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小学新起点英语四年级下册Unit 15 A卷听力部分(40分)一.听音标号(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二.听音连线,写句子(12分)Lily wants to _Andy wants to _Bill wants to _三. 听音填空(16分)B: Hello. _ I speak to Peter, please?A: _ is Peter speaking. Whos this?B: This is Jack. Would you _ to _ to the museum _ me?A: Sure! _?B: At 2:00 in the _. _ you then.A: See you.笔试部分(60分)一.单词填空(20分)1. wr_ t_ a l_ tt_ _ 写信2. m_ _ l a p _ stc_ _ d 邮寄贺卡3. m_ k_ a ph_ n_ c_ ll 打电话4. s_nd _ n _-m_ _l 发电子邮件二. 补全对话(8分)A: Hi, Wang Li, Tomorrow is _(Bill) birthday.Do you want to send an e-mail to _?B: Yes, I do.A: Do you often _ to your friends.B: Yes, I do. I also _ to them.三. 选择(12分)( )1. A: May I speak to Peter, please? B: _a.I am Peter.b.Sure.c.This is Peter.( )2. I often _ to my friends. a. write a letter b. write letters. c. write letter( )3. Xiao Gang often _ to my friends. a. sends e-mails b. send e-mail c. send an e-mail.( )4. _ to go to the museum with me? a. Would you like b. Are you like c. Can you like( )5. A: Who is _? B: This is Tom _.a.you, talkb.this, speakc.this, speaking( )6. Whats your phone number? a. My phone number is Mary yahoo.com b. My phone number is 130000 c. My phone number is 84976532.四. 连词成句(10分)1. e-mail, address, Whats , your ?_2. you, Do, often, fly, kite, a, on Saturday, ?_3. is, This, speaking, Lily, ._4. like, you, Would, pictures, draw, to, with me, ?_5. I, speak, May, to, Joy?_五. 小作文(10分)要求: 给你的笔友写封信, 根据自己的信息补全短文.Dear Peter,Its nice to read your letter. My name is _. I live in _. I speak _ and a little _. I am _ old. Id like to be your pen pal. My hobby is _. Write to me soon and tell me more about you and your country. Love, _
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