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南京市鼓楼区模块一重要词汇活用检测一、根据中文或首字母填空 1. There was nothing special about the film-it was only _(普通).2. Looking after a baby is as _ (挑战)as working on a new job, do you think so?3. Im going to work _(额外)hard this term.4. To carry out the new plan would _(需要)increasing our staff by 50 %.5. Please keep me i_ of any development in your area.6. The room c_ an area of 20 square metres.7. We have done a lot, and will do even more for the 2008 Olympic Games for p_.8. Going to a foreign high school for some time is very e_ and exciting.9. Almost no high school students are _ (满意)with the school hours in China.10. I know from my own _(经历) how difficult this kind of work can be.11. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just _ (放松)under a tree or sat on the grass.12. George Bush was invited to a_ the APEC held in Shanghai.13. My English i_ a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.14. The paintings that David d_ to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall.15. She doesnt want to take her new boy friend home in case her parents dont _of him. 16. She didntgive ane_ for being late.17. The project was finished later than e_.18. The doctor has f_ the patient to eat sweets.19. Wehad an_(争论) with the waiter about the bill.20. She is very good at _(应付) difficult customers.21.The door can be opened only in an _(紧急情况). 22. He _(弯下身) down to tie his shoe laces.23. You will need_(耐心) if you want to be served in this shop.24. We sat in the caf for hours_(聊天) about our experiences.25. Im_(害怕的) of walking home alone in the dark.26. Why should I say sorry when its notmy_(过错)?27. Such b_ is unacceptable in public.28. Your suggestion d_ considering29. Activities all take placeunder the g_ ofan experienced tutor.30. Payments can be made by cheque orin c_.31. The old man suffered from high blood p_.32. Two patients have r_ from A/H1N1 flu after a week of treatment.33. He is a f_ as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.34. Smoking can be h_ to your health.35. He is a great s_, and to be exact, a great footballer.36. Some poor African children are s_ because of their lack of food.37. My primary school teacher had changed so much that I found it difficult to r_ him.38. He is proud of his daughters a_ to speak four languages.39. We should stop talking and c_ on the work we need to finish today.40. The fire was brought under c_ and soon it was put out.41. Some _(建议) were made by the doctors on how to keep fit.42. The storm did a lot of _(损坏,损害) to the crops.43. Meeting adults _(使窘迫) the shy child.44. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great _(成就).45. He took a _(冒险) when he crossed the old bridge.46. This cosmetic _(包含) harmful chemical has side effect on human beings. It may make hair fall out and put on weight. It will affect which peoples health seriously.47. Children are flowers of our motherland. His suggestion is that children should eat properly and exercise r_. As long as they are in good health, they will be able to make great pogress.48. I was not able to lift a 10pound weight two years ago. But look at me now! This exercise really has enabled me to build up my m_ in the last two years.49. The patient is recovering from the operation taken 3 months ago. He insists taking medicine every day f_ his doctors advice and returns to the hospital for checking his health along with his wife once two weeks.50. As a matter of fact,some a_ actresses have to change their lifestyles. Sometimes they even go on diets; to stay slim, so they are not very relaxed .二短语A. 根据中文写出短语1. 惊讶地 令人惊讶的 2. 羡慕某人的某物 羡慕地,出于嫉妒 3. 万一,免得 无论如何 在这/那种情况 决不 4. 期待做某事 5. 让某人高兴的 6. 实现梦想 7. 增加,还有 8. 因.而失望 9. 灭绝 10. 经历 11. 在我最好/最糟糕的时候 12. 对.好奇 _ 13. 把.和.作比较 14. 渴望做 _ 15. 开始做_16. 锻炼,算出_ 17. 导致某人做 _18. 收到某人来信_19. 和一起,随着_20. 过去常常做某事_ 习惯于做某事_被用来做某事_21.偶然遇见_22. 从长远观点来看_23.对感到羞愧_24. 集中精力做某事_25. 实际上_B. 完成句
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