3must have donee.g: The floor is wet, it must have rained last night.他看上去很高兴, 他一定通过考试了。_回顾:情态动词have done情态动词have donemust have done 过去一定做may/might have done 过去可能做can/could have done 过去可能做should/ought to have done 过去本应该做而未做4(原句) He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!此处的have 用在否定句中, 特别是用在will not, can not 等之后。表示不能容忍have sb doing 让某人一直做某事我不容许你这样说。 _他不容许女儿晚回家。_have sb do sth 让某人做某事have sth.done 使某事被做1It was freezing, so they had the fire_ all night long.Ato burn Bburned CburnDburning2His computer wont start, so he must have it_.Ato repair Brepaired CrepairDrepairing5The competition between the two restaurants was on!on作副词与be连用时, 可以表示以下几个意思:(1)(电灯、水等)开着The lights were all on.(2)正在进行, 举行(3)上演, 演出The film had been on for five minutes when I got to the cinema【当堂达标】tell a lie, lose weight, be tired of, cut down, do some research1She _ into the cause of putting on weight.2Julie wanted to _.She knew she ought to eat more vegetables and fruit but little meat.3He _ to his wife so that he could come home late.4My doctor says I should _ on cigarettes.5Tom _ never _ playing games on his computer.【总结提升】做第31页Speaking and writing【拓展延伸】总结本节课所学内容, 并表扬表现好的小组。【Homework】Master the useful expressions we have learned today.参考答案1reading a newspaperStanding on the top of the hillrunning to the buildingA2没有人像他那样爱钱。我认为没有比旅行更令人愉快的事情了。He looks happy, he must have passed the exam.4I cant have you saying so.He wont have his daughter arriving home late.D B当堂达标did some research lose weight told a lie cut down tired of学习指导即时感悟相互借鉴, 共同整理!你一定行!我展示!我精彩!
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