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Unit 7Work for PeaceUNIT 7语法知识专练语法知识专练.用适当的并列连词用适当的并列连词(and,but,or,so)填空填空 1.The lonely old man has no money orfamily.2.The house is too expensive,sothe poor family cant afford it.3.He is busy every day,buthe tries to spend more time with us.orsobut4.We must finish our homework first,orwe cant go out to play basketball.5.Orion had only 24 hours to write,memorize(记忆)andrecord his speech.6.My glasses were broken,soI need a new pair.7.2023衡水四中月考改编 Can you sing or dance?I can sing.orandsoor8.I want to help you,butI really dont know what to do.9.There is less rain in the southern part than in the northern part,sothe south is drier.10.Its best to learn Tai Chi from a teacher,so you can either look for local clubs orask at school about classes.butsoor.单项选择单项选择(A)11.Have a try,you will never know what you can achieve(实现).A.orB.whileC.tillD.andA(C)12.Try your best,you will overcome all the difficulties.A.butB.orC.andD.thoughC(B)13.Jamie,please send me postcards Ill know where you have visited.Its a good idea.A.butB.soC.orD.forB(B)14.Do you like Journey to the West The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?Journey to the West.A.andB.orC.butD.forB(D)15.Hurry up,dear!we wont catch up with the train.Dont worry!Time is still enough we can make it.A.And;orB.Or;butC.And;butD.Or;andD(B)16.2023廊坊广阳区一模 Ten months isnt a long time,its enough for us to build the bridge.A.andB.butC.ifD.becauseB(D)17.Books can help children form a habit of reading they are good for them.A.ifB.butC.orD.andD(D)18.Go home early after school,your parents will worry about you.A.andB.soC.butD.orD(A)19.2023唐山丰南区一模 I havent got any apple juice,Ive got some orange juice.A.butB.ifC.orD.soA(B)20.I dont have much time for breakfast,I usually eat very quickly.A.orB.soC.andD.butB
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