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话题十四热点话题1accident n事故;偶然的事件,意外by accident偶然地2benefit v有益于;有助于;受益n优势;益处拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。benefit from/by从中受益be of benefit tobe beneficial to对有益for ones benefitfor the benefit of sb.为某人的利益3challenge vt.怀疑;挑战n挑战;难题;质疑a challenge to对的挑战challenge sb.to (do) sth.向某人挑战(做)4compete v竞争;比赛compete in.参加的比赛compete with/against与竞争compete for.为角逐5contribute v捐献;是的原因之一;贡献;投稿contribute to有助于;导致;捐献make a contribution/contributions to对做出贡献;捐款6fortune n财富;运气make a fortune发财;致富be fortunate to do sth./in doing sth.在方面运气好7general adj.普通的;大众的;总的;大体的in generalgenerally speaking总的来说; 一般说来8mercy n仁慈;怜悯;宽恕show mercy to sb./have mercy on sb.怜悯某人at the mercy of.任由摆布;受控制Its a mercy that.真是万幸。9possible adj.可能的;可接受的;合理的It is possible for sb.to do sth.某人做某事是可能的It is possible that.可能There is no possibility that.不可能10praise v赞扬;表扬n赞美;赞扬in praise of赞扬11pretend v假装pretend to do/to be doing/to have done假装要/正在/已经做某事12retire v退休;离开;撤退retire from从退休13risk v冒的危险n危险;风险risk sth./doing sth.冒着的危险at risk处于危险之中at the risk of sth./doing sth.冒着的风险take/run the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事14sacrifice vt.牺牲,献出;献祭n牺牲;供奉;祭品sacrifice sth.to do sth.牺牲去做sacrifice for为作出牺牲15serve v提供(食物),端上(饭菜);服役;供职于;服务;用作serve sth.to sb.serve sb.sth.给某人端上某物serve as当作;作为16shelter n住所;藏身之处;庇护;避难所;遮盖物v庇护;躲避shelter.from.保护免于under the shelter of在的庇护下17survive vi.幸存;活下来survive on靠存活下来18trick n诡计;骗局;恶作剧;戏弄v欺骗play a trick/tricks on/upon sb.欺骗某人;捉弄某人trick sb.into sth./into (doing) sth.诱使某人做某事19volunteer n志愿者v自愿做,义务做volunteer to do.自愿做20trouble短语get into trouble陷入麻烦;陷入困境be in trouble有麻烦;碰到困难without trouble毫不费力的,没有麻烦的have trouble with sth./(in) doing.(做)有困难take the trouble to do.不辞劳苦地做.单句语法填空1She has a few thousand dollars put away for her (retire)2Tom risked (lose) his job to help you out of the trouble.3The young man volunteered (stop) the drunken men from fighting.4 general,about 10% of the candidates are eventually offered positions.5He dreamed of making fortune.6We hope your suggestion will contribute to (solve) the problem.7Theres been some fierce (compete) for the title.8Mike found a (challenge) job as a computer programmer.9A stay in the country will be (benefit) to his health.10They came across it accident.11 was a mercy that she wasnt seriously hurt and was waiting until the rescue arrived.12Its just possible I gave them the wrong directions.13He pretended (know) the answer to the problem already.14Trees shelter the house the wind.15It will greatly increase your chances of (survive).根据要求完成句子1他受到了赞扬,因为他冒着生命危险扑灭了大火。(一句多译) 2在失去引擎动力之后,船员们发现自己只能任凭风力摆布了。(mercy)Having lost engine power,the boats crew .3These students are fortunate to have such a good English teacher.(用it作形式主语改写) 4The new regulation will be of benefit to everyone concerned. (用beneficial改写) (用benefit from改写) (用benefit改写)5我们没费吹灰之力就找到了他的办公室。(一句多译) (一)阅读理解How often do you check your phone? According to a study led by Nottingham Trent University in Britain,the average person looks at their phones 86 times a day.Updating their status on social media platforms also made people reach for their electronic companion frequently.Even the participants thought that was a lot: this figure is twice as often as they thought they did.Our phones might be shaping our behavior more than we realize.Do you actually look at your surroun
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