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船舶电装预制件制作及电缆贯穿件隔堵工艺 TECHNOLOGY OF CABLE PENETRATION&SEALING FOR STEEL SHIP page 10 total 10 预制件的工艺要求Technology of cable penetration1. 电缆贯穿件Cable transit 若托盘表中没有特别注明,贯穿件的材料为普通A级钢。贯穿件制成后,将锐边及毛刺打磨,并进行防腐蚀处理,一般涂防锈底漆二度。The material of penetration is ordinary steel (class A) in generally, if no specify. The transit should be grinded, and coating two layers.普通电缆贯穿件(无防火,及水密要求) 见下图1Ordinary transit (no-fireproof no-watertight) see drawing 1.1.1普通电缆框 Horizontal ordinary transit表示方法Express: DK LBH DK-普通电缆框 Horizontal ordinary transit 1.2 普通电缆筒(无防火,水密要求) 见下图1。Vertical ordinary transit (no-fireproof no-watertight)see drawing 1. 表示方法Express: DT LBH DT -普通电缆筒Vertical ordinary transit L长length B宽wide H高high 板厚thickness小型普通电缆框、筒可用镀锌管压制代用。Mini ordinary transits can be taken placed by pressed galvanized tube. 1.3 耐火电缆框Fire-proof horizontal transit表示方法Express: AWn LB250AW-耐火电缆框Fire-proof horizontal transit L长length B宽wide 高height -250mm 板厚thickness n耐火等级详见下表type number, see followed table 电缆框高度固定为the is fixed:250mm类型参数Type名称Name耐火等级Fireproofing grade使用场所siteAW1DMT-W水密式A-60级耐火电缆框DMT-W watertight grade A-60 fireproofing transitA-60,A-30,A-15舱壁bulkheadAW3DMT-W水密式A-0级耐火电缆框DMT-W watertight grade A-0 fireproofing transitA-0舱壁bulkhead标记示例Signature: A W n 型式序号fire-proof grade 无机型填料watertight A级水密耐火结构fire-proof mark制作双侧型耐火电缆框(灌注孔和透气孔在舱壁两侧)的具体要求如下图2:一般情况下,选用如图2的耐火电缆框。Double side fireproof transit (perfusion hole and ventilate hole in two sides), see: drawing 2:In generally, this kind of fire-proof transit will be priority used (see drawing 2), 图 2 AW1,3 双侧型耐火电缆框 若为保证电缆必要的弯曲半径,在某些特殊区域,可选用如图3的单侧型耐火电缆框(灌注孔和透气孔在舱壁同侧)。For keep the necessary bend radius, use the Fireproof transit of single side ( perfusion hole and ventilate hole be same side deck) in some special space. see drawing 3. 图3 AW1,3 单侧型耐火电缆框1.4 耐火电缆筒Vertical fireproof transit 表示方法为express: AWn LB215 AWn耐火电缆筒Vertical fireproof transit L长length B宽wide height高215mm -板厚thicknessn耐火等级详见下表type number, see followed table电缆筒高度固定为the is fixed:215mm类型参数Type名称Name 耐火等级Fireproof class使用场所siteAW2DMT-W水密式A-60级耐火电缆筒 DMT-W watertight grade A-60 Fireproofing penetration A-60,A-30,A-15甲板deckAW4DMT-W水密式A-0级耐火电缆筒DMT-W watertight grade A-0 Fireproofing penetrationA-0甲板deck制作具体要求如下图4:AW1、AW2型的电缆贯穿件的制作、安装要求同AW3、AW4型的贯穿件,只是在填料结束后,在船体包覆耐火绝缘层的一侧包覆耐火绝缘毡。包覆厚度按舾装专业的防火绝缘布置图的相应要求来定,一般不低于40mm厚。Requirement as following drawing 4:Make and installation of AW1、AW2is same as AW3、AW4, after stuffing ,the difference is only covered fireproof insulation. The thickness not less than 40mm normally, the detail is according to fireproof insulation drawing. DRAWING 41.5 电缆管 见下图5 Cable pipe ( see: drawing 5).电缆管用镀锌钢管切割或弯制成,分直管和弯管两种,切口的毛刺及锐边打磨光滑。直管用于单根电缆的贯穿, 弯管用于多根电缆的贯穿。直管上口须根据电缆外径配相应尺寸的填料函。机舱或露天区域用热缩套管密封,其它区域用橡皮泥封堵。露天甲板的电缆管须配相应规格的套管以防腐蚀。Cable pipe made of galvanized steel tube, there are two types, one is straight pipe with gland for single cable, another is goose neck pipe for multi-cables. The cut edge should been grinded to smooth. The tube stuff using thermal shrink tube in E/M or on open deck, for other area, the pipe should been stuffed plasticene.表示方法为Express: DGH -管子通径diameter H- 高heightdrawing 51.6 填料函见下图6 Cable gland ( see: drawing 6).单根电缆需贯穿B-0级水密壁时,可采用填料函并加焊长100的钢管。Single cable passes through WT B-0 class bulkhead, the gland can be welded on 100 mm pipe.表示方法Express : TH X d TH-填料函Cable gland d-填料函尺寸dimension of glanddrawing 62. 电缆支承件Cable support2.1扁钢支架 见下图7, Flat steel ( see: drawing 7)用相应规格的扁钢弯制而成,切口的毛刺及锐边打磨光滑,镀锌2030。It made of smooth flat steel ,galvanized 2030 表示方法为Express: DB LBH or DB BL长length B宽wide H-脚高height 厚度thickness如L、H的值缺省,则相应代表扁钢长度为550、扁钢高度现场定If no showing the data of L and H, please refer to the followed table. TypeLBH155020现场定No requirement32550404Drawing 62.2 电缆托架Cable tray 制作托架的材料通常为钢质,且经镀锌防蚀处理 In general, material of cable tray is galvanized steel, and the material.电缆托架可分为单层托架和多层托架:Cable tray divide monolayer tray and Multi-layer tray: 表示方法为express: DZ LH 单层电缆托架 monolayer tray. L宽wide H-脚高high或or 2DZ LH 双层电缆托架 double layer tray L宽wide H-脚高high或or 3DZ LH 三层电缆托架 three layer tray L宽wide H-脚高high为便于船上安装,
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