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新目标英语七年级下册 Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?湛江一中培才学校初一(6)班 蔡诗薇老师:蔡诗薇年级:七年级课题名称:U11 What do you think of game shows?教材版本:人教版新目标英语授课时间: 40分钟一、学生分析1、 本班一部分学生对英语较感兴趣,能积极参加各种活动:话题的讨论、调查、报告等,有一定的综合语言运用能力;2、 有多数同学表达较艰难,回答问题不积极,所以在设计任务时应由易到难,难易适中,教师在活动过程中经常跟他们交流,给予帮助和鼓励;3、 课前学生掌握了一些关于电视节目的单词,并能说出自己喜欢的节目; 二、分析教材1、 本课是Unit 11中的第一课时,要完成1a,1b,1c,2a,2b的内容;2、 课前学生已经学过一些节目如cartoon、weather report、news report的单词,并能在此基础上,通过学习本课,增加这方面的单词量和话题,学生就能够用What do you think of?结构更流利地表达出自己对电视节目的看法;3、 本课学的是如何用lovelikemindstand表达看法,所以多鼓励学生用此句型进行对话;4、 本课时让学生熟悉运用句型结构的基本用法,为他们学习3a、3b、3c和Section B打好基础;三、教学目标核心任务:以游戏节目的形式,每环节都以小组活动竞赛回答,看谁得分最高。 通过学完这些内容之后,让学生达到以下五个目标:1、语言知识目标:学生能够掌握What do you think of game show? 的用法以及回答,并能把新单词准确地运用到话题中。2、语言技能目标:学生能够听懂别人所喜爱的节目,并能流利地讲述和写出自己喜爱的电视节目和原因,能够流利地进行话题的讨论和完成老师布置的任务。3、情感目标:让学生积极参与各个活动,大胆地运用英语进行交谈,增强学生的自信心,培养学生的学习兴趣和团队意识,让学生谈论自己喜爱的节目。4、学习策略目标:通过在小组活动、对话、游戏和角色扮演的过程中,让学生获取语言知识并能归纳运用,最后用What do you think of?进行对话。5、文化意识目标:在学习过程中, 能注意到中央电视台某些节目的英文翻译。四、教学策略1、 采用Task-based Language Teaching 、Communicative Approach,让学生在做和玩的过程中学习英语,体验成功,感受学习英语的乐趣,培养学生的团队意识,提高学生的主动性和参与性,从而增强其学习积极性;2、 采用多媒体辅助教学,使教学内容直观化,容易激发学生的学习兴趣;3、 教具:网上动画,音乐,录音机;五、主题词表主题词表TV showsTalk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom (situation comedy, game show)take lessons , get good grades, study ,practice ,learn ,exercise, make more friends Funny, great, visit many places, Interesting, like, join NBA, help others,Role-playmore CCTV shows六、教学步骤Teaching procedures: Task one :Learn some new wordsSteps Teachers activities Students activitiesAimsStep1:Warming up Let the student listen to a song about a famous TVB game show. Then ask questions: Do you know the name of the song? What kind of TV show is it?Then teach the new words: game show Talk about the teaching goals. Enjoy the song. Answer the questions.Introduce the topic.Step2:Learn the new words.Set a game show for them to compete. Ask them what kinds of TV shows are there according to the pictures, video or music. Choose any of the following letters and tell what kinds of TV shows are there by looking at the pictures, watching the video or listening to music. Get one point if they are right. Enliven the atmosphere. Learn the new words with the help of music pictures, or video.设计思路:用TVB很受欢迎的游戏节目主题曲很自然地进入到本单元话题中:What do you think of game shows? 从而引出新单词game show,紧接着利用游戏方式,运用图片、音乐和短片来学习新单词:talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom(situation comedy)等。在这个任务中,课堂的引入自然、贴切、有趣,每步之间过渡顺畅,循序渐进,学生能够在各种媒体方式学习新单词,激发了学生的学习兴趣,也培养了竞赛精神,整个任务中,教师是参与者和指导者,充分体现了学生的主体性原则。Task two :Listening and PracticeSteps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesAimsStep1:1a T: We have learnt different kinds of TV shows, now finish 1a on Page 65 Show it on the screen. Match the TV shows with the pictures a-e. Put up their hands and rush to answer to get points.Master the new words.Step2:Ask and answer Ask:How many kinds of sentences to answer “What do you think of soap operas?”? What are they? Help the students answer. Answer the questions:I love it. / I like it. / I dont mind. / I dont like. / I cant stand.Learn new expressions about ask others opinions about TV shows. Master the sentence to answer.Step3:1b ListeningPresent the following pictures.Ask the students to listen to the tape and finish the 1b.Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions as quickly as they can.Help the students master the listening skills.Step4:Pair work Guide the students to talk and write down: What do you think of? I Present the pictures. Move around and join the activity. Free talk with seatmates Write down the sentences when t hey are talking.Make students practice using new languages.Practice their speaking ability. 设计思路:在这个任务中,通过不同的图片把Task One 和Task Two 连接起来,复习Task one的新单词;接着引出如何询问别人:What do you think of? 的学习中,引导学生总结回答的句式有几种,内容生动有趣,活跃了课堂气氛;然后,通过听力的形式训练学生新知识的运用能力,最后,以pair work的形式,让学生在说和玩的过程中学习英语,学生在感受学习英语的乐趣,最终能有效地培养学生的语言运用能力。Task three :ListeningSteps Teachers activities Students activitiesAimsStep 1:2a ListeningT: Very good. Everybody show his opinion about TV shows. So whats your favorite TV shows? I like Dumpling King best. Do you want to know something about it?Guide the students to do the listening. Move around to join the activity Listen and number the expressions 1-5 as they hear them. Volunteer to answer.Practice their listening abilities about orders.Step 2:2b ListeningAsk them to listen to it once again fill in the blanks. Write down the words when they listen.Present their dialogue. Read it together.Practice their listening and reading abilitiesStep 3:Learn more about CCTV showsPresent some English names of CCTV shows for the st
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