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Joinin三下Starter Unit Good to see you ag知ai识n总结一. 短语1. dance with m和e 我一起跳舞2. sing with me和我一起唱歌3. clap your han拍ds拍你的手4. jump up high高高跳起5. shake your arms and your 晃le晃gs你的胳膊和腿6. bend your knee弯s曲你的膝盖7. touch your toe触s 摸你的脚趾8. stand nose to n鼻os子e贴鼻子站二. 句子1. -Good morning早. 上好。-Good morning, Mr L早i.上好,李教师。2. -Good afternoo下n.午好。-Good afternoon, Mr Brow下n.午好,布朗先生。3. -Good eveni,ngLisa.晚上好,丽莎。-Good evening, Bob晚.上好,鲍勃。4. -Good nigh晚t.安。-Good night晚. 安。5. -W-h-ats your name你? 叫什么名字?-Im Bob./ My name is Bo我b.叫鲍勃。6. -Open the window, ple请as打e.开窗户。-Yes ,Miss好. 的,教师。7. -What colour is它i是t?什么颜色?-Its blue, red and它w是hi蓝te红. 白混合的。8. -W-h-ats on Pits t皮ab特le的? 桌子上是什么?-A schoolbag, an eraser and two 一bo个ok书s.包,一个橡皮和两本书。9. -What time is几i点t?钟?-Its tw两o.点钟。10.-W-hats thi这s?是什么?-My guitar我. 的吉他。Unit1 Pets 学问点总结一重点单词animal(动物:pet 宠物bird 鸟fish 鱼mouse复数 micehamster 仓鼠frog 青蛙rabbit 兔子budgie 鹦鹉giraffe 长颈鹿panda 熊猫elephant 大象bear 熊tiger 老虎monkey 猴子horse 马action(动作,行为:run 跑swim 游fly 飞eat 吃sit 坐roar 咆哮like 宠爱/像have/has got 拥有二重点句子1. -Have you got a pet?你有宠物吗?-Yes, I have.是的,我有。-What have you got?你有什么宠物?-A cat and a dog.一只猫和一只狗。2. Jeffcast is black and white.杰夫的猫是黑白相间的。3. Fly like a budgie.像鹦鹉一样飞。4. Run like a rabbit.像兔子一样跑。5. Swim like a fish.像鱼一样游。6. Eat like a hamster.像仓鼠一样吃。7. Sit like a dog.像狗一样坐。8. Roar like a tiger.像老虎一样咆哮。9. -What are in the pictures?图片里面有什么?-Pandas, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, a bear and a budgie.大熊猫,猴子,长颈鹿,大象,一只熊和一只鹦鹉。10.-How many pandas are there?有多少只大熊猫?-Eight.八只。1 词汇Unit 2 The days of week.学问总结dayweekweekend日周 周末SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday星期日星期一星期二星期三ThursdayFridaySaturday 星期四星期五星期六2 句型(1) -Whats your favourite day?你最宠爱星期几?-Friday. (2).Great!太棒了! (3).Super! 太好了!(4).Oh.,I hate Mondays! 噢,我厌烦星期一。(5).-What day is it? 今日星期几?-Monday.(6).Close your eyes,Emma. 闭上你的眼睛,艾玛。(7).Open your eyes. 睁开你的眼睛。(8).Pink is my favouritecolour. 粉色是我最宠爱的颜色。(9).I hate pink. 我厌烦粉色。(10).Shepaints a red budgie on Monday. 她星期一画了一只红色的虎皮鹦鹉。(11).She paints an orange fish on Wednesday.她星期三画了一条橙色的鱼。(12).-Whats your favourite day?你最宠爱的一天是哪一天?-My favourite day is Saturday. 我最宠爱的一天是星期六。(13).-Whats your favourite animal?你最宠爱的动物是什么?-My favourite animal is Pandas.我最宠爱的动物是熊猫。(14).-Whats your favourite food? 你最宠爱的食物是什么?-My favourite food is chicken.我最宠爱的食物是鸡肉。Unit3 Clothes 学问总结一单词:Clothes 衣物类:单数T-shirt T 恤衫shirt 衬衣skirt 短裙dress 连衣裙cap 鸭舌帽sweater 毛衣复数socks 袜子shorts 短裤shoes 鞋子jeans 牛仔裤pants 长裤trainers 运动鞋人称代词: I 我you 你he 他she 她it 它二句子:1. Turn off the alarm clock.关掉闹钟。2. Get out of the bed.起床。3. Run out of the door.跑出门。4. Put on your cycle helmet.戴上你的自行车头盔。5. My favourite T-shirt is blue.我最宠爱的 T-恤衫是蓝色的。6. My favourite toy is a kite.我最宠爱的玩具是一个风筝。7. Green and white are the coloursof my kite.绿色和白色是我风筝的颜色。8. -What isElenawearing?艾琳娜穿着什么?-Elena/She is wearing white jeans.艾琳娜/她穿着白色的牛仔裤。9. -What isPeterwearing?皮特穿着什么?-Peter/He is wearing a black T-shirt.皮特/他穿着一件黑色的 T-恤衫。10. -What amIwearing?猜猜我穿着什么?-I think a green shirt, blue jeans and brown shoes.我想你穿着一件绿色的衬衣,蓝色的牛仔裤和棕色的鞋子。Unit4Feelings 单元学问总结一.重点单词Feelings(感觉:sad难过的,难过的 happy愉快的 angry发怒的,生气的 tired累的,疲乏的scared可怕的Numbers(数字:twenty 二十nineteen 十九eighteen 十八seventeen 十七 sixteen 十六fifteen 十五fourteen 十四thirteen 十三twelve 十二eleven 十一人称代词:I 我you 你 he 他she 她it 它使用规章:.我I连am,你you连 are,is 连着他她它。.单数is,复数are。Actions(动作):cry (cries)哭泣, smile 微笑, stamp 跺脚, go to sleep(goes)去睡觉二.重点句子1.-How are you feeling today?你今日感觉怎样?-Im happy/angry/sad/tired.我愉快/生气/难过/累。2.-How is he/she feeling today?他/她今日感觉怎样?-He/She is scared.他/她感到可怕。3. -How is Peter feeling today?皮特今日感觉怎样?-He is tired.他感到累。4.-Whats the number?这个数字是多少?-Seventeen.十七。5. Im sorry.我很内疚。6. Ive got a new present. I am happy.我得到了一个礼物。我感到愉快。7. The game is stupid. Mike is sad and angry.这个玩耍很愚蠢。迈克难过又生气。hates8. Janechicken. She is sad.简厌烦鸡肉。她感到难过。9. Dicksfavourite food is rice. He is happy.迪克最宠爱的食物是米饭。他感到愉快。10. A big mouse jumps out. Ann is scared.一只大老鼠跳了出来。安感到可怕。Unit5Food 单元学问总结一.重点单词food食物chicken鸡肉fish 鱼肉noodle 面条dumpling 饺子 rice 米饭fast food (快餐):pizza 披萨hamburger 汉堡chip 薯条snack (零食): popcorn 爆米花ice cream 冰激凌chocolate 巧克力bread 面包toast 土司cornflake 玉米片roll 面包圈 ham 火腿 jam 果酱lollipop 棒棒糖drink(饮料):orangejuice 橙汁 cola 可乐milk 牛奶 tea 茶fruit(水果):apple 苹果orange 橙子banana 香蕉breakfast 早餐hungry 饿的 thirsty 渴的 friend 朋友good 好的 bad 坏的,糟糕的二.重点句子1-Do you like apples?你宠爱苹果吗?-Yes, I do./ No, I don
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