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本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 汽车外壳A2支架级进模设计 学 院 机电工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 起讫时间 2014.11.202015.5.17 39目 录设计总说明IDesign General InformationII1 绪 论11.1模具的概述11.2模具的分类和选用11.3 级进模的定义、特点21.4 级进模发展趋势22 制件工艺性分析及方案的确定32.1工件尺寸32.1.1工件的基本尺寸数据52.2 工件材料的分析52.3制件冲裁要求下的尺寸精度和表面粗糙度62.4制件方案的确定73 排样图的设计及材料利用率的计算83.1排样的设计93.1.1 工序的分析93.2排样的选取113.3 搭边值的确定和材料利用率的计算123.3.1材料利用率的计算144 冲裁和拉深工艺力的计算164.1冲裁变形阶段的分析164.1.1 弹性变形阶段164.1.2 塑性变形阶段164.1.3 断裂阶段164.2 冲裁件的工艺性分析174.3 冲裁力的计算1844 拉深力的计算204.5 折弯力的计算215 压力机的选择235.1 冲裁阶段压力的确定235.2 拉深阶段压力的确定255.3弯曲阶段压力的确定255.4 冲压设备的选择266 模具部分部件的设计与计算286.1 冲裁工位凸凹模的计算分析286.1.1 冲裁工位凹模高度的分析286.1.2 凸模的固定方式及计算306.2 折弯工位凸凹模的计算316.2.1凸模、凹模圆角半径的计算316.2.2 凸模、凹模尺寸分析326.3 拉深工位凸凹模的计算336.3.1 拉深凹凸模的圆角半径计算337 模具总体设计357.1 模具总体设计概述357.2确定模具的送料方式357.3模具定位方式的选择367.4卸料、出件方式的选择367.5装配图的介绍36致谢38参考文献39设计总说明本设计为汽车覆盖件级进模的设计,对于选择这样一个设计课题主要有以下几个原因。第一:该模具生产的是汽车覆盖件,据一项调查显示目前中国共有私家车近五千万辆,预估至2020年中国私家汽车将达到一亿三千万辆,作为汽车的一部分,那么汽车覆盖的市场可想而知是多么的庞大。第二:市场上的模具众多,综合各种模具的应用及生产效率,发现级进模的适应性是最高的,生产各种复杂的工件用得最广。第三:级进模的生产安全性也是比较高的,未来的生产将更加注重安全性,所以级进模的发展形式相对于别的模具是比较好的。综合以上的分析所以选择一个比较适应于当今市场需求的模具进行设计分析。该模具设计,根据文献涉及了比较全面综合的模具设计制造知识,涉及到工件的工艺性能的分析,同时也计算了工件的尺寸大小,然后涉及到了工件的拉深;一般孔的设计,如圆孔和矩形孔的冲制;和零件局部的折弯和切断等一系列的模具的设计知识。同时还涉及到一些力的计算,如冲裁力、拉深力、折弯力和些凹凸模的压力的计算,对于这些力都进行了比较系统的分析计算。对于模具的某些主要零部件也进行了详细的设计分析,如模具的凹模、凸模等。最后对模具进行总体设计分析,详细介绍了模具的装配图及工作的原理。在该模设计的过程中,主要用到了一些设计软件,如运用UG画出了模具的部分三维图、运用CAD进行模具二维图的设计。期间还用到了各种有关模具设计与制造的专业书籍等。在进行手绘图纸时用到了画板,和一些作图工具等。此次毕业设计严格按照汽车覆盖件级进模的一般步骤和思路进行设计分析,然后确定整个设计的一般流程。在做毕业设计前进行了一系列的准备工作,熟悉了工件的属性,分析了工件的工艺性能及尺寸大小,然后进行各种力的计算,压力中心的分析,最后设计各个工位的凸模、凹模,对部分部件如卸料板及导正销也做了简单的介绍,最后做一个总体设计分析,完成毕业设计。由于该级进模的结构复杂,设计精度要求比较高,设计难度相当大,且自身能力有限,所以设计中有些数据可能出现错误,或是有些地方不合理仍需要改进,希望多多包涵。关键词:拉深;级进模;冲孔;压弯;切断。Design General InformationThe design for the car cover progressive die design element level, there are several reasons for the choice of such a major design issue. First: The mold is auto cover, according to a survey shows Chinas current total of nearly fifty million private cars, forecast to 2020 Chinese private car will reach one hundred thirty million, as part of the car, So imagine how huge automobile market coverage. Second: many die on the market, application and production efficiency integrated various molds found progressive die adaptability is the highest, the production of complex parts with the most widely used. Third: progressive die production safety is relatively high, the future will focus more on production safety, so progressive die relative to other forms of development mold is relatively good. Based on the above analysis so choose a more adapted to todays market demands mold design analysis.The mold design, involving a relatively comprehensive knowledge of mold design and manufacturing. Analysis of the performance of the process involves a workpiece, and also calculate the size of the workpiece, the workpiece is then related to the drawing; general hole design, such as circular holes and rectangular holes punched; and local bending and cutting parts, etc. a series of mold design knowledge. It also involves the calculation of some of the force is calculated as blanking force, drawing strength, bending strength and modulus of some uneven pressure, these forces have carried out a comparative analysis of computing systems. For some of the main parts of the mold design also carried out a detailed analysis, such as mold die, punch and so on. Finally, the overall design of the mold analysis, detailing the mold assembly drawings and principle.In the mold design process, mainly used in a number of design software, such as the use of UG to draw three-dimensional map of the part of the mold, the mold using CAD design two-dimensional map. Period also used a variety of information on mold design and manufacture of professional books. Freehand drawings used during the drawing board, and some drawing tools.The graduation project in strict accordance with auto cover general steps progressive die design analysis and ideas, and then determine the general flow of the entire design. Before doing graduate design a series of preparatory work, familiar with the properties of the workpiece, the workpiece process performance analysis and size, and then analyzed a variety of computing power, the center of pressure, the final design of each station punch , die, some components such as the stripper plate and guide pins are also made a brief introduction, and finally make an overall design analysis, complete graduation design.Because of the complex structure of progressive die design requirements are relatively high precision, design difficulty is quite large, and limited their ability to design, so some data may be wrong or unreason
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