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阅读理解技巧阅读理解由于题材非常广泛,包括科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等;体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、应用文等特点,往往是考试中的难题。那么,如何做好阅读理解呢如何在平时的训练中做到心里有数,稳扎稳打的作练习;有目的、有方向的训练自己的不足之处。阅读的提高是一个中长期的训练过程,如何在第一步就领先一步呢?如何做好自己的计划和安排呢?是否真的有一些实用的技巧和方法呢?让我们来看看,到底要怎样做!第一、是要排除心理障碍,不要因为自身词汇量小,阅读文章中有较多的“拦路虎”,而对之望而生畏,造成紧张心理,导致越读越慌,越慌越难的窘境,从而影响正常的答题。对于阅读文章中的生词问题,我在后面会详细谈一下。第二、忌不带问题阅读。要先看题干,弄清题目要求,带着问题有目的地进行阅读,这样就能把握方向,同时也可边阅读边选出考查表层情况问题的答案,提高阅读效率及答题的正确性。第三、是要切忌一个词一个词割裂地理解,或将无关的词硬凑在一起理解,以致无法获取句子语义及特定语境中篇章的意义,造成信息流中断,曲解或偏离题意。第四、是要善于抓关键句和主题句。文章的第一句或最后一句往往是文章或段落的关键句或主题句,对文章的理解起着重要的作用;同时要学会正确猜测词义,有机地联系上下文,读了上文,猜测下文,不要逐词翻译,造成前后脱节,缺乏语感,以致于理解错误。第五,充分利用语篇中的文字或图表形式等基本信息,准确地捕捉关键事实和细节,进而归纳出主旨大意,领会全文的逻辑关系,弄清作者的写作意图等,进行推理判断,挖掘字里行间的深层内涵。第六,完成选择时,看其是否与文中内容相矛盾,有无文中信息支持点,再有就是看它是否完全符合题目的要求;如果让你判断其标题的话,要看文章表达的是人还是事,从而推断其标题内容。所有的选项必须以文章为基础,不要随意发挥想像或联想。第七,忌忽略时间。做阅读理解题时,一定要从整体上控制时间,时间分配根据文章的难易程度有别。文中一两处没弄懂的地方可以暂且放置一边,等把全部题做完后,再回头来处理。因为做完题后,你的心情相对放松了往往会产生新的思路、新的灵感。即使做完题后时间所剩无几了,你再把未处理的题猜测一下也不晚,因为你仍然有选对的可能性。第八,良好的阅读习惯。这个要靠平时的培养。克服阅读时不必要的附带动作,如头部转动、用手指或铅笔逐个点词等等;避免朗读,人看的速度要比读快2倍,朗读必然影响阅读速度;不要逐词逐词地看,这样既影响速度又影响理解。正确的方法是头部不动,用眼睛去扫描,这样既能提高速度又能整句理解。 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40 分) 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEarly one morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called Elias Howe finally fell asleep. He had been working all night on the design of a sewing machine but he had run into a very difficult problem: It seemed impossible to get the thread to run smoothly around the needle.Though he was tired, Howe slept badly. He turned and turned. Then he had a dream. He dreamt that he had been caught by terrible savages whose king wanted to kill him and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine. When he tried to do so, Howe ran into the same problem as before. The thread kept getting caught around the needle. The king flew into the cage and ordered his soldiers to kill Howe. They came up towards him with their spears raised. But suddenly the inventor noticed something. There was a hole in the tip of each spear. The inventor awoke from the dream, realizing that he had just found the answer to the problem. Instead of trying to get the thread to run around the needle, he should make it run through a small hole in the center of the needle. This was the simple idea that finally made Howe design and build the first really practised sewing machine.Elias Howe was not the only one in finding the answer to his problem in this way.Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light, said his best ideas came into him in dreams. So did the great physicist Albert Einstein. Charlotte Bronte also drew in her dreams in writing Jane Eyre.To know the value of dreams, you have to understand what happens when you are asleep. Even then, a part of your mind is still working. This unconscious(无意识的), but still active part understands your experiences and goes to work on the problems you have had during the day. It stores all sorts of information that you may have forgotten or never have really noticed. It is only when you fall asleep that this part of the brain can send messages to the part you use when you are awake. However, the unconscious part acts in a special way. It uses strange images which the conscious part may not understand at first. This is why dreams are sometimes called “secret messages to ourselves”.1.According to the passage, Elias Howe was_.A. the first person we know of who solved problems in his sleepB. much more hard-working than other inventorsC. the first person to design a sewing machine that really workedD. the only person at the time who knew the value of dreams2.The problem Howe was trying to solve was_.A. what kind of thread to useB. how to design a needle which would not breakC. where to put the needleD. how to prevent the thread from getting caught around the needle3.Thomas Edison is spoken of because_.A. he also tried to invent a sewing machineB. he got some of his ideas from dreamsC. he was one of Howes best friendsD. he also had difficulty in falling asleep4.Dreams are sometimes called“secret messages to ourselves” because _.A. strange images are used to communicate ideasB. images which have no meaning are usedC. we can never understand the real meaningD. only specially trained people can understand themBLanguage learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners .Most children will“obey”spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word “obey” is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child .Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, an
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