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课堂教学设计课题: Unit2 What time do you go to school ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2014年 月 日年级: 七年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、In this period, mainly by reading , make the students finish 3a. Then according to 3a, ll letthe students write about their own daily routine. At the same time , let them finish the self-check.In教学目标知识与技能1. revise the expression of daily routine 2. can write about their own daily routine.过程与方法Read , number these sentences and write 情感态度价值观Make a plan about daily routine学情分析One /thirds students have poor basement, but most of them can write.教学分析教学重点Revise the expression of time and use in specific things. 教学难点难点复习运用what time和when引导的疑问句询问时间;运用数词表达时间。解决办法Give some numbers and make the students express in English.教学资源Textbook, workbook 板书设计3a-self checkI usually exercise from six fifteen to seven.I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight.Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast.I have lunch at a quarter to twelve.I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.教学过程设计(第 4 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1. Warming- up and revisionStep 2 ReadingStep 3 WritingSelf check 1Self Check 2Homework1. Greet the Ss as usual. 2. Check the homework. 3. Revision 1) Have a dictation of the new words and expressions learned yesterday. 2) Let some Ss read the passage aloud. 1. Tell Ss this is a daily routine of a Jack. Hes a student from Australia. But theyre in wrong numbers. Can you read these sentences and make a story about Jack. 2. 方法指导:首先,应通读全部的句子,掌握每个句子的意思。可知他例举了他一天来在不同的时间点上所做的事情;因此,同学们们可以按时间的先后,对这些活动来进行排序;因为第一句话已给标出,同学们也可以从第一句话开始,顺藤摸瓜,一步一步的将一天的活动串起来。可知第一句话的意思为“我有一个很好健康的生活习惯”,可知接一下来应当是Jack例举他的生活习惯;对比这些时间点可知,第一项应是从起床“get up” 开始。所以第二条应是“I usually get up early at six.”一句。其他的句子按时间的先后,逐步地确定了。3. Check the answers: (2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 1, 8, 9 ) 1. T: Now Jack wants to make friends with you. And he wants to know about your daily routine. Please write your own routine and send an email to him. 2. 写作指导:首先,应在心中将自己日常的一些活动按时间的先后,列一清单。然后,按时间的先后顺序一个事情一个事情的写清楚。最后,再通读一遍自己的短文看有没有错误的地方。 3. Ss make a list first they try to write their own routine. 4. Exchange their routines and check each others answers. 5. Let some Ss read their routines to the class as a model. 1. Please look at the words in the box below. First you should make phrases with the words in the boxes. 2. Make a model for the Ss first. taste good 尝起来味道很美 3. Ss work in groups and try to make phrases correctly. Write down their phrases on a piece of paper. 4. Check the answers with the class. 5. Now use the phrases to complete the sentences. 6. 指导:首先,应认真阅读每句话,根据上下文的意思来确定空格处的意思。然后,综合阅读所有句子,来确定出最佳的答案。7. 学生们根据老师的指导方法,阅读每个句子,并找出最佳的答案。8. Check the answers with the class. 1. Now look at the conversation below. Complete the conversations with questions and answers. Use the words in the brackets to help you. 2. 方法指导: 首先,学生们应通读一遍短文,掌握短文的大体意思(可知是问答每天日常生活时间按排);其次,还要根据句子的主语来确定谓语动词的数。 然后,根据括号中的提示来进行提问或回答。最后,再通读一遍自已编写的对话,看是否通顺恰当。3. Ss work by themselves. Try to make questions and answers with the words in the brackets. 4. Let some pairs read their conversation aloud to the class. 5. Check the answers together. 1. Review the new words and expressions in Section B. 2. Read the conversation in Self check 2. Make a new dialogue about your grandma.Have a dictation of the new words and expressions learned yesterday.Read these sentences.Write their own routine.work in groupsSs work by themselves. Try to make questions and answers with the words in the brackets.巩固所学知识理解意思并排序掌握写作方法检验学生掌握情况教学设计评价
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