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看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.1 BS鏖战巴黎绯闻女孩第四季第1集:Belles de Jour 白日美人片名解析:来自1967年的法国情色电影白日美人Belle de Jour,超现实主义大师路易斯布纽尔编导的一部生活哲理片。法国著名影星凯瑟琳德诺芙成功地演出了一个具有双重性格的女人。本片对人性的阴暗面进行了探索,剖析和批判。故事讲述一个人格扭曲的中产阶级的贵妇,她一方面深爱着丈夫,一方面又不满足中产阶级家庭的生活,偷偷跑到妓院卖淫。影片以超现实和新写真的手法对这类双重人格的人的精神和肉体生活作了大胆的有价值的探讨。Cobblestones and Caf de Flore. Serenas locked down the left bank And become a muse to us all. Meanwhile,blair rules the right bank, Storming the shops and consuming the classics And sampling sugary snacks like a modern marie antoinette. But we hear serenas stories sizzle While blairs are more fizzle. She shopped at saint laurent And dined at drouant But the only beau B.had this summer is on her headband.Cobblestones 铺着鹅卵石的小街(上海人说的台格路啊汗)Caf de Flore 花神咖啡馆 巴黎的百年老店,孕育了一大批知名作家muse 缪斯女神,艺术女神left bank & right bank 左岸是艺术天堂,右岸是挥金如土的乐园Marie Antoinette 绝代艳后玛丽安托瓦内特,以奢靡轻浮的作风闻名这 一段话写得酣畅凌厉。尤其是描述Blair统治右岸、扫荡店铺、品味经典、品尝美食,一连串的动词很是形象。而后半截的fizzle和sizzle两个 词,都是嘶嘶发响的意思,但前者表示失败,后者表示灼热得发烫,形成鲜明对比。最后一句说Blair身边的B(双关指男人)也只有发带上的字母而已,毒辣 啊毒辣Hes been M.I.A.since he left town in spring.MIA = missing in action 失踪And whose fault is that?这事儿要怨谁?实用啊实用I just happen to have a thing for french waiters.have a thing for 对某人或某物有特殊好感说白了就是S是个服务生控么?For all my efforts, im heading back home with a chuck-sized cloud my head. with a cloud above ones head 头顶阴云笼罩这句也很实用。its time to call in the big guns.big gun 大人物And leave it at that.点到为止就可以了。Well,that pretty much sums it up. sum it up 总结,概括but shes putting up a good front. put up a (brave/good) front 强颜欢笑I mean,that perkins hostess Slept with tiger woods for over a year, And all he got her was a chicken wrap. Tiger Woods Joke. In cast youve missed it.Easy come,easy go. 来得快,去得也快。来也匆匆,去也匆匆。波西米亚狂想曲里面有这句词儿I think i just met a real live prince. A grimaldi as in the royal family of monaco. As in grace american princess kelly. grimaldi是摩纳哥皇室家族,而美国女明星Grace Kelly则嫁入他们皇室成为王妃。Spotted B.And S. Chic and cheerful Up on boulevard haussmann. They dallied at department stores And stayed a while at tally weijl. Dont ever look back ? Down on rue saint honor way They courted couture at palais royal And found the perfect outfits To ba&sh the competition. Then they headed to the golden triangle, Where montaigne meets george cinq, And luxury goods are the opiate of choice.Boulevard Haussmann 奥斯曼大街,巴黎购物圣地Tally Weijl、Ba&sh 时尚女装品牌又是一段很华丽的描述,全是品牌名儿,但是没有让人觉得有流水账的感觉, 行文很活泼多样.but i dont like vanilla. vanilla 香草口味这里是指Nate太温吞?I know i have a flair for the dramatic. have a flair for 有某方面的才能这句话是说我兴风作浪的能力与生俱来Napoleon once said that secrets travel fast in paris. But gossip girl travels faster. Bisou bisou.Bisou bisou 法语版的xoxo看GossipGirl第四季学英语4.2 BC的现实与童话绯闻女孩第四季第2集:Double Identity 双重身份片名解析:来自1944年的美国悬疑电影双重赔偿Double Idemnity,一个保险代理人卖汽车保险时认识了车主的美艳妻子,在这位蛇蝎美人的煽动下,聪明的代理人设下了赔偿金额加倍的死亡陷阱。保险业务员瓦尔特与菲利丝合计谋害她的丈夫,以便诈领巨额保险金。而她丈夫的保单上有一附笔,若因死于火车轮下则可获得双倍赔偿。随后他们的行动受到瓦尔特上司的怀疑调查Summer is coming to a close, and as everyone knows, Paris, like the Upper East Side, empties out in August, leaving behind only the tourists and the dreamers, lamenting the imminent return to real life.come to a close 进入尾声empty out 清空you still havent made your Sophies choiceSophies Choice 苏菲的选择/两难的抉择 A Sophies Choice is a tragic choice between two unbearable options.所谓“苏菲的选择”是指在两个悲惨的选项中选择其一,再怎么样都是落得悲剧下场的抉择。这个词来自同名电影苏菲的选择,梅丽尔斯特里普主演的。影片中的苏菲在二 战期间育有一男一女两个孩子,在进入集中营时被迫选择2个只能留一个,在极短的时间内要作出这么重大的抉择,Sophie精神极尽崩溃,当她选择了留下儿 子时内心已经全碎,然而两个孩子都未能存活,简直把Sophie的精神逼到绝路。从此她无论多么努力开始新生活,也没有办法摆脱战争所带来的戕害和阴影。Its like choosing between eclairs and napoleons. Theyre both delicious. Except Humphreys a doughnut. Well, I would love to stay and talk patisserie.eclairs 手指饼干napoleons 拿破仑蛋糕doughnut 甜甜圈patisserie 法式蛋糕Think Diana, princess of the people.这里是说B想要效仿Diana戴安娜王妃,显得很亲民。lets just keep this between us. keep between us 你知我知Serena took her best friends boyfriends virginity, ran away to boarding school, bounced from guy to guy until dating your married congressman cousin, fell in love with you, and then cheated on you with your friend, whos also her ex? The only thing that would make it better is if one of those boyfriends turned out to be her brother. The life of Serena Van Der Woodsen is like the most complicated Jane Austen novel ever.这段V5,充分滴描绘了以S为代表的GG众人关系混乱程度。配合下图更清晰or notDo you need a moment to gather yourself? gather ones self 平静心情This loft is your loft this loft is my loft wheres your aunt Jenny? She moved to Hudson she wears. leggings这段唱歌哄小孩的真的很喷饭,尤其是最后一句说Jenny穿着leggings紧身裤噗I hope you dont mind me tagging along. tag along 跟着来,尾随he smells funny.smell funny 闻着很奇怪通常对小孩这么说就是指孩子尿裤子了but you and Dan really seem to click. click 一拍即合You should go for it, yeah. go for sth. 主动争取某事物Ill take your word for it. take ones word for 相信某人的
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