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班级: 姓名: 找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词(5分)。( )l. brown A. yellow B. window C. row D. how ( )2. home A. some B. OK C. brother D. come ( )3. her A. sister B. father C. mother D. heard ( )4. study A. you B. yellow C. many D. boy ( )5. knife A. think B. thank C. nine D. English 二.词组互译(10分)1.踢足球_ 2.一双,一对_ 3.动身, 前往_ 4.起床_ from_ about _ front of_ a bike_ of_ about_三.写出下列词的形式(10分)1. friend (形容词)_ (复数)_ (比较级)_ 4. play(单三人称)_ (复数)_ (副词)_7. always(反义词)_ (同音词)_ (名词)_ (复数)_四.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Danny can make that kite _(fly).2. Where _ your mother _ (work) - In a factory.3. His sister and I _ (have) lunch together yesterday.4. Is it time for me _(watch) TV now 5. He likes reading better than _(watch) Tv.6. Would you like _(visit) the Great Wall with me 7. Can you _(play) the computer games8. _ you _ (have) a good time Yes, I did. 9. We _(have) a class meeting tomorrow.10. There are some birds _(sing) in the tree.五.用适当的代词填空(10分)1. Im Tom. _ father likes playing football.2. Joy is a good girl. She often studies hard. _ friends study hard, too.3. Da Ming likes reading . _ favourite book is Harry Potter.4. Our names are Lily and Lucy. _are twins.5. We study in Middle School. _ English teacher is Miss Yang.6. It is a dog. _ name is Cody.7. Tony, where is my bag I cant see _.8. Betty likes Lord of the Rings. Its _ favourite film.9. This is her bag. _(I)is over there.10. I enjoyed _ yesterday.六. .选择题(25分)( ) Whats in the room - There _ a bed, a table and a piano in it.A. is B. are C. have D. has( )2. - _ is he - Hes my brother. A. Who B. Whose C. Which D. How( )3. Tom is _ American boy. He is in China now. A. a B. an C. some D. the( )4. -_do you want to see the lions -Because theyre cute. ( )5. _cold the weather is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a( )6. with his two children often_ the football matches in the stadium. A. watch B. sees C. see D. watches( )7. There is _ food in the fridge. Lets buy some. A. a lot of B. some C. a D. no ( )8. _ is good _ your health. A. Do eye exercise, for exercise, for eye exercises, to eye exercises, to( )9. He enjoys_books.A. read C. reading ( )10. _ Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympics. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Two thousand D. Thousands of ( ) do you write to your friend - Once a week. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How far( )s good at _ the computer. A. using B. use C. uses D. is using ( )13. Is your friend a doctor or a teacher -_. A. Yes. Shes a teacher B. No, shes a doctor C. Hes a secretary D. Hes a doctor( )14. Does Wang Li _ English well A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell( )15. - Happy New Year! - _. A. Yes, Im happy B. Very well, thank you are welcome D. The same to you ( )16. Where is my cat I cant it.A. look B. put C. find D. see( )17. A bus is slower than a plane, it doesnt cost so much.A. but B. then C. or D. so( )18. What _ do you do in winter, JimA. other B. else C. the other D. others( )19. I cant do my homework. Its too hard for me. _ . We can help you. t worry s all right C. Thats right D. Its fun, I think( )20. Li Lei didnt come to school today. What _ to himA. was happened B. happened C. is happened D. happening( )21. The football fans(球迷) yelled _ their team.A. at B. up C. for D. with( )22. Did you have fun today _,we do. ,we dont. C. Yes, we did. D. No, we did( )23. He is _ go home tomorrow. ready to ready for ready to ready for( )24. The plane for Beijing will leave _ fifteen minutes.A. inB. on C. afterD. at( )25. Theres going to _ a sports meeting next week.A. haveB. beC. isD. get七.句型转换(20分)1Its six thirty. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it2. Its Friday tomorrow . (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it tomorrow3. Lily and Lucy like bananas and apples very much.(否定句) Lily and Lucy _ like bananas _ apples very much.4. His brother has some pencils in the box. (改一般疑问句) _ his brother _ any pencils in the box5. He didn
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