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2022年职称英语考试综合类课堂笔记八十四2A. he sold it to the architects(建筑师) and builders(施工人员, 营造商) immediately(立即).B. The Egyptians(埃及人) used it to build(修建) the Pyramids(金字塔).C. It was accepted (被承受)favorably(顺当地) by the public(公众).D. Most people had doubt(疑心) about (对.的疑心)its safety(安全).3D. 细节题。 利用问题句中的特征词Otis及被选项中的细节信息词及特征词(A:architects, builders; B: Egyptians, Pyramids)共同作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句:Think of a modern city and the first image that come to mind is the skyline. It is full of great buildings, pointing like fingers to heaven. It is true that some cities dont permit buildings to go above a certain height. But these are cities concerned with the past. The first thing any city does when it wants to tell the world that it has arrived is to build skyscrapers. When people gather together in cites, they create a demand for land. Since cities are places where money is made, that demand can be met. And the best way to make money out of city land is to put as many people as possible in a space that covers the smallest amount of ground. That means building upwards. (第2题答案相关句)The technology existed to do this as early as the 19th century. But the height of buildings was limited by one important factor. They had to be small enough for people on the top floors to climb stairs. People could not be expected to climb a mountain at the end of their journey to work, or home. Elisha Otis, a US inventor, was the man who brought(带来, 引起) us the lift or elevator, as he preferred to call it. However, most of the technology is very old. Lifts work using the same pulley(滑轮) system(系统) the Egyptians used to create(制造, 造成) the Pyramids. What Otis did was attach the system to a steam engine and develop the elevator brake, which stops the lift falling if the cords that hold it up are broken. It was this that did the most to gain public confidence in the new invention. In fact, he(指代Otis) spent(花(时间,金钱) a number of(大量的) years exhibiting(展出) lifts at fairgrounds(露天市场, 游乐场), giving people the chance(时机) to try them before selling(卖) the idea to architects (建筑师)and builders(营造商). 答案相关句说:Otis在游乐场里让大家试乘了几年后才把这个想法出售给建筑师和营运商。这说明刚开头人们还是对电梯的安全性心存顾虑。
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