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科目英语年级四年级课题Module 7Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish.课型新授课总课时2第几课时1主备余李燕辅备教学目标1.通过看图片、指图片、听对话、说句子能准确地听、说、认、读单词:talked,phoned,walked,cooked,listened,yesterday.2.能够准确听、说、认、读句子:I phoned Gran dma yesterday.Grandmacooked fish.等。3.能够听懂并会用一般过去时态描述过去发生的事情并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流。4.在口语表达中使学生养成大胆说英语的好习惯, 培养学生优美的语音、语调和良好的语感。教学重点能够听懂并会用一般过去时的语句描述过去发生的事情。教学难点 1.用一般过去时的语句描述过去发生的事情。2.正确区分Mrs与Miss的含义与读音。教学准备多媒体平台教学过程Step1热身(Warming up)1.Say a chant.(活动4)2.Free talk和学生自由谈论上周末所从事的日常活动。Step2新课呈现(Presentation)1.出示图片,让学生用一般过去时态的句子进行描述。2.Listen,point and say.Show the pictures to introduce the blue bird and the red bird.T:What did they do yesterday? Listen carefully and tell me.Ss:The blue bird talked with Mrs Cat yesterday(The teacher teachesMrsand asks students to read the words one by one.)T: Can you point to the right picture?(Students show.)T: thats greatl What about the red bird?(Use the same way to teach the new word Miss.)在学习完Mrs与Miss后,要帮助学生区分这两个单词的发音、形态以及含义.3.Listen and say.(1 )听音排序号 (2)听课文内容,回答问题。 1.What did Amy do yesterday? 2.What did grandma and grandpa do yesterday?(3)跟读课文,并复述课文。Step3巩固和延伸(Consolidation and Extension)1 .Play a game.(玩转盘游戏)用过去时描述图片意思。2. Listen,match and say.Listen and connect the dates with the pictures.Then discuss in groups.(check the answers together.) 3.Make a survey.Step4作业(Homework)1.Listen and read the dialogue.2.Finish exercises.3.Introduce what you did last week to your friends.个性化修正
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