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阅读能力提升练阅读能力提升练Module 8 My future life返回目录一、完形一、完形填空。填空。When I graduated from university,I decided to make a difference to my life.I became a volunteer 1 _ and was sent to Ghana(加纳).1.A.professor B.teacherC.student D.foreignerBSo 2 _ a group of helpful young volunteers,I went on my journey.I was very 3 _ this great chance.2.A.by B.to C.with D.for3.A.thankful for B.sorry aboutC.calm about D.angry withCA返回目录The schools there were quite poor.The students had to walk miles to 4 _ their schools.They had lots of work at home.Though they had 5 _ days,these children were joyful.4.A.go through B.look forC.live in D.get to5.A.happy B.freeC.tiring D.quietDC返回目录This was my 6 _ time that I had lived abroad in a different culture.I had to get used to the 7 _ conditions.There was no electricity,running water,phone or Internet.6.A.last B.firstC.second D.third7.A.studying B.playingC.travelling D.livingBD返回目录返回目录There was no airconditioner(空调)at a place where the 8 _ often went over 38C!It was too hot to move.8.A.weather B.skyC.sun D.temperatureDBefore coming here,I 9 _ thought I could live in such an environment.However,I could end each day with a beautiful African sunset.At night,I could 10_ the whole Milky Way(银河).9.A.still B.never C.often D.usually10.A.enjoy B.look C.search D.likeBA返回目录
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