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新概念词汇第一册Lesson95:不要错失了机会买两张到伦敦的来回票。How much is a return ticket to Paris?一张到巴黎的来回车票多少钱?Can you give me a return envelop?你能给我一个回邮信封吗?2. train What time will the next train leave? 下一班火车什么时候开?We are going to HK by train.我们将坐火车到香港。The train to Shenzhen leaves very other hour.去深圳的火车隔小时动身。3. platform Which platform? 在哪个站台?The train to London will leave from platform seven.去伦敦的火车在第七站台发车。All the people are waiting at platform two.全部的人都在其次站台上等着。4. plenty We”ve got plenty of time. 我们的时间还很富裕。I have plenty of money to buy this book.我有足够的钱买这本书。Do we have plenty of time?我们的时间够吗?5. bar There”s a bar next door to the station. 车站旁有一个酒吧。They are drinking at a bar.他们正在酒吧里喝酒。Sally is working in a bar.萨利在酒吧里工作。6. station We had better go back to the station now, Ken. 肯,我们现在回到车站去。Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bus station?请问去最近的公共汽车站怎么走?I will go to pick you up at the train station.我去火车站接你。7. catch We want to catch the eight nineteen to London. 我们要乘8点19分的车去伦敦。Hurry up or we won”t catch the last bus.快点,要不然我们就赶不上最终一班车了。Catch the ball!把球接住!8. miss You”ve just missed it! 你们刚好错过了那班车!She ran to catch the ball but missed it.她跑过去接球,但是没接到。Don”t miss the chance.不要错失了时机。
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