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大家学习网bbs.TopSage.comIndex16William ShakespeareVictorianCharles DickensWilliam Makepeace ThackerayGeorge Eliot17John DonneThomas HoodJohn MiltonCharlotte Bronte andEmily BronteJohn BunyanAlfred, Lord TennysonRobert BrowningElizabeth Barrett Browning18Daniel DefoeHenry FieldingJonathan SwiftOliver GoldsmithWilliam BlakeRomantic William Wordsworth20Thomas HardyGorge Gordon, Lord ByronJohn GalsworthyOscar WildePercy Bysshe ShellyGeorge Bernard ShawJohn KeatsD.H. LawrenceVirginia WoolfWalter ScottJames JoyceThe Sixteenth CenturyBeginning of 16th centuryThomas MoreUtopia. More gave a profound and truthful picture of the peoples suffering and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.End the centuryFrancis BaconScientist and philosopherFirst half of 16th centuryThomas Wyatt, Henry HowardThey initiated new poetical forms, borrowing freely from English popular songs and Italian and French poetry. Wyatt was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.Second half of the 16th centuryPhilip Sidney, Thomas Campion and Edmund SpenserLyrical poem become widespread in England. Edmund was the author of the greatest epic poem of the time The Fairy Queen.Court life and gallantry novelJohn Lyly, Thomas LogeGreat popularity was won by John Lylys novel Ephesus which gave rise to the term “euphuism”, designating an affected style of court speech.Realistic novelThomas Delaney, Thomas NasheDevoted to every day life of craftsman, merchants and other representatives of lower classDramaChristopher MarloweReformed drama that genre in English and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works. It was Marlowe who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.William ShakespeareThe works of William Shakespeare are a great landmark in the history of world literature for he was one of the first founders of realism, a master hand at realistic portrayal of human characters and relations.WorksFirst period: Romeo and JulietSecond Period: 1. Hamlet, Prince of Demark2. Othello, the Moor of Venice3. King Lear4. The Tragedy of MacbethThe Seventeenth CenturyPuritan AgePuritan attitudeThey believed in simplicity of life, breaking up of old ideas, an age of confusion.Puritan actionThey disapproved of the sonnets and love poetry written in the previous period.In 1642 the theatres were closeThe bible become one book of the peopleLiterary CharacteristicsAbsence of fixed standard of literary criticism, exaggeration of “metaphysical” poets.Poetry took new and startling forms in Donne and Herbert, and prose became as somber as Burrtons Anatomy of Melancholy.The spiritual gloom sooner or later fastens upon all the writers of this age. This so called gloomy age produced some minor poems of exquisites workmanship, and one of great master of verse whose work would glorify any age or people-John Milton, in whom the indomitable Puritan spirit finds its noblest expression.Restoration AgeLiterary CharacteristicsRenounced old ideas and demanded that English poetry and dream should follow the style which they had become accustomed in the gaiety of Paris. On the whole they were immoral and cynical.French influenceRimed couplets instead of blank verse, the unities, a more regular construction, and the presentation of tryes rather than individualThe comedies are coarse in language and their view of the relation between man and won is immoral and dishonest.John DrydenAs a critic, poet and playwright was the most distinguished literary figure of the restoration age. The most popular genre was that of comedy whose chief aim as to entertain the licentious aristocrats.John Donne1. PoetryFormPart of his poetry is in such classical forms as satires, elegies, and epistles-though it style has anything but classical smoothness-and part is written in lyrical forms of extraordinary variety.Characteristics1. Most of it purports to deal with life, descriptive or experimentally, and the first thing to strike the reader is Donnes extraordinary and penetrating realism. 2. The next is the cynicism which marks certain of the lighter poems and which represents a conscious reaction from the extreme idealization of woman encouraged by the Patrarchan tradition.Love-poemIn his serious love-poems, however, Donne, while not relaxing his grasp on the realities the love experience, suffuses it with an emotional intensity and a spiritualized ardor unique in English poetry.2. SonnetContrast between conventional and Donnes sonnetConventional sonnetDonnes sonnetThe unvarying succession in formGives nearly every theme a verse and stanza form peculiar to itselfDecorating his theme by conventional comparisonIlluminates or emphasizes his thought by fantastic metaphors and extravagant hyperbole.StyleIn moments of ins
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