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Lesson O Can You Fly?第一课时一、 教材内容解读本课选自新路径英语三年级下册Lesson O,单词涉及动词类。句型涉及询问某人能力及其回答。同时让学生能够扮演动物并询问彼此能力。二、 教学目标1. 知识目标:(1) 单词:cook,drive,act,climb.(2) 句型:-Can you .? -Yes,I can ./No,I cant.2. 能力目标:(1)能听懂、会说本课单词,要求发音标准,理解词义,语调自然、流畅。(2)能用 “Can you.?。”询问能力并回答。(3)能听懂会说本课对话,并能大胆进行表演,要求发音准确,语调自然。3.情感目标:(1)让学生感受到每个人都有自己擅长的事情和不会的事情,培养学生从不同的角度看问题的能力。(2)通过图片、游戏、表演等培养学生的模仿及表演能力,激发学生学习英语的热情和兴趣。三、教学重难点1.重点:本课单词和句子。2.难点:(1)act,climb和drive的发音。(2)句型“Can you.?”及其回答。(3)灵活使用所学知识进行交流。四、教法、学法:情境教学法、游戏法、TPR教学法。五、教具:PPT、单词卡片、句子卡片、动物头套、分组卡片。六、教学过程.Warm-up1.Greetings: -Good morning,boys and girls ! -Good morning,Miss Ma!2.Watch a video:以抖音的形式呈现一段关于所学过的动词类单词的快闪视频。并让学生起来边说边做刚刚所看到的动词。3. Lets chant:回忆并演唱三上所学chant“They Can Dance”.Divide pupils into four groups:T:Im Miss Horse today,and you are Team Fish,Team Monkey,Team Giraffe and Team Bird.OK?Ss:OK!.New presentation1.教学单词climb.T:So,Im Miss Horse,I can run.What can you do ?S1:Im a bird,I can fly.S2:Im a monkey,I can jump.T:Right!A monkey can jump,and what else can monkey do?Ss:攀爬。T:Yes,now look this picture ,what can you see?Ss:Monkey,tree,crocodile,river.T:So,can you guess what happened?Ss:.T:Great!A crocodile want to eat the monkey,and the monkey climb on the tree.So ,read after tape,climb!(书空,自然拼读)2.教学句型can you.?及其肯定回答:Yes,I can.T:And the monkey says :I can climb,can you climb?The crocodile answer:Yes,I can.(跟读,分组读,双人练习并展示。)3.教学单词act:以游戏Find the odd man out引入。T:Look at the picture,can you find the different one?T:Great!They are rabbits ,and this is a boy,he act(重读) as a rabbit.T:Lets read after the tape.(书空,自然拼读)4. 教学句型Can you .?及其否定回答No, I cant.由刚刚的图片继续呈现在PPT 上,The boy says:I can act,can you act?The rabbit answer:No,I cant.(跟读,分组读,开火车小组间循环问答。)5. 教学单词cook:以一段做饭视频引入。T:So,from the video we can see the girl ,She can .Ss:做饭。T:Yes, she can cook.Lets read after the tape .(书空,自然拼读)T:And can you guess what will she ask?有了以上句型呈现的经验学生能够说出:Can you cook?T: Great!So, boys and girls, Can you cook?Ss:Yes, I can./No I cant.6. 教学单词drive:给学生展示一张Miss Ma开车的照片。T:Who is she?Ss:Miss Ma.T:Yes ,Its me.I can drive.(跟读,书空,自然拼读)T:Kids,can you drive?Ss:Yes ,I can ,the toy car./No,I cant.巩固复习.1. Read the words after the tape2. “I do,you say”3. Match the pictures with the words.4. Read the sentences after the tape .5. 多次从不同小组选出两名学生戴上头套扮演该组相应动物,并互相询问对方的能力。.Sum up .总结本课所学单词句型,以及获胜小组。.Homework:1.Copy new words 5times and read them. 2.Ask and answer with classmates about your abilities.3.Preview the dialogue.T:OK,Class is over.Goodbye,class!Ss:Bye-bye ,Miss Ma!板书设计:Lesson O Can You Fly?Team Fish cook 烹饪 Can you .? HW:1.Team Monkey act 表演 Yes,I can . 2.Team Bird drive 驾驶 No,I cant. 3.Team Giraffe climb 攀爬教学反思:本节课主要采用情境教学法以突出重点、突破难点,使教学内容形象、易于学生接受。根据三年级学生好说、好动、好玩、好表现、的特点,在教学中设置了一些体验性的活动,并在教学中采用全身肢体反应教学法(TPR),让学生通过自己的感受、体验、实践、参与、运用,完成教学任务,感受成功学习的乐趣,形成积极的学习态度。
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