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Unit 1 Schhol life亲爱的同学们,本练习是对每单元单词的最好的过关材料,它基本涵盖了本单元的所有重点词汇,在训练手法上既体现构词法的相关知识,又注重单词在句子里活生生的语法变化,是一份难得的训练综合能力的材料。1. Our country has _great changes in the last thirty years.(经历)2. No girl who _herself would be dressed like that for the important meeting.(尊敬)3. The great inventor was given a prize for his scientific _.(成就)4. He had an e_ time when he studied in Britain.5. He thought it better to begin our work _(立刻,马上)6. We often study Shakespeares plays in our _ class.(文学)7. She accepted her friends _to swim across the lake.(挑战)8. I am sure Mr White needs no _.(introduce)9. After graduation I c_to devote myself to doing this reaearch.10. All the members are _to attend the meeting.(require)11. He _to me for stepping on my foot.(道歉)12. We are _nuclear weapons to do away with nuclear weapons.(发展)13. Missing the flight m_waiting another 3 hours.14. Their grades are well above a_.15. It is d_to remember all the names and faces.16. Upon _the homework, he went out to play.(完成)17. I _to say that the job has been filled.(遗憾)18. I like cats while she _pandas.(更喜欢,愿意)19. I am going to be late for my _with my friend.(约定,约会)20. After _from university, he went to China to study music.(毕业)21. He has decided to _all his money to his country.(捐赠)22. C_this book with that one, and youll find that one is better.23. He _me that our class teacher asked me to go to the office.(通知)24. You must have the idea _by your teacher and then go home.(通过,同意)25. Are you _of the result?(有信心的)26. I was s_at first, but soon I stopped worrying.27. When you write a notice, you must make it clear and _as soon as possible.(吸引人的)28. We should make _after thinking twice.(decide)29. I have moved into a flat where a G_professor has lived for 3 years.(德国)30. All the students are making _for the word test.(prepare)The keys:1. experienced 2.respects 3.achievements 4.enjoyable.5.immediately 6.literature 7.challenge 8.introduction9.continued 10.required 11.apologized 12.developing13.means 14.average 15.difficult 16.finishing 17.regret18.prefers 19.appointment 20.graduating 21.donate22.compare 23.informed 24.approved 25.sure 26.scary27.attractive 28.decisions 29.Germany 30.preparations Unit 2 Growin Pains1.No one goes to the school during the v_.2.Will you be p_by your parents ifyou cant get well-prepared for the coming English test.3.A dictionary _(解释)the meaning of each word.4.I have got c_of your class tomorrow so you must do well as I tell you.5.The car accident was not the drivers f_as there was a man suddenly running across the road.6.This kind of film is suitable( 适合的 ) for both children and a_.7.The room was a m_after the party.8.Please take the g_or rubbish with you when leaving the theatre.9.The first s_ in the second act contains a very long speech.10Tom d_ the gold medal in thespeech competition as he had made so many efforts that hardly could anybody imagine.11.He was nearly driven m_by the terrible noise near the airport.12Professor Wang often gives some good a_on how to learn English well.13.The students went c_ when their team came first at the football match.14.The policeman followed the person whose _(行为 )was so strange for a while and then caught him.15.This kind of pop music is popular with the-_(青少年 ).16.I had better say a few words by way of _( 解释 )17.I think that you should accept the plan without _(争辩 ).18.Childrens are _( 禁止 ) to smoke.19.The tsunami ( 海啸 )_(毁坏)_many trees and buildings so that the local people lost their homes.20.He wastes so much of his valuable time_(聊天)on line。21.The village where they live is very_(令人厌倦的,乏味的)。22.I want to do things that_me(感兴趣)。23.Im allowing him his_(自由)。24.How can I help my son without harming our_(关系)。25.I got one of the top _(得分,分数)in the class。26.What did you do with the_(现金)we left。27.The (窗帘,幕布)are closed。28.You werent _(应该,应当)to come home until tomorrow。29.I dont know the_(原因,理由)why the house is so dirty。30.Miss Xu_up(混淆,弄乱)my results with someone elses yesterdayThe keys:1. vacation 2.punished 3.explains 4.charge 5.fault 6.adults 7.mess 8.garbish 9.scene11.mad 12.advice 13.crazy 14.behavior 15.teenagers 16.explanation 17.argument18.forbidden 19.destoyed 20.chatting 21.boring 22.interest 23.freedom 24.ralationship25.scores 26.cash 27.curtains 28.supposed 29.reason 30.mixed.Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good1 Staying (苗条的)means everything to him。2His father is very short,which he often feels (害羞的)of。3Zhou Jiejuns songs are
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