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(本试卷满分115分,考试时间100分钟)第一部分:语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从110各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。With their funny names like Go and Buzz, lowcost airlines have been the butt(笑料)of many jokes over the years. Now they are having the last _1_ as they fly skywards leaving their grander,traditional rivals (对手) _2_.There are a number of reasons behind the _3_ of Europes lowcost airlines. The key factor is that lower _4_ are encouraging people to fly more frequently. Besides, their lower cost structures enable them to make an adequate return on relatively modest fares. The lowcost airline prices have _5_ the market for short distance airlines travel. As Mr. Nical says:“People are saying things like,I would never _6_ have flown up to Edinburgh to see my 80yearold grandmother. I would have got the train or the coach _7_. But now,because its cheaper they are taking the plane.”The key to the low prices is the low operating costs. Some airlines have stopped airline _8_ to save money. In Easy Jets(舒适航空) case this had enabled it to fit in an extra seat in each of its planes as they need smaller kitchens.It has also _9_ one of the toilets on board. But BA ( British Airways) claims it still has its place.“We are a full service airline which _10_ to offer value for money.”It seems the battle for the European skies has only just begun.And the biggest winner will be the consumer.语篇解读:本文主要是讲成本低的航空公司以其低价格赢得市场,以及为求达到低成本所采取的措施。1A.laughBcryCwords Dexcuse解析:从下文可知,低成本的航空公司打败了竞争对手,所以此处“laugh”较为合适。答案:A2A.sadly alone Blittle asideCfar behind Dwidely awake解析:“leave sth.or sb.far behind”为固定搭配,意为“把某物或某人远远抛在后面”。答案:C3A.secret BserviceCschedule Dsuccess解析:从上文可知,低成本的航空公司取得了成功。答案:D4A.fares BvolumesCnoises Dstandards解析:促使人们选择坐飞机出行的主要原因肯定是低费用。答案:A5A.estimated BshockedCstarted Dexpanded解析:从下文可知,此处是指扩张市场。答案:D6A.honestly BnormallyCdistinctly D. confidently解析:normally意为“通常地,一般”,是指过去通常不坐飞机。其他选项不合文意。答案:B7A.then BthoughCinstead Dlately 解析:现在出行选择飞机代替过去的火车或汽车。答案:C8. Adrinks BmusicCmeals Ddiary解析:从下文的kitchen可知此处意为“飞机餐”。答案:C9A.improved BdecoratedCenlarged Dremoved解析:与上文的缩小厨房面积对应的是,减少厕所的数量。答案:D10A.seems BaimsCagrees Ddecides解析:aim to为固定搭配,意为“旨在”。答案:B第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。One day a girl gets a package in the mail. It contains US$3,000_11_cash and a letter from her late (去世的) Aunt Peg. Aunt Peg has something useful to pass_12_to her niece, but a rather unusual way of going about it. The girl_13_(give) a set of instructions: “Go to an address in New York and pick up a package, get a passport and buy yourself a oneway ticket to London.”_14_she flies she is told to make sure she only takes_15_she can fit into a backpack. No money, credit cards, camera. No mobile phone_16_laptop. And once she gets to Europe she cant call or even email home. On the plane, Ginny opens the New York package. It sends her to a flat in London where a man_17_(name) Richard seems to be expecting her.This is_18_US author Maureen Johnsons hit teen novel, “13 Little Blue Envelopes” opens._19_heroine (女主人公) is Ginny, a quiet, 17yearold girl ,_20_has a great adventure ahead of her.答案:11.in12.on13.is given14.Before15.what16or17.named18.how19.Its20.who第二部分:阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。ASchools will teach pupils the finer points of personal banking,hire purchase agreements,savings schemes and interest repayments in an attempt to make them more financially secure.The Retirement Commission has launched a pilot project.It hopes to see money sense included in the national school programme by 2010.Backed by the major banks,the scheme will start at newentry level but will eventually include high school courses as demanded by the National Certificate of Educational Achievement.New_Zealanders_are_poor_savers,and_on_average_spend_$1.14_for_every_dollar_they_earn,and_currently_owe_more_than_$5_billion_on_credit_cards. Retirement Commissioner Diana Crossan said the scheme would help young people understand increasingly complex financial systems and concepts,which had changed rapidly in the past 20 years.Cash machines now gave 24hour access to cash,and the use of loans and credit has become widespread and acceptable.Pupils would learn how to manage their finances,about hire purchase contracts,interest rates,bad credit ratings,and the importance of financial planning and saving.Financial skills would be taught through existing subjects such as maths,social sciences and technology.“All young people who come through the schoo
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