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Mdule 2Arts and rats - 单元检测 一、翻译(翻译选择题)(共小题;共5分) Ths i n importt stagefor ou o be succesf. choiceB.seC. ittioD. perieneLookut!Herecoe a us!ABe efulB. ComeonC Be qicD. Keepquiet3. I is a hrd job, bt I hpehe an maket.A. sucedB suport. hury. elea4. Well wantnw your thoughsout theplan and ope can hlp s ot. prmissinsB.itrodutnC. ticksD. pn 5. Sa easohe any frndsA. ansB. seemsC.likesD. opes二、单选(共0小题;共分) 6If yourea lot,yurlife wl be full pesue. byB. oC. forDith 7.Th et te sudet to takprt in e cit aths cmpetion ye.A. looed oB. tune decded onD. gneo 8.The ltt girl ned ore lothes.Its oo old utid.A. to werB. waC werinD. es9- Lok! There isa hr. It sayste idgeis dagerus.- etis. The rig atfify yea ago and i is very ol now. ma;a ltB. map; a ben bltC. warnsign;has benbuiltD. warnig sign; wasbuilt10.- Thi ind f rie astes nic.- Ye, i nSouth-Esthn. was grnB. hs rownC. s gwD. is i11.- Hwoenhoul I feed yur pe?- fo every four ursA mut give. mstbgiveC. ustbe givD. ut be gav12.n thepast th chidren were mae 15 hours a day.A. t workB.workC weD. wokshksear play Hamlet into atlatte iffee film inc illbe mde. was meC.hasbeemadeD. is made4Somethin t rotetour envirnent.A. sold be dneB.sould dC.mgh dD. aynot bdon15.- Hw wodefu you cartn i!- A dotgr witoB. Raly?ha you. , yourrD sorry to her that三、完形填空(共20小题;共30分)A Being sfe in or veyaylie nees knowledge. fuemmr the foloing irmtin, or lfwll bmuc 16 . Always nice h envimtaround you Youshouldnt wlk one outside. ake sure wherth pli onesar. thi dgerou 17 , ycn in them 18 . Your bg should 1 towardsthe ront yourodyisted of 0 it ouba Whe a bus is full ofeope, ii 21 fora thef o keawayhe tig inthe ba on your back. you are folowed 2 soenyou dont k, cr the street n g tothother way, letth prsn unerstan 2 yuko r she s afe you.Nxt, dnt go homea onceu are safer in h stre than you are aonein you m or i lif. If uhave to te 24 busto a pae fa ay, tr to gt t the so a few miutes ealie beforthe bus leavs. This tops 25 from suyig you On the us, dn sit alone.Sit behid the diror wt otherpele. Dnt sle.16.A. safsafey safrD.safest1.A. hpensB. haen. hpnedwl appn1.AeayB. easirC.easest easily19. be arryB. be carriedC arryD. rries20A pt. putC. pttn e pt21. nugh ea. easily nuhC. enouh easyD. asy enuh22A. romB. byC. in. fr23.A.whatB. howC.whichD hat24. aB. anC. heD. 25.A. otr. teotherC. othersD. otesB He wasjust s ostan. Da after day, he enaroun he village or hi, ife s 2 we O da, h wassding mai as uul Suddely aittle 27 made him los t balane.He wathedt ton, findig it strange but 2 The ostman henlaced thesone n s bag aeully. He sudenly a bae thought cn 29 aste(城堡)whh beautif stone. H usual liestaredto be iffentsice th.He stl sent mil, 30 heollcte eve toe he could fin alng e wy. Peoednt unestandhtpped o tosma Ater 31 eougstoes, he sare tuild his stle. uring thedayte, hpasse lon the 32 ofothrs; a duihe ght, e bilt is own rem.Nda willgto joi i, bu hedidn 3 becuse he kne the dram nd e cstle only beogd o im. Aftr2 year f worindy nd ight, 34 e postan damcsle w fished. It ws necelet cate jus asaigined. Th is a re . The omansnaeiXu Wller. Thsone castlehs coe a fmusourist ttration in Fne.ats you deam? Doyou kow wt realieit?
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