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高考英语作文拿高分不得不备的78组词汇和短语1. 认为,主张: argue,maintain,hold,believe/考虑:take.into consideration/account,consider, think over,reflect onupon think 2. 下结论,断定: come to/arrive at/draw the conclusion,conclude,decide,assert,wind upjudge3. 获得: acquire,obtain,attain,reap ; 赢得,取得: earn,gainget 4. 支持,赞成: approve of,in favor of,uphold,stand by ones side,agree with,give ones assent/提倡: advocate,recommend support5. 反对: oppose, object to/抵制: resistsay no to 6. 意义深远的,重大的: far-reaching, profound, significant, eventful /重要的,有决定性的: vital, crucial, critical, decisive important 7. 充分运用: make the most of, make full use of /使用: employ, utilize /应用: apply use 8. 当前,目前: nowadays, at present, currently, presently now 9. 勤奋的,勤勉的 diligent, studious, industrious hard-working 10. 认真的,谨慎的 conscientious, cautious careful, serious 11. 表达:voice, convey, express, deliver, communicate /描绘,描述,描写: depict, describe, picture say, tell12. 聪明的,有才智的 intelligent, bright, wise, brilliant clever 13. 疲惫不堪的 exhausted , worn-out, weary tired 14. 参加 participate in, attend, take part in, go in for, engage in join, enter 15. 集中精力于 focus on, center on, concentrate on/专心于 set ones mind on pay ones attention to 16. 沮丧的,失意的 frustrated, discouraged, depressed, down-hearted, disheartened, low-spirited sad 17. 努力做,尽力做 attempt to, make efforts to, endeavor to, manage to do try to, work hard 18. 志气,抱负,渴望 aspiration, ambition, yearning, thirst desire 19. 除外 apart from, in addition to, along with besides 20. 开展,实施,做 practice, carry out, conduct, perform do 21. 优秀的 outstanding, perfect, brilliant, remarkable, distinguished, excellent good 22. 实现,完成 achieve, accomplish, fulfill, complete finish 23. 解释 account for, illustrate, clarify explain 24. 证明, 证实 testify, confirm, verify, turn out prove 25. 碰到,遇到 come across, meet with, encounter, confront meet 26. 粗俗的,不雅的 vulgar, unrefined, improper, foul, crude, coarse, rough bad 27. 教育性的,启发性的 instructive, educational, enlightening good 28. 难以置信的,惊人的,令人震惊的 fantastic, incredible, unusual, unbelievable, exceptional, extraordinary, marvelous, notable, striking, amazing, shocking, astonishing great, surprising 29. 迷人的,吸引人的 enchanting, charming, appealing, appealing, fascinating, attractive beautiful, pretty 30. 请教, 咨询 consult, return to, resort to ask31. 有偏见的,偏心的prejudiced, partial, discriminative unfair 32. 等不及, 渴望 cannot wait to, be eager to/for, long for, yearn for/to/after, look forward to want to 33. 事实上 in reality, as a matter of fact, practically, virtually, actually in fact 34. 低等的,次要的 inferior, junior, minor, secondary, lesser, insignificant lower 35. 使信服 convince, persuade, assure, confirm make.believe 36. 有敌意的,反对的 hostile, adverse, aggressive not kind 37. 唯一的,仅有的 sole, single, unique only 38. 显示 point to, indicate, demonstrate, reflect, manifest show 39. 节约的,节俭的 economical, thrifty, frugal, prudent saving, sparing40. 迟早,最终 eventually ,sooner or later, at length, ultimately finally, at last41. 在我看来,就我而言 in my view, in my belief, as far as I can see, in my mind, as far as I am concerned in my opinion 42. 想出,想到 come up with, cross ones mind, occur to sb. think43. 需要 call for, require, demand need44. 真诚的,诚实的,正直的 sincere, truthful, genuine, upright honest 45. 轻视,蔑视 despise, contempt, belittle, distain hate 46. 涌入 flood into, overflow into, crowd into, swarm in come into, enter 47. 合作 cooperate, join forces, work side by side, make joint efforts work together 48. 建设性的,有益的 constructive, helpful, valuable, useful good 49. 遵守 abide by, observe, conform obey 50. 易于,倾向于 be prone to, be liable to, tend to, incline to, be likely to be possible 51. 失业的 unemployed, laid-off, jobless, workless out of work 52. 熟悉, 知道 be acquainted with, be familiar with, be informed of know 53. 解决, 处理 resolve, settle, deal with, cope with, manage solve 54. 意识到 be aware of, be conscious of realize 55. 消费 consume, expend spend 56. 决心做 be determined to do, make up ones mind to do decide to do 57. 足够的,充足的 sufficient, adequate, ample enough, plenty 58. 永久地,长期不变地 permanently, enduringly, lastingly, constantly unchangingly59. 抛弃,放弃 desert, abandon, quit give up 60. 巨大的 tremendous, immense, huge, gigantic, giant, enormous very big 61. 不计其数的 countless, endless, unlimited, innumerable. immeasurable, incalculable, numerousmany62. 熟人acquaintance/ 伙伴associate, companion/密友,知己intimate,confidant friend63. 有意义的 meaningful 有价值的valuable good 64. 提前,在前 ahead of time, ahead of schedule, in advance, prior to before 65. 迷人的,吸引人的 enchanting, charming, appealing, alluring,
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