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Unit 1 Wed better get you to hospital.Module 5 Look after yourself一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.Hi,Mary.You look tired.What h?I missed the school bus so I had to run to school this morning.appened2.2022 自贡 After he thought twice,he d to become a teacher in a poor village after college.ecided3.Thanks to AI technology,smart shoes help _(失明的)people solve many difficulties.blind4.2023 乐山改编 Have you heard about the car _(事故)near the school?Yes.Luckily,no one was seriously hurt.accident 5.We are quite in _(同意)with what Tom said.agreement 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空二、用所给单词的适当形式填空6.I cant find my keys.Theyre _(miss).【点拨】由上句“我找不到我的钥匙了”可知“它们丢了”;空处应为形容词作表语,miss 的形容词形式是missing,意为“丢失的;失踪的”。missing 7.Im sorry to hear that your brother has _ (break)his leg.【点拨】由助动词has 判断时态为现在完成时,其结构为“have/has+动词的过去分词”,break 的过去分词为broken。broken8.Youd better _(go)to sleep early because you will take an exam tomorrow.【点拨】had better do sth.意为“最好做某事”,为固定结构。go9.He was _(serious)ill and he couldnt go to school.【点拨】设空处需用副词修饰形容词ill 表示程度;serious 的副词形式为seriously。seriously10.They walk _(slow)than us.They always fall behind.【点拨】设空处应用副词slowly 修饰walk;由than 可知应用副词比较级more slowly。more slowly 11.Dont be afraid of _(ask)questions in class.【点拨】be afraid of doing sth.意为“害怕做某事”,为固定结构。asking12.You should get your parents _(agree)before you leave for London.【点拨】句意:出发去伦敦前,你应该得到你父母的同意。parents 是名词所有格,其后应接名词,故填agreement。agreement 三、单项选择三、单项选择13.2023 达州 Would you mind telling me if he _ the meeting in two days?He wont,unless he _.A.will attend;is invited B.attends;will be invitedC.will attend;invites【点拨】句意:你介意告诉我他两天后是否会参加会议吗?除非有人邀请,否则他不会参加的。第一处if 表示“是否”,引导宾语从句,结合“in two days”可知,用一般将来时“will do”,排除B;分析“He wont,unless he.”可知,此处是以unless 引导的条件状语从句,时态遵循“主将从现”,从句主语he 是动作的承受者,所以用一般现在时的被动语态“is done”,故选A。A14.He _ the trip because of the bad weather.A.called on B.called offC.called for D.called up【点拨】短语辨析法。call on 号召;call off 取消;call for 要求;call up 给(某人)打电话。根据“the bad weather”可知,此处表示“取消旅行”。B15.By studying hard I _ with the others in the class.A.take up B.end upC.bring up D.catch up【点拨】take up 占用;end up 结束;bring up 抚养;catch up 赶上。由“By studying hard”可知“我赶上班上的其他同学了”。D16.My leg hurts.Dont worry.I will go _ and help _ my mobile.A.call on;with B.call for;inC.call for;on D.call up;with【点拨】call for help 意为“呼救”;on ones mobile意为“用某人的手机”。C17.Whats the matter with my throat,doctor?_.Drinking more hot water is OK.A.Something seriousB.Nothing seriousC.Serious somethingD.Serious nothing【点拨】考查不定代词的用法。句意:我的喉咙怎么了,医生?没什么严重的。多喝一些热水就可以了。Something serious 严重的事;Nothing serious没什么严重的。不定代词与形容词连用时形容词放在不定代词的后面,故排除C 和D 项;根据“Drinking more hot water is OK.”可知此处指没什么事。故选B。B18.What happened to Robert?He _ from the tree and hurt his left leg.A.fell down B.fell overC.went off D.went by【点拨】考查动词词组辨析。fall down 摔倒,后接宾语时要加from;fall over 向前摔倒;go off(灯)熄灭,离开,变质;go by 经过。故选A。A19.2022 遂宁 I think teenagers should sleep at least 8 hours every day._ Enough sleep is good for their health.A.I agree with you.B.I dont think so.C.It doesnt matter.D.I dont mind.【点拨】情景交际法。I agree with you.我同意你的意见;I dont think so.我不这样认为;It doesnt matter.没关系,不要紧;I dont mind.我不介意。根据上句“我认为青少年应当每天睡觉至少8 小时。”及下句“足够的睡眠对他们的健康有好处。”可知设空处应为“我同意你的意见”。故选A。A四、根据汉语意思补全英文句子四、根据汉语意思补全英文句子20.这些机器人能帮忙寻找失踪的人们。These robots can help _ _ the missing people.look for21.我的眼睛疼。我会失明吗?My eyes _.Will I _ _?hurt go blind 22.我昨天碰伤了头。林先生送我去了医院。I _ my head yesterday.Mr.Lin _ _ _ hospital.hitgot/sent/tookme to23.我每天花费大约半小时帮助父母做家务。It _ me about half an hour _ _ my parents with housework every day.takes to help24.公共汽车来了!托尼在哪里?他在那里。_ _ the bus!Where is Tony?There _ _.Here comeshe is 25.Tom 有什么问题吗?我不知道。我希望他没出事。Is there _ _ with Tom?I dont know.I hope _ _ _ him.anything wrongnothing happened to
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