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语言学术语解释和举例1. Sequential Rules s?kwen?(?)l序列规贝0 Sequential Rules are rules thatgovern the combination of sounds in particular language.e.g. If a word begins with a /l/ or /r/, then the next sound must be a vowel (元音).2. Prototype pr?t?ta?p原型What members of a particular community think of as the typical instance of a lexical category.e.g. F or some English speakers “cabbage”(rather than say carrot) might be theprototypical vegetable.3. Presuppositional Trigger预设触发语A presupposition trigger is a construction or item that signals the existence of apresupposition in an utterance.e.g.” Jane had another date with John.” It presupposes the fact that Jane has had onedate with John before. Apparently, the use of “another” called a presupposition trigger.4. Possessor p?zes?所有人Refers to one who has somethinge.g. Janes doll. The first noun is the possessor.5. Positive Face 积极面子The positive consistent self-image or “personality”(including the desire that this self-image be appreciated and approved of)claimed by interactants.e.g.: You are excellent.6. Phoneme f?ni?m 音位 The smallest unit in the soundsystemof a languagee.g. the two words peak and speak, we are aware that the sound /p/ is pronounceddifferently7. Performative Uttera nee 言有所为It is a sentence which is not true or false but instead happy or unhappy, and whieh is uttered in the performanee of an illoeutionary (语内表现行为的) aet rather than used to state something.e.g. I swear to do that, I promise to be there8. Negative Face 消极面子The basie elaim to territories, personal preserves, rights to non-distraction. i.e. to freedom of action and freedom from imposition.e.g.: Youd better not smoke here.9. Morpheme m?:fi:m词素The smallest meaningful unit of language. It can not be divided without altering or destroying its meaning.e.g. the English word unkindness consists of three morphemes: the S TEM1 kind, thenegative prefix un-, and the noun-forming suffix -ness.10. Met on ymic Reaso ning ,met? nimik 转喻推理Metonymic Reasoning is a figure of speech used in rhetoric(修修辞)in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately(密切地) associated with that thing or concept.For instance, London, as the capital of the United Kingdom, can be used as a metonym (an instance of metonymy) for the British governmente.g:silk suits you.”silk stands for the cloth made of silk.11. Truth-co nditio nal Sema ntics 语义真值条件Truth-c on diti onal Sema ntics is an approach to sema ntics(语 义学) of natural language that sees the meaning of assertions as being the same as, or reducible to, the truth conditions of that sentence.For example, snow is white.12. Theme 0i?m主题Refers to one or thing that undergoes an actione.g.sam found the dog.13. Synonymy s?n?n?m?近义词/同义词Synonyms are words which have different forms but similar meanings.e.g. Start, begin, commenc e14. Syllable s?l?b(?)l音节Syllable is phonological unit which is composed of one or more phonemes. Every syllable has a nucleus, which is usually a vowel.For example, /let/ consists of one syllable, whereas /riga:d/ con sists of two syllables. 15. Source 来源Refers to the place from which an action originates.For example, Sam left Beijing for Nanjing.16. Metaphoric Reasoning 隐喻性思维A word or phrase which is used for special effect, and which does not have its usual or literal meaninge.g. My hands are as cold as ice.17. Location 位置Refers to the place where an action happens,e.g. Jane put the magazines on the table. The table is location.18. I nstrume nt 工具Refers to the means by which an action is performed.For example, the key opened the door.19. Indirect Speech Act 间接言语行为A speech act in which the communicative intention is not reflected in the linguistic form of the utteranceFor example, “It is very hot in here” may be used to e xpress a request to turn on the air conditioner.20. Impersonalization im,p?:s?n?laizei?n非人格化A device used either to avoid mentioning oneself or the interlocutor(对话者)or to appeal to public rule or institutional regulation, which helps to gain successful interpersonal communication.e.g. (1)I dont think you can smoke in the waiting room, sir. (2)Smoking is not allowed in the waiting room, sir. Obviously, (2) is more polite than (1).21. Hyponymy ha?p?n?m?下义词A relationship between two words, in which the meaning of one word includes the meaning of the other words.e.g. tiger, lion, elephant and dog are hyponyms of the word animal.22. Goal 目标Refers to the place to which an action is directed.For example, Sam left Beijing for Nanjing.23. Fun ctio nal Shift 词性转换Words may shift from one part of speech to another without the addition of affixes.e.g. noun to verb, to knee, to tape, to break.24. Family Resembla nee 家族类似性That a lexical category (词汇范畴)resembles ano ther one can be called family resemblance.e.g.
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