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Unit 1 Getting to know youTopic 2 Where are you from?Section A一、教学课题:Section A二、教学内容:1. How to ask questions of name, nation or hometown. 2.The different forms of “be”. 3. Some countrys name.三、教学目标:1.Students can ask questions of each others name. 2.Make some simple dialogue using “be from ”. 3. Remember some countrys name.四、教学重点:Different forms of “be”五、教学难点:Using of “be from”六、教具:map of the word.七、课型:New lesson八、教学过程:活动设计设计意图Using map of the world .Let students to recognize countrys name and position.Dialogue making.Make them learn by themselves and practise new content.Discussion persons from different countries.Recognize persons of different countries.Review in time.Achieve a better result of lesson.step1. Presentation Let student learn some nations names and some new word.step2. Listen and say Let students listen to the dialogue of 1a and repeat of it.step3. Learn sentencesExplain important sentence: Where are you from ? What is your name?Are you from ?step4. PracticeUsing the sentences we have just learned to make some similar dialogue.step5. ReviewReview the new content we learned before and now.九、课后小结本节课是让学生在学习一些常用句子和单词的基础上获得一定的语感,能进行简单的英语对话,了解一些语法规则;并且在学习的同时能利用一些地理知识进行帮助记忆。Section B一、教学课题:Section B二、教学内容:1. Some famous persons information. 2. The match of “they” and “are”. 3. Intonation of declaratives and interrogatives.三、教学目标:1. Describe some famous persons information. 2. Make dialogue using third person pronoun. 3. Read different types sentences with right intonation.四、教学重点:To describe the information of somebody.五、教学难点:To describe the information of somebody.六、教具:Some famous persons photos.七、课型:new lessons.八、教学过程:活动设计设计意图Watching some pictures of famous persons.Talking their information of name and nation with your partner.From this activity, they can know some famous persons and practise sentences we learned in the last lesson.Make a similar conversation in groups.Student can learn new match between third person pronoun.step1. Review words in last lesson Section B has little new words, so we can review old words in last lesson.step2. Look, listen and say about material of 1a.Let student to learn some nations names and some new word.step3. Watching some pictures of famous persons.Let students to discussion information of these people and express it.step4. Learn sentences of different person pronoun. Are they from ? Where are they from?step5. IntonationLearn the intonation of interrogatives and declarativesstep6. PracticeUsing the sentences we have just learned to make some similar dialogue and pay attention to their intonation.九、课后小结这节课没有多少新单词和新句法的学习,主要是巩固和语法的延伸,另外就是在口语方面提出了不同句式的语气读法。所以这堂课重学生的自主学习,教师的讲解不多。Section C一、教学课题:Section C二、教学内容:1. The numbers of zero to ten. 2. Address book. 3. Song of “where are you from”三、教学目标:1.Students can recognize the numbers of zero to ten 2.Students can make name cards of their friends. 3.Sing the song with music.四、教学重点:numbers of zero to ten五、教学难点:Translate numbers quickly六、教具:Some things with numbers. 七、课型:new lesson八、教学过程:活动设计设计意图Translate all numbers in your life to English.Familiar with numbers in English. Let student learn to observe our daily life.Design the name card by themselves. And read their telephone numbers loudly.Review the knowledge of name and nation.Strengthen their ability of practice.Sing the song together.Make a happy surrounding feeling of class.Add their study interest.step1. Study numbers from 010 Teach student to read 010 and remember them.step2. Practise the numbers in English. Give numbers, student read them as quickly as possible.step3. Do practice alone Review the names of countries. And listen to the numbers of different countries, fill the result in the blank circle.step4. View some famous persons name cardLet students remember the information of these persons, and learn the expression of name cards.step5. Do their own name cardsThey can write any information in their name card.step6. Study the sentence and persons name in song Familiar with the words of songs to sing it beautifully.step7. sing the song : where are you from ?First listen to the tape. Then let students sing it together.九、课后小结这堂课是一堂可以培养学生实践能力课,在制作自己名片时,让学生在做中学;这堂课教同学们学会简单的英文歌曲,既巩固了原有知识,也让学习更加充满乐趣,提高学生的学习动机。Section D一、教学课题:Section D二、教学内容:1. Some pronunciation of letters. 2. Useful telephone numbers in our daily life. 3. Grammar focus of sentences.三、教学目标:1. Recognize the five vowel letters. 2.Remember the telephone numbers in our daily life.四、教学重点:five vowel lette
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