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Unit 6 How tall are you ?一、Teaching aims:1、能够听、说、读、写单词语phon、weak、worried、light、heavy。2、能够四会掌握句子:How old are you? How tall are you? How heavy are you?以及相应的回答。会读课文。二、 Teaching key points and difficulties: 本课时的教学重点和难点是使学生掌握句型:How old are you? How tall are you? How heavy are you?,并能在情景中熟练运用所学对话以及还要能够正确书写。三、Teaching tools:1、录音机以及本课时的录音带2、教学挂图3、单词卡片四、Teaching methods:分组讨论法、任务驱动法、讲解、举例、带读、复述、听五、Teaching procedure:1、Warm upLetssing唱英文歌 London Bridge。 2、Revision复习上节课所学单词。3、Presentation:Lets learn(1)单词学习Weak:虚弱的 worried:担心的(原形worry) light:轻的 heavy:重的(2)课文学习 新课导入请学生回答几个问题How tall are you?How old are you?How heavy are you?注:学生一般都只会用中文回答而不会用英文回答,所以从而引导学生说“这一节课我们就一起来学会如何用英文表达自己的身高、年龄、体重。 听课文录音。 阅读About the story部分的问题,并让学生带着问题自主阅读课文,并采取分组的形式进行学习。并且分组后要使每一个学生都有任务可做,可安排这么一些角色:组长,记录员,记时员,发言人,资料收集员。主要有5个问题:Where did Peter go ?Why did Peter go there?How old was he ?How tall was he ?How heavy was he ?请各组的发言人回答刚讨论的5个问题。 教师对课文进行讲解。 带读课文 分组对话,学生相互问答How old are you ? Imyears old .How tall are you ? Imtall .How heavy are you ? Im . 教师再放Lets learn部分的录音,学生跟读。4、Homework(1)复习本节课所学知识。(2)抄写本课新学单词,并读熟课文。 Module 9 unit 1 A visit to the UN. (一)教学目标: 1. 知识目标: a)能听, 说 , 读并正确使用单词 :building, all around, peace, inside, show, b)能理解并灵活掌握句型:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? I want to show Daming the present from China. 2. 技能目标:学会询问他人的意愿以及表达自己的意愿。通过预习反馈,发现问题解决问题,掌握 “I want to” 句型 表达自己的意愿以及询问 “Do you want to.?的意愿。 3情感态度目标:培养学生与他人合作的精神以及用英语做事情的基本技能,要求学生能够在小组中与他人交流、学会评价他人。 4.学习策略目标; 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,积极运用Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?等进行对话交流,能根据录音模仿听说英语。 (二)学生分析:六年级的学生已初步掌握一些关于国家名称及相关名胜的词和句子能用英语进行简单的交流、描述,对形象的物体感兴趣,容易被激活。(三)内容分析: 1 本模块的目的是使学生学会使用句型Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?再结合所学过的单词, 学会询问他人的意愿以及表达自己的意愿,把所学知识运用到实际生活中. 2 教学重难点:能理解并掌握句型:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? 理解并灵活使用短语“want to” 。(四)教学方法: 1自然法:让学生根据自己对已学知识的熟练程度来参加活动。 2合作学习法:让学生通过小组合作,完成课文朗读以及小组合作编对话,使学生学会使用句型Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?,并运用到实际生活中. 3交际法:小组合作编对话,使学生学会使用Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?句型,再结合所学过的单词,句型运用到实际生活中,并对各比赛环节用英语进行评价。 (五)教学过程 : 一、Warming up: T: Hello ,boys and girls. How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. And you? T:Im fine Thanks. Hows the weather today? Ss: - T: Yes. Its sunny and hot. but Im very happy. Are you happy? Ss:- T: well.little teacher? Whos turn today? 二. little teacher teach a sentence. (Your pronunciation is very good.) (1.让学生评价小老师的表现 2.师评) 三. Review (形容词) 四. New words learning(单词,句子学习) 五. (一)创设情景引出新知 1 : Wow! So many flags. (ask one of the students) Where are you from? S1: I am from America. T: Glad to meet you. (ask another student) Where are you from? S2: I am from China. T: Glad to meet you. You are from China. You are from the Peoples Republic of China. (Read and repeat “the Peoples Republic of China”) T: Yes, you are from all around the world.( Read and repeat “all around the world”) 2We are from different countries. We all live in one world. And there is an organization to bring all the countries of the world together .That is the UN. Do you want to know the UN? OK, Today we are going to learn M9U1 A visit to the UN. (板书并带读) learn building: T: And this is a picture of the UN.This is the UNs building.Its tall and big. Read after me . T: Who want to describe more buildings for us ? T: Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? (板书教读,分组读。然后与学生问答对话) T:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? Why ? S1/S2/S3/S4(评价学生的表现) (二)创设情景让学生走上讲台做小老师教新单词,充分发挥学生的创造性与自主性。 1 T:Have you got a picture of -.S T: DO you want to show us? S Yes, T:I want to show you my picture. Show Reapt. T-S5 Right! How clever you are.I think you can be little teacher. come here.please. S教show. I want to show you my picture.(方法:1教读2 造句3 评价) 2 S教peace, inside, T(创设情景)I like this black bag. Its big and useful. There are many things in it. Who want to guess what are they?. S: teach: peace, inside, (通过“我”当小老师及学生之间用英语互评的教学活动,师生共同创设了一种民主和谐的英语学习气氛,较好地形成了师生互动和生生互动.教师把课堂真正还给学生,让学生成为学习的主人,教师成为学生平等的对话者. 进一步体现正在研究的课题(评价课题)在课堂上的生成效果。 (三)巩固单词、句型:把全部单词句型再读一遍 (四)Text learning (课文学习) 1 T : OK. You know a lot about the UN. Thats fantastic. Do you want to have a visit to the UN? Simons dad ,Simon and Daming are visiting the UN. Lets Listen to the tape and read the passage then answer some question. (1). Is the UN building big or small? (2).Where are the flags from? (让学生通过听课文录音,了解课文内容,并有意识地加强学生的听力训练.提高比赛的形式提高学生对此环节的兴趣, 设计思路: 在学生获得了一定的篇章信息后,根据文章体裁(对话),设置一些问题让学生回答,一方面检查学生第一次阅读的效果,另一方面也帮助学生理清文章脉络,弄清文章的内容日期涉及的人物等诸要素,
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