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READING AND VOCABULARY(1)Space:the final FrontierPart 11Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July, 1969, people have become accustomed to the idea of space travel. 2Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television , their hearts in their mouths, aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was, and what risks had to be taken. With Armstrongs now famous words : Thats one small step for man , one giant leap for mankind , a dream was achieved. All three astronauts made it safely back to Earth, using a spaceship computer that was much less powerful than the ones used by the average school students today.There were several more journeys into space over the next few years but the single spaceships were very expensive as they could not take off more than once. People were no longer so enthusiastic about a space travel programme that was costing the United States $10 million a day. That was until the arrival of the space shuttle -a spacecraft that could be used for several journeys. The first shuttle flight into space was the Columbia-launched from the Kennedy Space Centre on 12th April,1981. 3The aim of this flight was to test the new shuttle system,to go safely up into orbit and to return to the Earth for a safe landing. It was a success and a little more than a decade after Apollos historic voyage, the Columbia made a safe, controlled, aeroplane-style landing in California. This was the start of a new age of space travel.By the time the Challenger took off in 1986, the world seemed to have lost its fear and wonder at the amazing achievement of people going up into space. But this was going to be a special flight and so millions of people tuned in to witness the take-off on TV. An ordinary teacher, Christa McAuliffe, 37 , who was married with two children, was to be the first civilian in space. She was going to give two fifteen-minute lessons from space. The first was to show the controls of the spacecraft and explain how gravity worked. The second was to describe the aims of the Challenger space programme. Christa hoped to communicate a sense of excitement and create new interest in the space programme.Sadly, she never came back to her classroom again, as the shuttle exploded just over a minute after taking off in Florida and all seven astronauts were killed.The world was in shock-maybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane. But how wrong they were-in one moment excitement and success tumed into fear and disaster. It was the worst space accident ever. As one Russian said at the time , When something like this happens we are neither Russians nor Americans. We are just human beings who have the same feelings.Part 2I can remember that day so clearly, watching the take-off on TV at school. There was an ordinary teacher on the Challenger, and we were all very excited. 5We didnt have much patience waiting for the launch. We had seen the smiling faces of the astronauts waving to the world as they stepped into the shuttle. Then, little more than a minute after take-off, we saw a strange red and orange light in the sky, followed by a cloud of white smoke. The Challenger had exploded in midair and we all started screaming.It happened so quickly and everyone was in a state of shock. Like every schoolboy I had thought that going into space as an astronaut must be the best job in the world. When I heard,a few weeks later,that the bodies of the astronauts and even the teachers lesson plans had been found at the bottom of the ocean,I was not so sure it was worth it at all. 6In spite of all our advanced technology, the world is still only at the very beginning of its voyage into space.太空最后的(未开发)领域第一部分自从尼尔阿姆斯特朗在1969年7月21日首次踏上月球以来,人们对太空旅行这一概念已经非常熟悉。数百万的人们从电视上观看了首次登月,他们的心提到了嗓子眼,因为他们十分清楚这次是多么艰难多么危险,以及要冒多么大的风险。伴随着阿姆斯特朗这句如今已经很有名的话:“这是个人的一小步,但却是整个人类的一大步”,一个梦想终于实现了。3个宇航员顺利返回地球,他们当年使用的计算机远不及现在一个普通学生使用的电脑高级。在接下来的几年里,又有几艘宇宙飞船进入太空,但是单程宇宙飞船非常昂贵,因为它们只能被使用一次。人们对每天要花掉美国1,000万美元的太空旅行计划不再那么热衷了。这种情况一直持续到航天飞机的出现那是一种可以被用来进行几次旅行的航天器。第一架到达太空的航天飞机是“哥伦比亚”号于1981年4月12日发射于肯尼迪航天中心。这次飞行的目的是测试这种新的飞行器系统,看这种飞行器是否能够安全进入轨道、返回地球并且安全着陆。距离“阿波罗11号”历史性的航行仅仅十年多的时间,这次飞行取得了成功,“哥伦比亚”号在控制下以飞机着陆的方式安全地返回了加利福尼亚。这次飞行开辟了太空旅行的新纪元。到1986年“挑战者”号起飞的时候,人们似乎已经沉醉于人类走进太空这一巨大成就而忘记了恐惧,也失去了好奇心。但这将是一次特殊的飞行,因此数百万人打开电视来亲眼目睹这次起飞。一位37岁的普通教师克里斯塔麦奥里菲将要成为第一位进入太空的普通公民,她已经结婚并有两个孩子。她将从太空中上两节15分钟的课。第一节课将展示怎么操纵航天器并且解释重力如何作用。第二节课将描述“挑战者”号太空计划的目的。克里斯塔希望能激起人们的兴奋感并且重新唤起人们对太空旅行计划的兴趣。可悲的是,她再也没有回到她的课堂,因为航天飞机在佛罗里达起飞一分多钟后就爆炸了,7名宇航员全部遇难。全世界都震惊了也许他们原本都认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没有什么危险。但是他们都大错特错了刹那间,兴奋和成功就变成了恐惧和灾难。这是有史以来最为严重的太空事故。正如当时一位俄罗斯人所说:“当这样的事情发生的时候,我们不再有美国人或者俄罗斯人之分。我们都只是有相同感觉的人类。”第二部分我清楚地记得那天在学校通过电视观看“挑战者”号起飞的情景。有位普通的老师在“挑战者”号上,我们都很兴奋。我们迫不及待地等待着它起飞。当宇航员进入航天飞机的时候,我们看见他们满脸笑容地向人们挥手致意。然后,就在起飞一分多钟后,我们看到了空中一道奇怪的橘红色的光,接着就是一团白烟。“挑战者”号在半空爆炸了,我们都开始尖叫起来。事情发生得太突然了,人们惊呆了。和其他男生一样,我本以为当一名宇航员进入太空一定是世界上最好的工作。几个星期后,当我听说那几位宇航员的遗体甚至那位老师的教案在大洋底部被找到的时候,我不再那么肯定这一切是否值得。即使
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