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Lesson 14 A noble gangster1. noble adj. (nobler, noblest)1. having fine personal qualities that people admire, such as courage, honesty and care for others崇高的;品质高尚的e.g. (1) 伟大的领袖 a noble leader (2) 他为了高尚的事业而牺牲。 He died for a noble cause.2. belonging to a family of high social rank贵族的;高贵的e.g. 出身高贵的人 a man of noble birthadv. nobly nublin. a person who comes from a family of high social rank; a member of the nobility出身高贵的人;贵族成员nobility nubiliti n. 1. (the nobility) 贵族 2. u (fml) the quality of being noble in character 高贵的品质2. gangster gst n. a member of a group of violent criminals匪徒;歹徒;土匪e.g. 芝加哥的歹徒 Chicago gangsters 3. 在指时间或地点的名词之后,可用when和where表达定语从句中at which或in which的含义,如:e.g. (1) 你能否提出一个对我们双方都方便的会面时间吗? Can you suggest a time when/at which it will be convenient for both of us to meet? (2) 她知道一处我们可在那儿找到野草莓的树林。 She knows a wood where/in which we can find wild strawberries.只有当指时间或地点的名词/先行词在从句中起到时间状语或地点状语作用时,才可使用关系副词when或where引导的定语从句,如:e.g. (1) 那是她所能找到的对我们双方都方便的会面时间。 Thats the time (which) she has found to be convenient for both of us to meet. (2) 他告诉了她孩子们玩捉迷藏时发现的那个藏身之处。 He told her the hidden place (which) the children found while playing hide-and-seek.虽然上两例中的先行词指时间和地点,但由于它们在定语从句中起到的是宾语作用(即指She has found the time to be convenient for both of us to meet和the children found the hidden place while playing hide-and-seek),因此只能使用关系代词which/that引导这两个定语从句。4. pay (paid, paid)Vt. 支付,付钱给e.g. 那条裙子你付了多少钱?How much did you pay for that dress?注:为某件东西或某项服务付钱用pay fore.g. (1) 你付给面包师多少钱? How much did you pay the baker? (2) 我来付你修理费。 Let me pay you for the repair.注:付某人钱用pay sb.,为某事付某人钱时用pay sb. for sth. 但付账单时用pay a bill, 如:e.g. 我已付了账单。I have paid the bill.vi. 付款,交款e.g. (1) 我将用支票付款。 Ill pay by cheque.(AmE check). (2) 杰克付了饮料钱。 Jack paid for the drinks.n. 工资,薪金e.g. (1) 酬金不少。 The pay is good. (2) 她失去了三周的薪水。 She lost three weeks pay.5. sum sm n. 1. c, (of) an amount (of money)金额e.g. 我得花一大笔大笔大笔的钱才把它弄回来。I had to spend a large sum/large sums of money to get it back.2. the total produced when numbers, amounts, etc., are added together和;总数;总和e.g. 6加4之和为10. The sum of 6 and 4 is 10.in sum (fml) used to introduce a short statement of the main points of a discussion, speech, etc.总之,总而言之sum v. (-mm-) sum up / sum sth upto state the main points of sth in a short and clear form总结;概括 synonym: summarizee.g. (1) 概括起来说,这一问题主要有三种解决办法。 To sum up, there are three main ways to deal with/solve the problem. (2) 我能否把我们目前已经形成共识的问题作个概括? Can I just sum up what we have agreed so far?6. in return (for) 作为(的)回报;作为(的)交换。通常指被看作有同等价值或同等意义上的回报/交换,如:e.g. (1) 对你的好意,他做了些什么呢? What did he do in return for your kindness? (2) 他们给予了我们极大的帮助,但我们真为拿不出什么来报答他们而感到遗憾。 They have helped us a lot, but we really feel sorry that we have nothing to give them in return.7. protection prtekn n.1. u the act of protecting or state of being protected保护;保障;庇护;防卫;抵御e.g. 她那单薄的外衣不怎么御寒。 Her thin coat gave/provided little protection against the cold.2. u also (protection money) (informal) (付给黑社会分子的)保护费3. something that protects 保护物e.g. 鞋是用来保护脚的。 Shoes are a protection for the feet.v. protect (against, from) to keep safe, esp. by guarding or covering保护,维护,防护e.g. (1) 这些珍禽受到专门法令的保护-它们是受保护的物种。These rare birds are protected by special laws-they are protected species. (2) 维护自己的名誉 to protect ones reputation (3) 戴墨镜可以保护眼睛不受阳光刺激。Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sun. 8. prompt prmpt adj. 1. (of an action) done quickly, at once, or at the right time (行动)立刻的;迅速的;准时的e.g. (1) 如蒙即期结账, 则不胜感激。 Prompt payment of bills is greatly appreciated. (2) 他付房租从不拖延。He is prompt in paying his rent.( 租金,租费) (3) I cant understand it; hes usually very prompt.我不明白这是怎么回事, 他通常很准时的。adv. promptlyv. prompt v. to cause or urge促使;催促,引起e.g. (1) 看到船使他想起遥远的故乡。 The sight of the ships prompted thoughts of his distant home. (2) 他的答复促使我再提一个问题。 His reply prompted me to ask another question.9. out of business 倒闭,破产put v. to cause to be in the stated condition使处于(某种状态)e.g. (1) 他把自己的书整理好了。 He put his books in order. (2) 他那些乏味的课程总是使我昏昏欲睡。 His boring lessons always put me to sleep.put sb. out of business 使倒闭,破产10. by destroying his shop 用捣毁他的商店的方法在句中作方式状语,修饰动词put,介词by在这里为“以方式”之意destroy v. to damage (sth) so severely that it cannot be repaired; put an end to the existence of; ruin破坏,毁坏,摧残;消灭e.g. 一场火毁坏了那座房屋。A fire destroyed the house. 11. obtain v.(rather formal) to become the owner of, esp. by means of effort or planning; get(较正式)(尤指通过努力或计划)获得,得到;赢得e.g. 我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.12. crime n.1. 罪,罪行Ce.g. 谋杀罪 the crime of murder 2. 犯罪,违法犯罪活动Ue.g. 防止犯罪是警察的任务。
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