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大学英语四级翻译轻松练新学期开始了,同学们,面对四级考试,你准备好了吗? 面对四级的翻译题,你有信心拿全分吗?就让我们一起做翻译题吧!1._(从太空上来看),our earth, with water covering about 75% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.2.Anti-government demonstrations do occur, but seldom, if ever, _(正如报纸上报道他们的那样)。3.He lent me a thousand pounds,_(那正好是我需要的数目)to solve my problem.4.The villagers_(理所当然地认为)that we should build new roads.5._(如果我和我兄弟之间出现争吵),my dad settles it.答案:1. Seen from spaceSeen from space此处用做状语,它和句子主句the earth 的关系是被动的,要用过去分词,being seen 是现在分词的被动形式,这种形式用在动作正在进行或与谓语表示的动词同时发生,在作状语的分词里较少适用。2. are they reported in the newspaperbut 后的分句是以含有否定意义的seldom起首的,后面要用倒装结构。由于是被报纸报道,所以report 要用它的被动形式。3. which is exactly the amount I needed此处用关系代词which 指代a thousand pounds.英语中表示金钱、时间、距离等数量的名词短语,虽然形式上是复数的,其后动词仍用单数形式。4. take it for grantedtake it for granted 是固定搭配,意思是“理所当然地认为”。5. If any quarrel arises between my brother and me此句容易把arise 用成rise,但是 rise的意思是“升起,起来”,而arise 的意思是“出现,发生,呈现”,主语一般为抽象名词,如“problem, trouble, quarrel”等.-1_(钟声响了) and we realized it was already two oclock in the afternoon.2.Finding it difficult to _(适应那里的气候),he decided to move to the north.3.He asked the teacher to_(解释得更详细一些)。4_(与成年人学习外语相比) children do not have good conditions, but they can master mother tongue completely.5._(就外表而言),Jack and his younger brother have little in common.答案:1. The clock struck 时钟报时用strike,而不用ring.电话铃响了一般用ring.2. adapt to the climate thereadapt to 有“与相适应”的意思,还可以用“be accustomed to ”或“be adjusted to”来表达类似的意思。注意这些“to”后面一定要跟名词或动名词。3. explain the word in greater detail“explain the word in greater detail”即“详细解释某事”的意思。4. Compared with adults learning foreign languages此句考查分词的正确使用,它的主语是children,与adults相比,与compare是动宾关系,所以要用表示被动关系的过去分词形式。5. As far as the appearance is concerned“as far as something is concerned”表示“就而言”,相似的短语有“as something referred”,表示就某事物的某方面作说明。一.词汇层次仔细分析自改革以来的四级翻译题,发现句句贴近生活,源于生活。因此了摘一些贴近大学生生活的词汇。大学生活类required/compulsory course 必修课enrolment/register for 注册 graduate school 研究生院 instructor 辅导老师letter of recommendation 推荐信optional course 选修课take an examination/sit an examination 参加考试oral examination 口试postgraduate 研究生credit 学分 president 校长dean 导师score/mark 分数participation 出勤application form 申请表assessment 评估assignment 作业course arrangement 课程安排undergraduate 本科生 二.语句层次否定句部分否定句部分否定句虽然是否定句的形式,但其否定意义只局限于整体的一部分。其形式为:概括词all,both,every,everybody,everything,everywhere,always,altogether,entirely和wholly等。例:There is a famous proverb saying that_(闪光的东西并非都是金子)答案:all that glitters is not gold(本题主要考察部分否定句。该谚语中,that glitters是一个定语从句,修饰前面的all)完全否定句完全否定句是针对部分否定句而言,这种否定是彻底的。其形式为:no,none等否定词+肯定式谓语,常见的可以用于这一句型的否定意义的词有:no,none,nobody,nowhere,anyhow,neither,never等,在这一句型中,不定代词不能做主语。还有一种形式为all等概括词+肯定式谓语+含否定意义的词。例:Cheap as it is,but_(我今天无论如何都买不到)答案:anyhow I will not buy it today(本题主要考察完全否定句,anyhow意思是“无论如何都不”) 此主题相关图片如下: 1.Dont you be told that _(这两本书并非都是有益的)2.Although most people like music,_(但并非人人都想去听音乐会)3._(他的一切计划都泡汤了),so dont count on his fulfilling the task on time.4.He is so excited_(他此时此刻的心情是无法用语言来形容的)答案:1.both of the books are not helpful2.everyone dont want to go to the concert3.All his plan came to nothing4.that none of the words can describe his feelings-一.词汇层次仔细分析自改革以来的四级翻译题,发现句句贴近生活,源于生活。因此了摘一些贴近大学生生活的词汇。大学生活类back issues 过期刊物cafeteria 自助小餐厅call slip 索书单campus 校园club 俱乐部catalogue 目录current account 现金帐户current issues 本期刊物deposit money in a bank 存钱dining hall 食堂dormitory 宿舍lecture hall 阶梯教室library card 借书卡overdue and pay a fine 过期存款renew 续借shopping mall/center 购物中心society 学生团体student union 学生会withdraw/draw cash 取钱二.语句层次否定句双重否定句其形式一为:主语+cannot+help/refrain/keep+from+动名词。Help from, refrain from, keep from等词具有“抑制,忍住”等否定含义,与cannot等连用,具有双重否定的意义。例:Having won the gold medal,_(他禁不住喜形于色)。答案:he could not refrain from showing his pleasure.(本题考察双重否定句,refrain from的意思是“克制,避免”)其形式二为:主语+cannot+but/choose but/help but+动词原形。例:_(我们别无选择只好另投旅馆住宿),since all the hotels here are with signs “Be Booked Up”.答案:We could not help but look for another one to stay in.(本题考察双重否定句,“cannot help but”句型,注意这里but后要用动词原形。)其形式三为:(There be)no+主语+but+谓语。在此句型中,but是关系代词,即代替前面的名词,又引导后面的从句,并且具有否定意义。例:He is so devoted to his experiment that_(没有人感觉不到他对事业的热爱)。答案:not a man/no man but felt h
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