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Unit 3 My Weekend Plan第五课时教学设计何 艳一、教学目标1.能够用正确的语音语调朗读文段,理解短文大意。2.根据短文内容补全吴一凡一家在中秋节的活动安排表。3.能够从阅读中运用be going to 句型描述在节日里的计划安排。4.激发学生热爱中华民族传统文化,了解中西方文化差异。二、教学重、难点重点:能够用正确的语音、语调朗读文段,理解短文大意,完成阅读任务。难点:能够运用be going to 句型描述在节日里的计划安排。三、教学准备课件,作业纸,糖果四、教学过程STEP 1 Greeting and warming upBoys and girls, attention please! Today we are going to have an opening class. Are you ready?Now lets sing the morning song together.()歌曲问候,渲染课堂气氛。STEP 2 Presentation Activity 1: Lets playLook! Do you know the word “festival” ? It means “节日”。How many festivals do you know ? lets play a game. If you know thefestival, please stand up and shout it! Clear?()游戏激趣,学习英语节日(Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival)。 Activity 2: Lets discussMid-Autumn Festival is an important festival for our Chinese people. What do you often do on Mid- Autumn Festival?()自由讨论,学习重点词汇(get together, have a big dinner, tell a story about Change, read a poem)。Activity 3: Lets read1Look! This is Wu Yifans diary. “diary” means “日记”.Now read the diary quickly and choose the correct answer.A. The diary is about Spring Festival.B. The diary is about the family.C. The diary is about Mid-Autumn Festival.布置阅读任务,初步理解课文大意。2Read carefully and try to fill in the tables. You can discuss in groups of four.Who ActivitiesWuYifans familyget together and have a big dinnerWuYifans auntWuYifans grandmaWuYifan and Robin3.Please connect the two parts to make a whole sentence. We should use “Be going to” or “will”. Let me try. Wu Yifans family are going to get together and have a big dinner. Wu Yifans family will get together and have a big dinner. Can you?()布置精读任务,学生小组合作完成学习内容。STEP 3 Practice1.There is a poem for you. Can you read after me?() Please give a title to this poem. Yes, F-A-M-I-L-Y, family. 2.Pleaese fill in the blanks. F is for.A is for. M is for. I is for L is for. Y is for. 3. Lets enjoy a flash and please say “ I love you” to your father and mother. 诗歌朗诵,陶冶情操,培养对家的责任感和热爱之情。 STEP 4 Consolidation Write down a plan for the coming Spring Festival. Spring Festival is coming. My family are going to and .I am going to . , and . I like Spring Festival. I love my family.
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