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Unit 3 My Day 2 一、教学内容:Fun time二、教学目标: (一)语言知识:1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:usually, go to school, in the morning, in the afternoon, go home, homework, watch TV, in the evening 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you .? I.at并能在情境中熟练的运用。(二)语言技能:1.有初步正确的朗读单词和句子。2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you .? I.at并能在情境中熟练的运用。(三)情感态度:培养学生的合作精神,提高英语学习兴趣。教学重点:1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:usually, go to school, in the morning, in the afternoon, go home, homework, watch TV, in the evening3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you .? I.at并能在情境中熟练的运用。教学难点:能初步理解句型:When do you .? I.at并能在情境中熟练的运用。课前准备:1.磁带、录音机 、课文挂图、 本单元ppt。2.板书好课题。教学过程:Step1 Preparation1. GreetingT: Do you like games? Lets play a game: Yeah, yeah, yeah, or No, no ,no.We have 4 lessons in the morning.We have a PE lesson in the afternoon.I like Music.I go to school every day.Its six oclock. Its time for English class.Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. (Show Mike.) Yesterday we learn t about Mikes daily life. Now lets look back again. 2. (出示钟面) What time is it? Ss: Its seven oclock. T: Yes, its seven oclock in the morning. What does Mike do at seven oclock?(出示图片剪影)Guess! Ss: He gets up at seven.3. (出示另一个钟面) Teach:go to school in the same way. And what about this one? Ss: go to school Teach: get up/ go to school4T: What does Mike usually do in the afternoon? Show two pictures. Ss: He Teach: play football at four/go home at four forty in the afternoon.5. Show three pictures(have dinner/watch TV/go to bed) How about in the evening or at night? Please talk in groups. Then teach these phrases according to their answers:Have dinner at six thirteen Watch TV at seven in the eveningGo to bed at nine at night6. Retell Mikes day according to these picturesStep 3. Production1. Show a timetable and finish it.T: Do you want to know something about my day? You can ask me like this: Teach: When do you?Ss: When do you get up?T: I get up at six in the morning.Ss ask ,T answers and draw the clocks.2. T: Look ,this is my day.(Introduce the Ts day)How about yours?3. Ss draw and write.4. Ask and answer in pairsStep 4. ProgressTalk: My happy dayToday isIatStep 5. Homework1. Copy the new words and phrases.2. Introduce your day to your parents.3. Ask your friends about their days.板书设计: Unit 3 My dayin the morningget upgo homewatch TVgo to bed When do you in the afternoonin the eveningat nightI usuallyat通过这一环节,帮助学生复习本课的重点以及难点内容,提高学生的学习兴趣。通过free talk 环节复习与本课相关的句型,为接下来的学习做好铺垫 同桌各自询问对方的timetable并两人一组上台展示自己的完成情况:S1:When do you get up? S2: I get up at 6:30.
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