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New Standard English, Book 8 Module 8Unit 1 Helen Keller Teaching Plan宁夏石嘴山市第十六小学 张小静Teaching materials:New Standard English, Book 8 Module 8 Unit 1 Helen KellerTeaching Objectives:1、Be able to master words: born, child, as, later, drew, draw, letter, herself, world, model The phrase: all over And the key words: could, couldnt 2、Be able to use the patterns “ could, couldnt” to describe ability.Be able to get the method of reading an English story and retell it.3、Lead the Ss to know something about Helen, and to cultivate them to learn from that famous lady.Teaching Important: Master these new words and the phrase. Be able to use the sentences with “could, couldnt”.Teaching difficulties: Retell the story.Teaching aids:Word cards, expression cards, recorder, computer, the CAI, Teaching steps:Step 1: Warming up and preparation:1. Greeting:T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: (Make an introduction.)My name is Sara, You can call me Miss Zhang. Whats your name? How old are you? (Ask one of a student.)2. Lead inT: Can you speak English? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.( Ask more questions like that, such as: T: Can you see? What color is the blackboard?(Ask another one.)Can you see? Can you hear? Can you write?)T: But when you were three years old. As a small child, Could you speak English? Could you speak Chinese? Could you see? Could you hear? Could you write?S: Yes, I could. / No, I couldnt.(设计意图:通过自我介绍,在和学生交流的过程中复习运用“can”的句型描述能力,引导学生对比自己还是婴儿的时候能做的事情,学习运用 “could”句型,为学生创设真实的语言背景和语言素材。)Step 2: Presentation1、Introduce Helen Keller:T: We can see, we can hear and write now, we could see, we could hear, we could speak when we were a small child, but there is a girl, as a small child, she became blind and deaf, she couldnt see and she couldnt hear, when she grown up, she learned to speak、read、and write , she wrote a book, and went all over the world, do you know who she is?S: She is T: Here I have some information about Helen Keller in Chinese, lets have a look! (First, show a photo of Helen Keller on the computer, then show the Chinese information about Helen on the computer, make an introduction about her.)(When Helen was a small child, she was ill, she couldnt see and she couldnt hear, but her teacher Anne Sullivan taught her how to write, how to read and how to speak, after many years, she wrote a book about herself, she was very great, she is a model for blind people and for you and me.)T: Helen couldnt see, she was blind, and she couldnt hear. She was deaf. (板书重点句型,出示新单词blind, deaf)How did Helen learn to speak? Do you know?(The teacher drew letters in Helens hand.)(板书动词drew )(找一名学生闭上眼睛,在其手心里写字母,让学生通过直观的感觉感受Helen 学习“说话”和“写字”的艰难。)T: Is it difficult? Is Helens teacher great? I think Helen is much more greater, she is a model for blind people and for you and me. Do you agree? (出示新单词model)(设计意图:充分运用多媒体设备,以及新标准英语教材的课程资源,运用CD-ROM里面的中文资料引导学生初步认识Helen, 再通过亲自让学生感受Helen老师教其说话学习过程的艰辛,以此为线索,学习新单词,感受Helen的精神,理解Helen为什么是我们所有人的榜样。)2、T: Do you want to know more about our model, that Great lady Helen Keller?Lets listen to the story about Helen, please find “could, couldnt”, and answer this question:Where and when was she born? (出示新单词born)(Play the tape. Ask to listen to the first and second paragraph.)(Check the answer, ask someone answer the questions. She was born in America in 1880.)(设计意图:听录音,初步感知短文大意,以简单的问题作为学生听前任务,让学生在轻松找到语言学习、阅读学习的自信心的同时,引导学生掌握英语短文阅读的方法。)3、Go on listening and read the story, then find out What did she do later?(出示新单词later)(Go on playing the tape, and ask to read)(Later she learned to read, she could also write. She wrote a book about herself. She went all over the world.)(板书重点动词wrote a book about herself, went all over the world. 同时出示新单词,教读)T: How old did she live to be?(Ask to answer.)(She lived to be 87.)(分层次的问题,以及重点单词、短语的板书,为后面学生复述故事大意打好基础,引导学生掌握阅读短文的方法。)4、Listen and answer.Play the tape again, then answer these questions on the big screen.(Play the tape again, and then check the answers.)Step 3: Practice:1、Pair work:T: Do you think that Helen is your model?Lets tell the story to your friends!Here I have some key words on the screen, and they will help you to tell the story. (出示重点词汇、短语等)Lets learn to say.I will try first! (老师示范)老师给各小组发放复述线索单,要求小组成员合作完成填空,即故事的重点内容、短语及句子)T: This time, please work in small group, tell the story to your friend in your group, you can tell the whole story, or tell one sentence.)(各小组组长负责,带领小组成员复述小故事给本组成员听,可以每人一句复述,也可以整段复述,给几分钟准备时间,教师根据情况组织学生进行汇报。)(设计意图:运用黑板上已板书的重点词语及句型,引导学生初步掌握复述英文故事的方法,提前为学生准备好相关重点词语的小组合作单,通过小组合作讲故事,锻炼学生的语言表达能力,提高语言运用的实效性。同时通过对Helen Keller 故事的整体感知,引导学生感悟海伦凯勒勤奋刻苦,不畏艰难的学习精神。)Ask some students to tell the story. (Or tell the story one sentence by one sentence.)Step 4、Homework:Read the story. Tell the story to your friends、your father and your mother.板书设计M
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