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考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读100篇Text11Car retailing If there was ever an industry vulnerable to technological change, it would have to be selling cars in America. For decades a franchise network made up of thousands of dealers has peddled ordinary cars as though they were exotic goods in a Moroccan souk. Each dealer seems to have his own opaque pricing scheme, consumers have to endure endless haggling and the financing is murky at best. Small wonder, then, that the shifty car salesman has became such a stereotype. A decade ago a few brave souls tried to use the emerging power of the internet to modernise this fragmented and frustrating business. Scott Painter, a Californian entrepreneur, founded Cars Direct in an attempt to sell vehicles direct to consumers online. But the business failed to work as he had hoped, and he eventually left the company. Hope springs eternal, at least where the internet is concerned. This week Mr. Painter is launching Zag, his latest attempt to modernise automobile retailing using the internet. His first big customer is Capital One, a financial giant that is one of the countrys biggest providers of car loans. Meanwhile, Auto Nation, the countrys largest car retailer (with over 300 dealerships), is launching Smart Choice, its own internet marketingscheme, in June. So is the time finally ripe? Glenn Mercer of McKinsey, a consultancy, believes that internet sales efforts, even fixed price schemes, will not save customers much money because the internet firms by law cannot buy cars directly from manufacturers; they must get them from dealers. Brian Reed of Capital One retorts: Its true, we may not offer the lowest pricebut we will offer a fair price with a lot less pain. But the pain is not always so easy to escape. Visit many online sites to research a car, and they will sell your name immediately to local dealerships which will then harass you in the oldfashioned way. Still, there are reasons to think that conditions may finally be favoring online sales. J.D. Power and Associates, a research firm, reckons that twothirds of new car customers use the internet for research, up from a quarter in 1998. Auto Nation reports that car sales originating on the internet have increased from 14% of its total in 2002 to about a quarter last year. Because price transparency is squeezing margins, argues Sid De Boer of Lithia, one of the countrys biggest car retailers, dealers are now desperate to find ways that the internet can help them. He is convinced that online sales of new cars will soar from nothing to a quarter of Lithias total within a decade. So will all this mean the death of the salesman? Do not count on it says Mike Jackson, the boss of Auto Nation. His firm has already cut in half the time taken to buy a car, and it wants to cut it in half again by automating various bits of paperwork. But Mr. Jackson is convinced that consumers will always want to kick the tyres on their new car, before they sign on the dotted line: Well put the distasteful parts online, and leave the fun part-its like going to a candy store. Endure v.忍受,持久,持续 真题例句 In Japan,says educator Yoko Muro, its never a question of whether you enjoy your job and your life, but only how much you can endure. 2000年阅读4 例句精译 在日本,教育家 Yoko Muro说,问题绝对不是你是否喜欢自己的工作和生活,而是你能承受多大的负荷。 Eventually ad.终于,最后 真题例句 Over billions of years, the gas was compressed by gravity into galaxies, stars, plants and eventually, even humans.1998年翻译 例句精译 数十亿年来,这种气体受引力的压缩形成星系、恒星,甚至产生人类。 Attempt v.(to)尝试,试图;n.(at)企图,努力 真题例句 Their methods do not attempt (v.) to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.2006年阅读3 例句精译 他们的方法不是试图估计出在特定海洋区域中实际的单位鱼类生物数量,而是这一数量随着时间有什么变化。 Squeeze v.压榨,挤;n.榨取,勒索 真题例句 On the other hand, oilimporting emerging economies-to which heavy industry has shifted-have become more energyintensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed (v.).2002年阅读3 例句精译 另一方面,进口石油的新兴国家由于转向了重工业,消耗能量更大,因此可能会受到石油危机的强烈影响。 Soar v.高飞,骤升,剧增;n.高涨程度 真题例句 Theyre all groaning about soaring (v.) health budgets, the fastestgrowing components of which are pharmaceutical costs.2005年新题型 例句精译 他们抱怨高涨的健康预算,药价太高是其中非常重要的一个方面。 Convince v.(of)使信服,使确信 真题例句 The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15 to 10.1997年阅读1 例句精译 这一法案以令人信服的15票对10票通过。 Little Tips: 最初那些关于在线零售的种种错误观念现在被完全摒弃了。人们曾经认为,在线零售能消除中间商,无需仓库和存货就可以将商品直接销售给顾客,这也是CEO们宣称它将取代传统零售业的主要原因。几年前,绝大部分的在线零售商都是建立在这种模式之上的。那些具有网络、商店和目录销售的多渠道零售公司将是在线零售的最大赢家。也就是说,网络将只是作为多渠道销售策略中的一个部分,而不会取代传统销售渠道。许多顾客在通过电话或到商店购物之前都习惯先到网站上去查询相关的产品和价格信息。只有那些具有多个销售渠道的公司才能够从这种趋势中获益。不动产销售和汽车销售商这些似乎和在线零售没有任何关系的企业正在获益匪浅。研究表明,在美国,76的顾客在购买新车时都先在网络上浏览相关信息,然后再到代理商处购买汽车,但很少有人会直接在网上购买汽车。 汽车零售业 如果说有哪个行业很容易为技术革新所损害,那么这个行业无疑就是美国的汽车销售业了。经过几十年的发展,一
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