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高效课堂和有效教学模式研究教与学教学设计姓名王磊学校舒兰市青松中心校 研修主题小学英语对话教学设计与有效实施策略研究 -优化对话教学设计培养学生情境口语表达能力授课题目或内容Unit 5 .Dinners ready ! (Part A Lets talk)学 习资 料 题 目出 处加强师资队伍建设 为农村小学英语教学护航 基础教育外语教学研究 2005/07 中国期刊全文数据库教学法与交际法之差异(上、下)胡春洞、张思中,中小学外语教学法,1996 年。对话课之任务型教学法小学英语新课程标准启发感想小学英语课程标准明确指出,小学英语教学主要目的是使学生获得为交际初步运用英语的能力。对话课一般是由一段对话和一个任务型活动组成。其教学目的是:通过课堂教学培养学生说的能力,提高会话技巧,培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力。本课的内容是句型:Whats for dinner? What would you like ( for )?及其答语 I d like some, please.当然,在我们的实际教学中,我们不可能将真实的生活情景搬入课堂,但我们能模拟真实的情景。本课,我创设的是小猪佩奇一家购物做晚餐的真实语言环境,这样有利于学生理解和掌握对话内容。学生是天生的表演“艺术家”。教师为学生创设一定的情境后,鼓励学生扮演情境中某一人物,使其兴致勃勃地进入学习境界,在特定的情境中操练和运用所学对话,从而避免句型操练的单一和枯燥。由此,对话教学在整个学习中显得尤为重要。所以作为一线英语老师,我们不能轻描淡写地对待每单元的对话课,让情景教学在对话教学的路上更长久、更实效吧!教学设计教学设计一、教学目标:1、知识目标:使全体学生认读本课中的新句型:Whats for dinner? What would you like ( for )?及其答语 I d like some, please;并能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。2、能力目标:使大部分学生能够在教师创设的“小猪佩奇一家购物做晚餐”的情境中运用功能句:Whats for dinner? What would you like for dinner ? Id like some, please.并能够在语境中理解新词dinner, soup, vegetables, ready的意思。3.情感目标:(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与,勇于进行实践。(2)通过观看小猪与垃圾桶的对话视频,以及实际生活中学生就餐的光盘行动,倡导学生节约粮食:Dont waste the food!教学重点:使全体学生会读句型:Whats for dinner? What would you like for dinner ? Id like some, please.教学难点:使大部分学生能够运用本课句型在情境中正确交流与应用。教学准备:PPT演示文稿、句子卡片及头饰。二、教学过程:Teaching procedure:Step1: Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Listen to a song: What would you like ?Step2: Revision 1. Present a menu ,to review the words.2. Then ,use the words to practice the sentence: What would you like? Id like some,please.3. Teacher show them a cartoon ,let them listen to the dialogue ,according to the Pigs shopping list to lead the situation.Step3: Presentation1. Show up a picture of a clock ,ask :What time is it ?Ss answer: Its 6 . Then, teacher say: Yeah ,its 6 oclock. Its time for dinner .Lead to read dinner .d-d-dinner 2. Take a picture of George ,he is very hungry(do the action of hungry ,let them understand the meaning.)And present the sentence: Mum , Im hungry .Whats for dinner?3. After that ,mum ask: What would you like ?.Then present the dialogue. For each dialogue ,let them have a practice .4. For the last sentence ,let them look at the picture ,practice the structure.is ready!At last present: Dinners ready!Step4: Practice 1. Show time: Let the Ss take the sign to have a role play.2. According to the dialogue to answer the questions.3. Number the sentences in the right order.4.Do a survey (Follow the example):ask the Ss : A: What would you like for dinner?B: Id like some,please.Step5:Consolidation and extension Teacher show up a video ,let them feel the situation. And then, Let them look at some pictures ,presentDont waste the food!Step6:Home work1.Do a survey to your family ,use the sentence: What would you like for dinner? Id like some and ,please.2.Make a dialogue like the text.(仿写对话)三、板书设计:Blackboard design: Unit Five Dinners ready Whats for dinner? What would you like (for) dinner? Id like some,please.
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