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(完满版)人教版新起点五年级英语下册知识汇总人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总,预习必备Unit 1 Keep Healthy一、单元词汇(小朋友,千里之行,始于单词哦!)too much太多candy糖果go to bed去睡;就寝early早exercise锻炼tired困倦的;疲倦的drink喝;饮before在 . 从前dirty肮脏的always总是stomachache胃疼headache头疼toothache牙痛a lot of大量;好多sleepy困的;欲睡的subject学科mark分数advice建议more更多的二、单元句型(小朋友,学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦!)1. A: Whats wrong?怎么了?B: Ive got a stomachache.我肚子疼。2. A: I often have stomachaches. What should I do?我经常肚子疼。我应该怎么办?B: You should drink some water.你应该喝些水。3. Here you are.给你。4. A: Do you eat a lot of candy?你吃了好多糖吗?科小五年级四班英语下册1人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总B: Yes, I eat some after every class.是的,我每节课后都吃好多。5.You shouldnt eat too much candy.你不该吃太多糖。6.A: Do you wash your hands before eating?你饭前洗手了吗?B: Not always.不总洗。7.You shouldnt eat with dirty hands.你不该用脏手吃饭。8.You should always wash your hands before eating.你应该坚持饭前洗手。9.I always feel tired and sleepy.我总感觉很累很困。10.I have some advice for you.我给你一些建议。11.Try these things. I think youll soon feel better.试一试这些。我感觉你很快就会感觉好起来的。三、四会单词和四会句型(“听闻读写”全都会!感觉自己棒棒哒!)too much太多candy糖果go to bed去睡;就寝early早exercise锻炼tired困倦的;疲倦的drink喝;饮before在 . 从前dirty肮脏的always总是stomachache胃疼headache头疼toothache牙痛1.A: Whats wrong?怎么了?B: Ive got a stomachache.我肚子疼。2.A: I often have stomachaches. What should I do?科小五年级四班英语下册2人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总我经常肚子疼。我应该怎么办?B: You should drink some water.你应该喝些水。3. You shouldnt eat too much candy.你不该吃太多糖。四、要点音标(从今天起,做一个发音标准的英语侠!)ea /e/ head bread sweater weather healthy heavyea /i:/ speak meat tea cleanUnit 2 Special Days一、单元词汇(小朋友,千里之行,始于单词哦!)New Years Day新年Tree Planting Day植树节Mothers Day母亲节 Childrens Day少儿节Fathers Day 父亲节 Teachers Day教师节National Day国庆节 Christmas Day圣诞节birthday寿辰fifth(5th)第五 tenth第十twelfth第十二twenty-fifth第二十五plant 种植 make a poster制作海报celebrate庆祝 have a picnic野餐office 办公室together在一起 special 特其他二、单元句型(小朋友,学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦!)1. A: When is Tree Planting Day?植树节是什么时候?科小五年级四班英语下册3人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总B: Its on March 12th.是 3 月 12 日。2. A: What do you do on that day?你那天做什么?B: We often plant trees.我们经常种树。3. A: What are you doing?你在做什么?B: I am going to make a poster for Tree Planting Day.我要给植树节做一个海报。4. A: How are you going to celebrate it?你怎么庆祝它?B: Before Tree Planting Day, we are going to read some books about trees.在植树节前,我们要读一些和树相关的书。B: Then we are going to make a poster about trees.尔后我们要做一张和树相关的海报。B: On Tree Planting Day, we are going to plant trees with our classmates.在植树节,我们要和同学植树。B: After that, we are going to climb a hill and fly our kites.在那此后,我们要爬山和放风筝。B: We are also going to have a picnic together.我们要一起野餐。5. That sounds great.哇。听起来不错。6. On Teachers Day, children say thank you to their teachers.教师节,孩子们对他们的老师道谢。7. Children can thank their fathers on Fathers Day.孩子们在父亲节感谢他们的爸爸。8. Children can show their love to their mothers on Mothers Day.孩子们能在母亲节向妈妈示爱。科小五年级四班英语下册4人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总9. They can make breakfast for them, or help them do chores.他们能给她们做早饭,也许帮她们做家务。10. Christmas is a special day in Western countries for all the family.圣诞节对于西方国家和所有家庭来说都是特其他一天。11.People give presents to their friends and family.人们给朋友和家人送礼。12.Many people put Christmas trees in their homes, too.好多人还把圣诞树放在家里。三、四会单词和四会句型(“听闻读写”全都会!感觉自己棒棒哒!)New Years Day新年Tree Planting Day植树节Mothers Day母亲节 Childrens Day少儿节Fathers Day父亲节 Teachers Day教师节National Day国庆节 Christmas Day圣诞节birthday寿辰 fifth(5th)第五 tenth第十 twelfth第十二 twenty-fifth第二十五plant种植make a poster制作海报celebrate庆祝 have a picnic野餐1. A: When is Tree Planting Day?植树节是什么时候?B: Its on March 12th.是 3 月 12 日。2. A: What do you do on that day?你那天做什么?B: We often plant trees.我们经常种树。科小五年级四班英语下册5人教版新起点五年级英语(下册)知识要点汇总3. A: What are you doing?你在做什么?B: I am going to make a poster for Tree Planting Day.我要给植树节做一个海报。4. A: How are you going to celebrate it?你怎么庆祝它?B: On Tree Planting Day, we are going to plant trees with our classmates.在植树节,我们要和同学植树。四、要点音标(从今天起,做一个发音标准的英语侠!)tr /tr/ try trick tree traveltr /dr/ dry drink dress driveUnit 3 Making Contact
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