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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。20X小升初英文自我介绍范文 转眼,我们小学生就要毕业了,在这个时候小学毕业生们很有必要去准备一份自我介绍,这个自我介绍在我们小升初等时候是很需要的。下面是小编收集整理的22X小升初英文自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。02X小升初英文自我介绍范文1 My meis_.I am gradate from_ senior hi school admaorin _ Thrare _ el in amily. Mthr woks in cmpuer comany. And mmoher is ahousewif. I am theyongeston in my famiyI my sprtim,I lik to ed ove. I think eadingcold elare y knodge s fornels, I oul imagie whatever ie suc as awell-know scientist or akng-u st. n itio eaig,I also ik pay pC gaes. A ot of gonups thiplayigpCgamshds th sdents fom rnn. But I ink pC ames ldmovate me tolearn mething sucas Eglis or JapaesMy favorieurse is English becaseI thnk its intr os on hin vadiferensond. Iwih my Eglsh uld be irve n the nxt for yarande abe t spekuent Elih in te fuure. 2小升初英文自我介绍范文 Hlo everone,Iam arl,my name ixx ,come fromgrde xxlass xx f xxschool.I lik ortverymuh study s goo y cass. I am a erylinelis gir and ver good tmatemtics,but English is ot ry go. I eliev if I trymy bst,I ll learn Enli very wll. I ws I an stdn hissch,t me end n earnget.I reallywih will b a embefti ig family. Tank yo . 大家好,我叫xxx,我来自x小学xx年级xx班.我非常喜欢运动,我在班里学习成绩不错.我是一个活泼的女孩儿. 我擅长数学,我英语不怎么好,但我相信,只要我努力,我一定能把这门文化学好.我希望进入这个学校学习,交更多益友,一起发奋学习.希望我能成为这个家族的一员,谢谢. 20X小升初英文自我介绍范文3 y nmeis _ hereare pople i my amily.My faeri a Cemtrteacher.H eaches chmitryin serhh shol. My motris English teahe.She teachs Englshine niversit.I he yougbror,he is a junir ighschoolsudet and i prepringfrthentrace ex. Ili o ead English sory bokin my free tim. omemesI sur th Interntand dwnload heE- k toread eaig E book fun.I dditio, itlso enlrgesmy vocaularyord beaus f the dvncdechnoloy adthe vivid anmaions. he o tudboh Egand ompuertechooy bcause Iam inrested in bot of the subcts ayene y coldcombin ot the anaply to m esearhin the ture.202X小升初英文自我介绍范文4 I am _ I was bor in_ I grauate rom _ senior hg chool ad majr in ngi. I strtelerning Enishsince I was 12years d. y arents eao Aericn frends. Tht&rsu; y Ihave no problem cmmuniating ihAmericano othersby speakn English In my pret, like to do anythig ratin o Englih ucas istning o nglishsogs, watingEnglish movie progrms, reventendinhe activiies held by me Engish clubs or ititut us to go abra or a or-tr Engish sdy. Drig tha tim, learn a lot of aiy lf nglih andsa lot ofdifferentthings. I think lanuage ryieresn. I could xpres oesbanc sing different snd. o Iish ould tudy ad red more nlh lieraturesnd nlrg myknldge.02小升初英文自我介绍范文5 llo,every one!(大家好)Myname *. (我叫*)I';m yesoldboy. (我是一个5岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)Ilie in the beauiuity ofZheno(我住在美丽的Zhenghou城)(你可以把Zhgzou改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)I&9; an ctive ,ovel adcler boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩)Inth hol , yavoure subjec ismts. (在学校,我最喜欢数学)Perhaps smeone thst;s ifficult tostudy el (也许有些人认为这很难学)Bu Iike it.(但我喜欢他)I belivethatifoutryos, everthing a be one wel.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果)I o like sports ver muh.(我也很喜欢运动)Sh ,unnng,volleybaland so n. (像跑步、排球等等)I&3;mkin-harted.(我很热心)If yoneedhelp ,plse come t me .(如果你需要帮助,就来找我)Ie we can ego fids!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)K.Ts i e . snny o(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩)。
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