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2022年高三上学期第一次月考英语含答案xx.9一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1. I couldnt remember the exact date of the storm,but I knew it was_ Sundaybecause everybody was at_ church.Aa;the Ba;/ C/; a D/;/2She devoted herself _to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.Astrongly Bextremely Centirely Dfreely3. How long do you think _the car factory launches a new model?Awill it be until Bit will be before Cwill it be when Dit will be that4. The Chinese government has begun a campaign to _the crazy housing market.Acalm Bdestroy Coccupy Dreflect5. Have you seen my English notebook? Oh,Jane must have taken it_;she has the same one as yours.A by design Bon purpose Cby accident Dby mistake6 The natural scenery and the newlybuilt tall buildings along the streets _thebeauty of my hometown.Aadd up Badd to Care added up Dare added to7Why didnt you say hello to him last night?I smiled at him,but he _me and walked on. A. ignored Brefused Cdenied DMissed8. It is the third time so far that such a festival _in my hometown.Ais held Bhas been held Cwill be held Dhad been held9. _life in a new country can be difficult,it can broaden a persons view of the world.AIf BAlthough CBecause DAs10When_ into a warm house,a piece of ice bees smaller and smaller,untilin the end it disappears pletely.Atakes Btaking Ctook DTaken11It is _ to argue with him. He wont change his mind.Auseful Buseless Chopeful Dhelpful12So far nobody has claimed the money _ in the library.Adiscovered Bto be discoveredCdiscovering Dhaving discovered13_for a long time,but he tried his best to make up for what he missed. ABeing ill staying in hospitalBHaving been ill staying in hospitalCHe was ill staying in hospitalDTo be ill staying in hospital14Oh,its you!I didnt_ you.We havent seen each other for several years. Glad to meet you again.Arealize BrecognizeCknow Dsee15. Mary decided to attend the party, _ to see her friends whom she hadnt seen foryears. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. Hopes16. Tom was the first man _ after the accident. A. questioned B. to question C. to be questioned D. being questioned 17. Everyone was _ when they heard the _ news the Sichuan was hit again by anearthquake. A. frightened; frightened B. frightened; frightening C. frightening; frightening D. frightening; frightened18. If you want more information about the design, please _ us online at any time. A. connect B. contract C. contain D. Contact19. But for the _ of our car, we would have arrived twenty minutes earlier. A. mistake B. obstacle C. difficulty D. breakdown20. - Could I use your puter? I need to get some information about the product. -_! A. Take it easy B. Dont mention it C. Go ahead D. Its up to you二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)Two veterans(老兵) both fought in Vietnam war and witnessed the loss of their friends. But after the war, they led very different lives. 30 years after the war, one was 21 and lonely while the other was happy and healthy, 22 by a loving family and close friends. So, what made the 23 ? One man thought, “What is the point of being 24 to someone? Ill lose them anyway. ” So he lived his life in bitterness, not being close to anyone to 25 having to feel the pain of losing them.26 , the other man thought, “Life is precious. I have to live it to the27 and cherish every moment of it. ” So he lived his life in gratitude, 28 every moment he has with his loved ones. What a big difference that made! When I was studying in Cambridge, Mr. Beadsworth, a mathematics teacher 29 his famous “Rainbow Talk” in the auditorium. He said, “It seems that you and your friend are looking at the 30 rainbow, but you are looking at two different rainbows. ” When I 31 the “Rainbow Talk” now, it is true that two persons may be looking at the same rainbow, but they still see it 32 . 33 has meaning except the meaning you give it. You are 34 for giving meaning to everything that has 35 in your life. So, the question is, would you rather be 36 the first veteran who lived his life with 37 and fear? Or would you rather be like the second, who saw the38 the war had taught him and created a more powerful meaning for it? Either way, the good news is that, with 39 , you now have the choice of 40 to any incident in your past that may be the source of
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