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高2册 Unit 5.单词拼写1It is clear that television has a strong _(影响) on people.2He gave us the advice in the _(形式) of questions.3I believe what you say, I dont need any _(证据)4The time is _(接近) when we will have to leave.5The _(基础,根据) of her opinion is something she read in the magazine.6Mr. Smith is a man of _(影响) in this town.7In order to help the students learn English well, our school _(雇用) two foreign teachers who come from America.8His job _(包括) of helping old people who live alone.9Mattie looked in confusion at Alice, watching her coolly smoking a _(香烟)10She climbed through a _(狭窄的) gap in the fence.答案1influence2.form3.proof4.approaching5basis6.influence7.hired/employed8.consists9cigarette10.narrow.完成句子(湖北专用)1As long as you keep up, youll _(有作为)(difference)2His speech has _(吸引我们的注意) the environmental pollution.(attention)3People all over the world _(庆祝) the May Day.(observe)4The musician is _(创作) a new song.(work)5The teacher said he _(对感到满意) the progress we made.(satisfy)6He is always playing outside, _(骑着好马)(ride)7As we know, poems usually have a certain form, _(有固定的行数) and rhyme pattern.(with, fix)8Gradually, I found English _(容易学)(learn)9Birds _ between the branches of their nests _(用填充空隙) soft materials.(fill)10His words _(我铭记在心)(impress)答案1make a difference2drawn our attention to3observe4working on5was satisfied with6riding on/upon a fine horse7with a fixed number of lines8easy to learn9fill up the spaces; with10are impressed on my memory.单项填空1Perhaps she was given the position because her experience meant that she had a big _ over her competitor.A. use B. advantageC. care D. case2Many of the letters to the editor expressed the belief _ the boy was innocent and he should be set free.A. what B. whoC. whether D. that3I hope you werent _ by anything that your brother said. You should act on your own judgment.A. influenced B. promotedC. changed D. approved4Does it matter much _ they will not come tomorrow?No, it doesnt.A. that B. whetherC. when D. where5I think Mary can hardly realize her dream._. She will succeed as long as she works harder.A. It isnt the same B. It cant trueC. I dont think so D. Id rather not6Why did you hesitate to accept the job offered by the company? If I were you, I would take it immediately.But for me, it was _ death and life.A. the matter of B. a matter ofC. a matter with D. the matter with7The agreement the two countries have _ is highly praised by the international society.A. taken B. came toC. arrived D. reached8Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _ effects the people are still suffering.A. that B. whoseC. those D. what9What are your favourite subjects?Im fond of three subjects, _, English, maths and history.A. generally B. or ratherC. namely D. including10After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for _ an hour, thinking of her young and happy days.A. as long as B. as soon asC. as much as D. as many as11_ from his past performances at school, he is not likely to do very well in his exams.A. Judge B. JudgedC. Judging D. Being Judged12Make even greater effort, and you will _ a successful man.A. form B. makeC. get D. grow13It was not until dark _ he found _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A. that; what B. that; thatC. when; what D. when; that14This type of fish lives around an island _ the west coast of the Pacific.A. on B. fromC. off D. along15(2010辽宁沈阳期末)The language used in advertisements differs from _ used in ordinary readings. A. which B. whatC. that D. it答案1B。have an advantage over.“比优越,胜过”。2D。that引导的从句作belief的同位语,解释belief的具体内容。3A。句意:我希望你不要被你兄弟的话所影响,你应该自己决定。influnce“影响”。promote“提升,促进”;change“改变”;approve“批准,赞成”。4A。that引导主语从句。it作形式主语,that引导的从句作真正的主语。5C。I dont think so.“我不那么认为”。根据所提供的情景She will succeed as long as she works harder.可判断出后者不同意前者的意见。6B。a matter of death and life“生死攸关的事”。7D。come to/arrive at/reach an agreement“达成协议”。8B。本题考查非限制性定语从句。A、C、D选项均不能引导非限制性定语从句,whose从意思上就是the floods。9C。namely“即;也就是说”。10A。此处应为“长达一小时”,as long as“长达”,所以选A。11C。Judging from.“从来判断”,从句为独立结构,无其它变化形式,不必考虑与主句的主语是否一致。12B。make在本句中为系动词,意为“成为”,加名词作表语;form“形成、组成”,表示由多个部分组成为一个整体。get和grow作连系动词,其后直接加形容词作表语,不用名词。13A。本题考查强调句型和名词性从句的运用。句意:直到天黑他才发现他所想到的就是解决这个问题的正确方法。“It was notuntil时间状语that主句”是强调句型,用于强调时间;h
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