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Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 How are you?单词:1) hello 2) hi 3) morning 4) afternoon 5) evening 6) night 7) good 8) fine9) thank 10) new 11) teacher 12) have词组:1) Miss Fang 2) Mr Zhang3) Mrs Wang 4) a new teacher5) very well 6) Mum and Dad7)boys and girlsUnit 2 Whats your name?单词 :1. sit-stand 2. open- close 3. up- down4. write 5. name 6. door 7. blackboard 8. look 9. clean10. pick 11. paper 12. card学习用品 : book, pen, pencil, ruler, rubber , bag, pencil-box, desk, chair词汇 :1. sit down 2. stand up3. open the door 4. close the door5. clean the desk 6. look at the blackboard7. write your name 8. pick up your pencil9. make a name card 10. get a card11. fold the card 12. colour your name cardUnit 3 How old are you ?单词:1. 数字: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten2. birthday 3. how 4. old 5. only6. cut 7. blow 8. yummy 9. count词汇1. how old 2. a birthday cake3. count to three 4. happy birthday5. only one 6. draw a tree7. write or read 8. three years old9. cut the cake 10. here you areModule 2Me,my family and friendsUnit 1My friends 单词:1) fat (胖) 2) thin(瘦) 3) tall(高) 4) short (矮) 5) boy(男孩) 6)girl(女孩) 7) big(大) 8) small(小) 9) he(他) 10) she(她) 11) friend(朋友) 12) who(谁) 13) can(能) can not =cant ( 不能) 14) play(玩) 15) football(足球) 16) sing(唱) 17) swim(游泳) 18) ride(骑) 19) rain(雨) 20) again(又,再) 21) baby(宝贝) babies(复数)22)is (是) is not =isnt (不是) 23)am(是) am not(不是)24) are(是) are not =arent(不是)词汇:1) my friend(我的朋友) 2) look at the girl(看这个女孩) 3) play football (踢足球) 4) in the rain (在雨中)5) two fat boys(两个胖男孩) 6) two thin girls(两个瘦女孩) 7) two tall teachers (两个高的老师)8) two short mothers (两个矮的妈妈)9) two small babies(两个小宝宝) Unit 2 My family单词:1) grandfather(爷爷) 2) grandmother(奶奶) 3) father (爸爸) 4) mother (妈妈) 5) brother (弟弟) 6) sister(姐姐) 7) me(我) 8) come(来) 9) go(走) 10) nice (好) 11) meet (遇见) 12) too(也) 13) family(家) 14) picture(照片,图) 15) of(的) 16) eat(吃) 17) eating 18) playing 词汇:1) my brother (我的弟弟) 2) come in(进来) 3) your good friend (你的好朋友) 4) a picture (一幅图)5) a picture of my family(一张全家福)6) like eating cakes (喜欢吃蛋糕)7) like playing football(喜欢踢足球) 8) very well(很好)Unit 3 About me单词:1) eye (眼睛) 2)nose(鼻子) 3)hair (头发)4)ear (耳朵) 5) mouth(嘴巴) 6)brown(棕色)7)tail(尾巴) 8)with(和。一起) 词汇:1) very short(很矮) 2)small and brown (小的和棕色的) 3)tall and fat(高又胖) 4) play with my pink ball(玩我的粉色球)Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 My school单词:1)school (学校) 2) library(图书馆) 3) toilet (厕所) 4) hall(大厅) 5) playground (操场) 6) classroom(教室) 7) what (什么) 8)this(这) 9) that(那) 10) where(哪儿) 11)here (这里) 12) welcome(欢迎) 13) our(我们的) 14)in (在。里) 15) basketball (篮球) 16) there(哪里) 17)sun (太阳 ) 18)moon (月亮) 19)(an)office (办公室) 词汇:1)my school(我的学校) 2)your classroom(你的教室) 3)big and nice (大又漂亮) 4) sing and dance (唱歌跳舞)5)play basketball(打篮球) 6) in the hall(在大厅里) 7) in the library(在图书馆)8) in the playground(在操场上)Unit 2 Shopping单词:1)may(可以) 2)have(又) 3) help(帮助) 4) many(许多) 5) you(你,你们) 6) some(一些) 7)sure(当然) 8) much(很多) 9) banana(香蕉) 10) peach(桃子) 11)peaches (复数) 12)his(他的) 13) supermarket(超市) 14)toy(玩具) 15)ball (球) 16) balloon(气球 17) buy (买) 18) plum(梅子) 19) football (足球) 20) want(想要)词汇:1) some apples(一些苹果) 2) how many(多少个) 3) how much(多少钱) 4)an apple(一个苹果)5) an orange(一个桔子) 6) five bananas (五个香蕉)7) Peter and his mum(Peter 和他的妈妈)8) many toys(许多玩具)9) in the supermarket(在超市里) 10) buy a football(买足球)Unit 3 In the park单词:1)park (公园) 2) colour(颜色) 3 kite(风筝) 4) orange(桔黄色) 5) flower(花) 6) yellow(黄色) 7) sky(天空) 8) know(知道) 9) why (为什么)10) round(圆形) 11) swing (荡秋千) 12) cloud(云)13) white(白色)词汇:1) look at the boat(看这船) 2) what colour (什么颜色) 3) look at the flower(看这花) 4) red and white(红白色)Module 4 The natural worldUnit 1 Insects单词:1)insect (昆虫) 2) insects(复数 昆虫) 3) ladybird (瓢虫) 4) bee(蜜蜂) 5) butterfly (蝴蝶) 6) ant(蚂蚁)7)beautiful(美丽) 词汇:1) an insect(我的学校) 2)an ant(你的教室) 3) red and black (大又漂亮) Unit 2 On the farm单词:1)farm(农场) 2)animal(动物) 3) chick(小鸡) 4)hen(母鸡) 5)duck(鸭子) 6) shoe(鞋) 7)gate(大门) 8) end(结束) 词汇:1) on the farm(在农场) 2) six pigs(六只猪) 3) count the hens(数一数母鸡) 4) Kittys dream(凯蒂的梦)5) put on(穿上) 6) put on my shoe (穿上我的鞋)7) open the gate(打开大门)
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