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07年上学期株洲市外国语石峰学校八年级英语入学考试第一部分 知识运用 (共三节,满分45分)第一节 写出下列单词的过去式。(共10题,每小题分,满分10分)1.am/s _ 2.do _ 3.go _ .see _ 5.et _ 6.hahas _7.get _ 8top _ 9by _ 0cry_ 第二节语法填空(共小题,每小题1分,满分1分)从ABC三个选项中选择正确答案填空。()11 Is afie day. Do yo want to fy kite in h a with me? Sory, its brig.Lto apingn cuntryieA. a; aB ;th /;the( ) 2. My brothercan _.He wt _ this ftron.A. dc;dance .ance;todnC.to dance; daning( ) 13. Whi one woldyo ik, nolesor dupling? Nooles,oe argonooe.A orB withCof( ) 14. Lok!Sme boys _nthe rver. wimmng B. asiming . wer simig( ) 15. M othr gostowok _hercar, but otoschoo _ bus.A. in;by Bby ;y n;in ( ) 16 Jane,outup early thi mog. h? h, some birdset singng ot of my housead_A wake me upB. okup e .woke ep( ) 17. _idyotayin hemusem, Jn? For four hours.Iwas realy inrestd in evrytinginitA. ow arB. How ln C. How muc( ) 1. Iahorse on that farm ysterday. Wat aboutou andLsa? Oh, I milked a cwndshe fed chicn.A rideB. amidingC. rod( ) 19. Wataboutfsing thsSuy? No,Id ikebing.Atogo; togoB.ing; g .going; to o( ) 20 idHelenpik ue bos o yu, Lu? Ys, sh did.ealay hlpin lfe.A. the others each other C.anoter ( ) 21. aeihavin un _ gaes with her parns at th pk.A. playig B to play Clays ( )22 Do you lib mountais ever da? Yes,_ lte exers. Im ootf pe. A.gtting Bget C.to get( )23.Tom _isfther nd his fthe _ youg. A.os le;ook B.lok lik; ok lik C.loks;loolie( )24.in is _eim build _ lng hair.A. n;o B.in;witC.f;ith( )25.Hurrup! Thmvie sbegnnig! Dont worry. Thre istill _ imeleft. A.a littl . ltle . a few 第二节 词语填空(共 10 小题,每小题1.分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后 各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。ideela lves with a ver men amiy. Sh hasto d all te hoswork.She mks th bed She doe he dshes She 6 he mal. eevtaks27 te gabae(垃圾). Oneday te famly goeo 28 te prnesalace (皇宫).Cinderella is29.heys, “ watto go ddance! ”Suddenlya aiy picess omeand ys,“I can 30you.” She ivs Cierella a pary dres an a ir olas 1 . Thenshe say, “Come home erly. maic nds atminih. Im js learning it ” Cinderellao to teprty a 32 with the prince She fogets aot 3 .Then she ses clokIt is almost mingt. Cidrela 34home, ut she loss one f her gas shoe on the way.The prne ns to rrCnderel,t all heha ste gass shoe May wome ty onthe soe,uttdosntfit Teprnc 35, “Eryone s sch igeet!” Te oe day, Cindrelltries iton, and it fis! Th prince and Cinderella et arie, andthey ve hpl ev fter.()26A. etsB ksC.bys( )2.A. wihB up o()28 partyB. movieCcnic( )29. A. appyB. sadC exitd( )3.A.seeB.taeC. help( )31 hoes. gloveC. nts()32.A. ingB. dancsC plays( )33. A lote.foC. time( )34 A os. akC. ets( )3.A. hinksB. hpesC.ds第二部分 阅读技能(共5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 50 分)阅读下面五篇材料,从每题所给的 A、B、三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。Aome adse h Indn ephants adh w tiers rom Amerca.The beaare wating forou, n the okys om Chinr waiting tthroingtingst yo.h lovy dogs fro Autrala arewaitg o laugh at yo, and th girfes frm amia a aiin to lok donon you.Tcet:Gown-ups:$2.0 Childen: Ovr 12, $1.00 Under , FreOninme: 9:00a.m. -4:00 p.Kep thezo clean! o not ouch, give foor gona te anmals!( ) 36Hw my kins of anils aealked aboutin the poster? .ive Bi Seen( ) 3.o Mr.mitisn thezo withis twosn, one aged1n thether 10. much re the tickets tgeher? A$5. B.$4.0 C.$ 3.00( ) 38Te aimraf is very_ccog to(根据) the poster. A.tall B.scary frndly as ear, Grg lernedCiee iHangzhu. elivd wh theLin mly He ad his fst Drgo Boat Fesival nangzou wth teLins. ThLns planne som ntereing acivies o thatay.Look at te plan fo Drgn
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