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2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Why do you want to get a football?Dont you know football_ to our school subjects at the beginning of this year?AaddsBhas addedCwas addedDwill be added2、Last December, a man who stole a shared bike 1,000 yuan by the police.AfinedBis finedCwas fined3、Can you tell me _?Of course. Japan.Awhats his jobBwhere does he come fromCwhere he is fromDwhat language he speaks4、-Excuse me, I want some books, but I cant find a bookshop here.-I know_on my way home. Come with me, please.Athis Bone C. It Dthat5、Neither Amy nor her parents _ to Australia, but _ of them know Australian customs very well.Ahave been, allBhave been, bothChas been, neitherDhas been, none6、What do you think of the T-shirts for your brother?Oh,_this T-shirt_that one is fit for him. They are too small.Aboth; andBeither; orCneither; norDnot only; but also7、Julia shines at every turn in the company. And her boss pays her well.-Yeah. I hear she makes a _ $90000 every year.AextraBclearCcleanDmean8、Dad, its a long way from our home to the park!You mean its _ to take a taxi?ApopularBpossibleCimportantDnecessary9、We are too tired. Lets stop _ a drink.AhavingBto haveChaveDto having10、I love this painting. It _the painters love for nature.I agree.AplansBexpectsCshowsDdepends. 完形填空11、A few weeks ago, John went to a new school. He likes it better than his 1 school. Every classroom has a computer in it. The 2 is also really great! There are lots of books, magazines and newspapers. It also has the most comfortable 3 and students can sit on them when they 4 The food in the school dining hall is delicious and not 5 All the students like to 6 there. The beef noodles are Johns favorite.The school has all kinds of activities. 7 , there is a music festival every June. The students like their school band very much. The sports meet is 8 one of the most popular activities at the school. It is in September.John is happy that he can 9 at this school. He enjoys his every day here 10 he has the best teachers and the friendliest classmates.1Aold Bcheap Csmall2Aoffice Blibrary Challway3Asofas Bbeds Cchairs4Asleep Bdance Cread5Aexpensive Bpopular Chealthy6Alive Beat Cvisit7ASo far BIn fact CFor example8Aonly Balso Cstill9Astudy Bwork Carrive10Awhen Bthough Cbecause. 语法填空12、阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不超过3个单词)Good and bad manners make up the social rules of a country. They are not always easy to learn because theyre often not written in books. Lets have a1 at some social rules in Britain.In the past, British women didnt go to pubs(酒吧) because it 2 (consider) bad behavior for a woman. But as time goes by, 3 women and men can drink freely in pubs now.Visitors to Britain often see British people wait in queues(行列) in public places, like the bus stop. It is considered impolite to get on a 4 without waiting your turn in the queue. Queuing is a national habit in Britain and its considered good manners to wait your turn.In some countries, its considered bad manners to eat on the street. 5, in Britain, its common for you to see people having a snack ahead 6 you on the street.British people used 7 (be) surprised to see young children werent usually taken out to restaurant late at night. And if they 8 (make) a noise in a restaurant, it was regarded as impolite behavior. Nowadays, children are playing a more active role and they 9 (accept) in many pubs and restaurants.Recently, many British companies have banned smoking in the offices and canteens. Smoking is a also banned on the London. Underground, in cinemas and on most buses. If someone breaks the rule, he/she 10 (pay) for it. In general, its becoming less acceptable to smoke in a public place than before. Social rules are an important part of every country. The British have an expression for following these “unwritten rules”: When in Rome, do as Romans do. 阅读理解A13、1There are subway lines in the picture.A2 B3 C42Gina is at Belmont. She wants to go to Baseball Field. She should changes lines at .AGrand BCliton CReno3Louis is going to Medical Centre from Damen. He should get off at the stop.Athird Bfourth Cfifth4According to the picture, Stop is the nearest to Airport.ADamen BArgyle CRacine5To go to Airport from Youth Center, you should take subway lines in this order: .ABlue Line Green Line Red LineBRed Line Green Line Blue LineCGreen Line Blue L
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