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老师姓名谷老师学生姓名汪同学教材版本国际版学科名称英语年级2上课时间 5 月 9 日 17 : 00 - 19 : 00 课题名称Unit4教学目标及重难点基础知识以及能力提升教学过程时间介词 in / on / at / for / fromto / since / during1. in表示在某段时间Year / month / season / morning / afternoon / night / day / centuryIn summerIn the morningIn AprilIn 2012In 19century2. on表示具体某一天或具体某一天的早上,下午,晚上或一般节日等On May 1st On a sunny morningOn Mothers DayI will call you on Sunday.3. at表示在具体的时刻, 钟点,夜里,中午,或某些词组中At six oclock At nightAt the end of .At lastThe meet will be ended at 10 AM.4. for and inFor + 一段时间, 强调某动作或状态持续了多长时间In + 一段时间:表示将来, 译为“.以后”I have been here for a week.She went to Beijing for two days.My father will come back in a week.His uncle is coming to visit him in this summer.5. fromto意思为“从到”I often read novel from six oclock to seven oclock in the morning.6. since “自从.”I have been teaching English since 2006.It has been raining since last night.7. during 表示在某个特定的时间段之间I will call you during my break time.时间介词 in / on / at / for / fromto / since / during强化练习:( )1.Childrengetgifts_Christmasand_theirbirthdays.A.on;on B.at;on C.in;in D.in;on( )2.-Thereisnothing_tomorrowafternoon,isthere?-No.Wecanhaveagameoftabletennis.A.on B.in C.out D.up( )3.Alotofstudentsinourschoolwereborn_March,1981.A.in B.at C.on D.since( )4.Hesuddenlyreturned_arainynight.A.on B.at C.in D.during( )5.Mygrandfatherwasborn_Oct.10,1935.A.on B.in C.at D.of( )6.Thetrainisstarting_fiveminutes.A.in B.at C.for D.still( )7.Mikedoeshisexercises_seven_theevening.A.on;to B.at;in C.by;of D.at;on( )8.Childrenwakeupveryearly_themorningofChristmasDay.A.in B.on C.for D.at( )9_acoldwintermorning,Imetherinthestfeet.A.In B.On C.At D.For( )10Ithappenedtobeverycold_themorningofoursportsmeeting.A.at B.on C.with D.of( )11.Whydidyougetupsoearly_thismorning.A.on B./ C.at D.in( )12.HewenttoShanghai_September3rd,1991andcameback_acoldmorninglastyear.A.in;on B.on;in C.on;on D.in;in( )13.Lucywasborn_thenightofMay12,1984.A.on B.in C.at D.to( )14.Mrs.BrowncametoChina_1996.A.on B.of C.to, D.in( )15_themorningofNovember20,1915,theworkerscametoChicagotoshowtheirmourningofJoeHill.A.On B.In C.On D.At( )16.Annmoved_Hangzhou_September,1992.A./;in B.to;in C.to;on D,in;in( )17.Theystartedoff_anautumnafternoon.A.during B.at C.in D.on( )18.Heoftengoes_school_sixthirty_themorning.A.for;to;in B.to;at;in C.to;for;at D,for;at;to( )19.Hearrived_Shanghai_9:30_March5.A.at;in;at B.to;on;at C.in;on;at D.in;at;on( )20.TheEnglishteachertoldmetogetthere_halfpastten.A:in B.at C.on D.of拓展练习I. Choose A or B to the dialogues.(10%)选择A或B,使对话完整、正确。( ) 1. Do you live in Beijing Street? A. Yes, I do. B. Yes , I am.( ) 2. Is there a bookshop in your estate? A. Yes, it is B. Yes, there is.( ) 3. Where do you live? A. I live in 93 Shanxi Street. B. I live at 93 Shanxi Street( ) 4. Where is your teacher? A. Hes our English teacher. B. Hes in the classroom.( ) 5.Whose pencil is this? A. Its her. B. Its Pats.( ) 6. How many stars are there in his picture? A. He has ten stars. B. There are ten stars.( ) 7.What do you have, Tom? A. He has some stars. B. I have some squares( )8.Is this Bobs bag? A. No, his bag is black. B. No, her bag is black.( )9.Please give the badge to me. A. OK, here you are. B. OK, I want a badge, too.( ) 10.Hello,Peter.I can take you home.A. Thank you. Thats nice of you. B. Thank you. Here you are.II. Read and match.(5%) 把下面的英文句子和中文意思用短线连接起来。1. Our estate has twenty-five blocks. 他是我们的老邻居。2. Hes our old neighbour! 我们的小区有二是五栋楼。3. I have no money. 这个徽章送给你。4. Heres badge for you. 那是谁的帽子?5. Whose hat is that? 我没钱。IIIChoose the different word. 选出不同类的单词(5%) ( )1.A. block B. flat
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