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20152016学年度第一学期期中质量测试八年级英语试题 (总分:120分 时间:100分钟)一 单项选择1.This museum is very famous. About people visit it every year. A. seven millions of B. seven millions C. seven million D. seven million of2.David is stronger than student in his class. A. other B. Others C. any other D. Some3. From the smile on Miss Lis face we can see that she is with us. A. sad B. tired C. pleased D. shy 4. Tim thinks maths is difficult than English. A. more B. very C. much D. too 5. Which do you like , watching TV or reading books? A. good B. better C. well D. best 6.Im sorry to hear that youre ill. I hope you are getting . A. good B. Well C. better D. best 7.I have two hobbies. One is drawing and is singing. A. the other B. Another C. other D. others 8.Dick bought a new bike and it him three hundred dollars. A. paid B. Spent C. took D. cost 9.Hainan Island is the second island in China. A. small B. Larger C. largest D. smallest 10.Hawaii is famous its beautiful beaches in the world. A. of B. asC. for D. with 11.Why did Tony the match? He always does best in our school. A. lose B. getC. make D. beat12.Toms mother asked him some washing after dinner. A. did B. doesC. to do D. do13.This story us a little girls school life in the small village. A. leaves B. takesC. hopes D. shows14. will Linda stay in the country-side with her grandparents? Maybe two weeks. A. How long B. How oldC. How much D. How far15.Peter some beautiful postcards for his friends yesterday. A. gave B. ateC. bought D. sent二阅读理解 A. Many kids go to day camp during the summer. They can have a lot of fun, but the schedule is almost the same. You start camp in the morning and go home in the afternoon. Sometimes, a bus takes you there or you might get a ride there. It might take you some time to like the place, the camp teacher, and the kids. But you go home every night, just like what you do during the school year.Sleepaway camp makes you feel more excited because youll be there all day. Its a kind of holiday, but without your parents. Youll sleep in a dormitory (集体寝室) with other kids of the camp. Youll eat together in a large dining hall and youll share the bathroom with other kids.Some sleepaway camps are coed. That means there are both boys and girls at the camp. Some camps are just for girls or just for boys, but often these all-girl and all-boy camps meet up for dances and parties. ( )1. The underlined word “schedule” means “” in Chinese.A. 营规B. 日程表 C. 构思 D. 名单( )2. The writer thinks .A. no kid likes going to day campB. sleepaway camp is more excitingC. day camp is a safer way to campD. going to sleepaway camp is hard ( )3. At the sleepaway camp, kids will .A. share the bathroom with other kids。B. make mealsC. go home in the afternoon D. do like what they do at school( )4. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Sleepaway camp is the same as any other kind of camp.B. Girls cant go to sleepaway camp. C. Kids go to sleepaway camp without their parents.D. Most sleepaway camps are for boys.( )5. This passage is .A. to tell us what we can do at the campB. to ask us to go to summer campC. about different kinds of campsD. about differences between sleepaway camp and day camp B.There was a new maths teacher and some new students in the school. One of the new students named Karl was very stupid. The other students tried to explain (解释) numbers to him, but he didnt understand.Before Karl arrived, maths was the most boring lesson of all. Now it was great fun. The children would listen to Karl and correct his mistakes. They all wanted to be the first to find his mistakes, and then tried to think up the best ways to explain them. But little Lewis was sure that Karl felt sad and wanted to talk with him. So, one day, he decided to walk after Karl after school. Lewis was sure he would see him crying. On the way home, Karl walked a few minutes to a park, and there he waited for someone to meet him.It was the new teacher!They went off, hand in hand. Lewis could hear them talking about maths. And that stupid Karl knew everything about it, and even much more than anyone else in the class!( )6. Which lesson was the most boring of all before Karl arrived?A. Chinese. B. English.C. Maths. D. Music.( )7.The underlined word “stupid” means “” in Chinese.A. 外向的 B. 愚蠢的C. 好奇的 D. 伶俐的 (
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