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湖北省黄石市第十六中学2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版I. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词(5分)1.A. studying B.standing C.sitting2.A. went B.visit C.visited.3A. modern B.happen C.mountain4.A.mean B.meaning C.experience5.A.stange B.science C.pleasedII.听录音,选择与你所听到的句子相符的选项。(5分)6.A. Dennis didnt leave until his mother arrived. B.Dennis left and his mother arrived. C.Dennis went home until his mother arrived.7A.Anna has no picture but I have one. B.My picture is the same as Annas. C.My picture is different from Annas.8.A.Emlilo doesnt run too fast so we could catch up with him. B.Emilio ran very fast that we couldnt catch up with him. C.Emilio ran fast but we couldnt catch up with him.9.A.I am upset and dont how I should do it. B.I am very happy but I cant do it. C.I am upset and I can do it.10.A.His clothes are different from mine. B.His clothes are nicer than mine. C.My clothes are nicer than his. III.听下面两段长对话,选择正确的答语。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。11.A. To Australia. B.To America. C.To Canada.12.A.She is going to college. B.Because she is going on business. C.She is going to visit her grandparents. 听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。13.A.3 B.4 C.514.A.Mr Brown and his son. B.Mrs Brown and her son. C.Mr Brown and his daugter.15.A.In a school. B.In a company. C.In a bankIV.听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)16.The car accident happened on-. A.Sunday morning. B.Saturday morning. C.Monday afternoon.17.Jim was in a - at that time.A.barber shop B.supermarket C.swimming pool18.Tom was - when the car accident happened.A.having his hair cut B.doing his homework C.doing some shopping19.- people were working in the garden at that time.A.Two B.Four C.Six20.- saw the car accident happen.A.Dave B.Kate C.Benv.听短文,填写所缺单词。 Mrs Jonetelephone number was 3463, and the number of the cinema in her town was-21-, so people of made a-22- and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema. One evening the telephone-23- and Mrs Jone answered it. A -24-man said,”At what time does your-25-film begin?”笔试部分VI. 单选选择(10分)26-I think English is-Japanese.-I dont agree with you.A.less popular than B.the most popular C.so popular as D. as more popular as27.-Li Lei wants to go to the bench with you next week. -_.A. Thats a good idea. B.No,I dont think so. C.Why? D.Hes very friendly.28.-_ -My watch doesnt work.B. Can I help you? B.Whats wrong? C.Whats this? D.How are you?29.-Can I talk with you for a moment, Mr Zhao?-Sure. I have_ time.A.a few B.little C.a little D. few30.If there are_trees, the air in our city will be_cleaner.A.less,more B.more,more C.much,more D.more,much31.The old man lived_, but he didnt feel_.A.alone, alone B. lonely,lonely C.lonely, alone D.alone,lonely32.If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _.A.he will,too B.he won,t,either C.he does,too D.he doesnt, either33.All the students were sweeping the floor_they heard a man_”help”.A.when,shouting B.while,to shout, C.when,to shout D.whlie,shouting34._I was having supper at11;00 last night.-_ Everyone fell asleep then.A.I hope so. B.Youre kidding me. C.How time flies! D.What a pity!35.Can you tell me_yesterday?A.what do they do B.what did they do C.what they did D.what they doVII.完型填空。(10分) I always believed in the UFO, but I didnt see one. My husband( 丈夫 )didnt believe in UFOs before that_36_. Last Friday night, he was driving home_37_work. He drove near a gas station and saw a bright light. It looked _38_ a light. It was below, and it wasnt moving. So he didnt_39_too much about it. He thought maybe it was a street light. So he_40_up further and then the light went off. But a few minutes later, it was on.He stopped the car. He_41_looked around, but saw nothing. After a short while the_42_was on again. He got in the car and drove another two mi les to our house.He sat in the_43_for a few minutes thinking of what he saw. He got out of the car and the moving light went off. Then he looked back, he couldnt_44_it in the sky天空 ). Then he was45it must be a UFO. He went into our house ,and told me about it.36Amorning B.afternoon C.night D.year37.A.before B. then C.of D.after38.A.like B.of C.out D.over39.A.watch B.look C.think D.guess40.A.drove B.ran C.walked D.jumped41.A.got in B.got out C.got off D.got on42.A.noise B.train C.car D.light43.A.a gas station B.car C.bedroom D.office44.A.watch B.hear C.see D.look at45.A.bored B.sure C.interested D.surprisedVIII.阅读理解。 (40分) A We ofter hear that computers are cold and not like people, but many people are comfortable with a computer than another person in daily life. Com
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